Royal Selection VIII: How do I beat him.

His foot touched the ground, eyes glowing red; As Sato unleashed his powers, a powerful red beam shot out from his eyes, illuminating the surroundings with its intense light. The beam was so powerful that it could melt even the toughest of metals.

"You're going to have to try harder than that!" Sanjo, who was in mid-air, saw the attack coming and quickly constructed a shield from his massive black hammer to block it.

The shield crackled and strained under the immense pressure of the beam but held strong, shielding Sanjo from harm.

Sato continued to shoot the beam, trying to overpower Sanjo's shield. Suddenly, Sanjo landed on Sato with incredible force, and the ground beneath them imploded with a loud boom. 

The impact created a massive shockwave that sent debris flying in all directions.