The story of the Successor VII

After hearing the mysterious voice, Hinako immediately veered around to check what could be making such a terrifying sound.

As soon as she turned, Hinako was shocked by what she saw, standing at a distance was a being dressed in a white godly outfit with no face but white glowing energy formed into a humanoid shape.

All the angels in its vicinity had a dark lengthy figure, linked from the sky and tied around the neck of the angels. Hinako could see that the angels were struggling to move.

"Damm…" Hinako sought to approach the mysterious being but was immediately held down by one of the dark ropes that wrapped Itself around her body. 

"Child, come to me." Observer asserted, standing a few distances behind Ethan.

"No, Ethan! Stay where you are!... Don't-".

Before Hinako could complete her words, the dark energy wrapped Itself around her mouth, causing her to go mute almost instantly.