The story of the Successor VIII

The war took over, angels and dark beings, raging across the battlefield, and sounds of explosions and sword strikes filled the air.

The angels were having the upper hand in terms of power, but the dark ones had the angels beat when it came to numbers. While the war was going on, The Creator turned to the Punisher amid the ongoing battle. 

"Punisher, I need you to do me a favor," She said, her hand resting on Ethan's head.

Ethan felt scared, but he tried to hide it. The angels were powerful, but the dark ones had the upper hand in numbers. Every move the angels made left a bit of fear in his chest, but he didn't want to let his mother know.

Punisher replied, "What do you need me to do? If you're going to ask me to fight Observer, I'll have to…"

"I want you to take Ethan to Earth," The Creator interrupted.