Sign the contract...Jira

Sato and Jira sat opposite one another on an exquisitely crafted chair, adorned with intricate carvings and upholstered in regal velvet fabric. The chair, a masterpiece in itself, commanded attention with its majestic presence. A gleaming glass table, reflecting the soft glow of candlelight, separated the two adversaries.

Standing behind Sato, a stoic figure with piercing eyes and an aura of authority, was Yuri. Her keen senses were attuned to every movement, her watchful gaze fixed upon the unfolding event. Divanchi, a formidable presence in her own right, stood by Yuri's side, her expression unreadable, but her resolve evident.

The room was hushed, and the weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air. Jira, though trying to hide it, could not conceal the fear etched upon his face as he finally found his voice. "What... what are you doing here?" he asked, his voice laced with trepidation.