The Sword Hero vs The Elemental Hero

Benihime stood tall with her feet firmly planted on the ground, her grip tight on her sword. 

She focused all her energy and concentration on the massive astro wall that she had summoned. 

The wall grew higher and higher, towering above her and stretching out to both sides of the battlefield, protecting Sato's forces from the deadly fog.

She didn't let up, not even for a moment, as she poured all her magic into maintaining the wall's integrity. Sweat dripped down her face and her arms trembled with the strain of holding the spell for so long, but she didn't falter.

Still on the floor, Yuri's eyes widened in shock as she watched the fog hit the wall with full force, causing the ground to shake beneath her. 

The mist was relentless, trying to seep through any crack or crevice in the wall, but Benihime's spell was holding strong, keeping the deadly fog at bay.