Royal Selection IX: Anticipated Rivalry

Sato's eyes blazed with intense focus as he unleashed a ferocious blast of fire from his right hand. 

The scorching flames licked at the air, casting a warm orange glow that illuminated the battlefield. 

On his left hand, a torrent of ice frost poured forth, freezing the ground and sending shards of ice flying in all directions.

He spun around with dizzying speed, his body moving fluidly as he dodged and weaved through the attackers.

 But despite his best efforts, Daphne managed to slip past his defenses. She quickly wrapped her veil from afar around his hand, extinguishing the flames and leaving his right flank exposed.

"Any time now," Daphne said through gritted teeth, struggling to maintain her hold on Sato.

"Great, keep him there!".

Sanjo saw his opportunity and sprang into action, running in a tight circle as a dark cloud began to form above him.