The angel sword Joihurs

With Joihurs in hand, Shinya clashed blades with Himiko, both unleashing their full power without holding back. 

Shinya's swordplay was a sight to behold, his strikes precise and powerful, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake. 

The ground shook as each swing of Joihurs created deep gouges in the earth, and sparks flew as his blade clashed against Himiko's. 

Despite her best efforts to keep up, Himiko was steadily being pushed back by the sheer force of Shinya's attacks. The battle raged on, the air thick with tension as the two warriors fought with all their might.

Himiko retreated with lightning speed as soon as Shinya swung his sword, creating a path of destruction in its wake. She needed to regroup and collect herself, and fast.

Shinya's movements were precise and powerful, every swing of his sword destroying anything that stood in his way. He was clearly not holding back and Himiko knew that she couldn't afford to either.