The Sword Hero vs The Elemental Hero II

Himiko spoke with confidence as she maintained her attacking stance, her eyes locked on Shinya.

"You can call this whole thing off if you wanted," She said. "So why? Why are you so hung up on this?".

Shinya's expression remained cold and determined as he replied, "Because I believe that the strong should lead. I offered that fool a way out, and he refused me… he had this coming to him."

Himiko's grip on her sword tightened, and her eyes blazed with fierce determination. "I will never join you, Shinya," She said firmly. "You've gotten corrupted by power, that's a shame".

Shinya's anger was palpable as he yelled at Himiko, "Shut up, you bitch!" With a fierce determination, he launched himself toward her with full speed.

Himiko was ready for him, blocking Shinya's sword attack with her own blade. Their faces were close to one another as they stared each other down, both determined to emerge victorious.