Sign the contract...Jira II

Jira, the cunning and calculating ruler, stood in the opulent throne room, his gaze sharply fixated on the entrance. His eyes darted about, searching for any signs of unexpected company. The room was filled with an air of tension, as if a hidden threat loomed in the shadows.

"I am to believe," Jira spoke, his voice laced with skepticism, "that you did not bring anyone else with you, except for those who stand behind you?" His tone was filled with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, as if he already knew the answer but wanted to test Sato's honesty.

Sato sat comfortably and composed, his presence commanding attention. He met Jira's gaze unwaveringly and replied with a question of his own, his voice laced with confidence, "Why would I need to bring my entire army, Jira? This encounter is meant to be settled between us, face to face".