A one sided fight

Ava stood tall, her sword held in a defensive position as she stood between Himiko and Shinya. The air around them was tense, charged with the remnants of the battle that had just taken place. 

Himiko lay on the ground, gasping for breath as she tried to regain her strength. Shinya glared at Ava with an irritated expression on his face, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword tightly.

The sound of their heavy breathing filled the silence, broken only by the faint rustling of leaves in the wind. Ava stood her ground, her eyes locked onto Shinya's, waiting for him to make his next move.

Shinya's sword crackled with energy as he eyed Ava with a mixture of amusement and hostility. "Who the hell are you?" He demanded.

Standing tall and resolute, Ava met his gaze with a steady one of her own. "I am Ava, the witch of destruction," She replied calmly. "And if you value your life, you'll return to where you came."