
Aida knew it was best if she apologized to Kieran and clear up every misunderstanding. She walked up to Kieran. His arms were folded and his fierce gaze wandered about like he was in search of someone or something.

"Excuse me." Aida gently tapped the desk to get his attention. He turned towards her.

Kieran was glaring down at her, his eyes were hostile and she wished the ground would open up and swallow her. She was extremely nervous. She was always one to stand up to people, facing danger head on but here she was cowering in fear.

"What do you want?" Aida was taken aback by the resentment in his voice. She felt his gaze pierce through her soul.

"Hi, My name is—"

"I already know your name." He cut her off sharply. "What do you want?" He asked again staring intently at her.

Aida quickly gathered herself and said. "In case you didn't hear what the course rep said, I'll give you a briefing. You and I are partners and are supposed to work on the project together." She waited for his response but he acted like he hadn't heard what she said or he didn't notice her presence.

Kieran got up, picked up his bag and hung it on one shoulder, and attempted to leave but she stood in his way making sure to keep a safe distance from this raging beast.

"Kieran, I know you probably dislike me because of what happened at the cafe but I'm very sorry for what happened, it was never my intention to spill coffee on you. I wanted to tender my apologies but you left." She explained.

"I don't accept apologies." He retorted in a stern voice. "I am not one to let my offender off the hook easily."

"I don't care, all that matters is that I've apologized. You and I will work on this project whether you like it or not." Her grades were on the line. From her freshman year to her third year, she always won the best student award in her department and faculty, she always had a perfect CGPA. Failing this project would affect her CGPA greatly and she wasn't about to give anybody another reason to taunt her.

Kieran moved in close to her, closing the distance between them. She felt like a small creature in front of her master. He was tall. She raised her eyes to meet his and felt as though she were gazing at a god. How could she have missed how attractive he was? This man staring down at her was a work of art. His shoulder-length, reddish brown hair fell to his shoulders. His jawline was angular, defined, and masculine. His good looks were out of this world. None of the males she has encountered could compare to this one. It makes sense why the girls didn't wait for him to calm down before gushing over him.

After hissing, he turned and left, leaving her alone.

At last, Aida awoke from her daydream. She didn't need a soothsayer to tell her that Kieran wouldn't change his mind; reasoning with him was useless. She had no room for failure with her project. She chose to complain to the course representative and request a new companion.

The course representative was talking with his partner when Aida approached him.

"I'm looking for a new partner, Mike." She made her request known.

Mike glanced up from the book and gazed at her as if she had uttered something repugnant. "The lecturer gave strict instructions on how everyone should be paired up which is according to the initials of their last names."

"But my partner is unwilling to work with me." She retorted.

"I'm sorry Aida, but I can't pair you up with anyone. The only people with K initials are you and Kieran. I suggest you settle whatever understanding between you two." He remarked.

"I've tried, I've apologized but he is being adamant."

"What do you expect me to do? Pair you up with another person? So that the lecturer will give me an F for not obeying her instructions? Aida, as you can see I am busy." He pointed at the book. "Let me be." He said and went back to what he was doing.

What should she do at this point, Aida thought as she inhaled slowly and deeply. She only had one choice left: to get Kieran to work with her. Although she wasn't sure how she would manage it, she had to at least try.

With that, she left the class in search of Kieran.

After minutes of searching for Kieran, She finally found him. He was standing beside the Doryphoros statue that was at the center of the faculty. He was on a phone call. Aida moved closer, making sure to hide behind a pillar.

"Cephus, you little rascal. You said I would find her here but all I see are annoying humans." He hissed in annoyance.

"Who is he looking for?" Aida wondered. She wasn't able to hear what the other person was saying.

"If you don't arrive here in the next five minutes, I'll cause you excruciating pain," Kieran warned, then he ended the call.

"Didn't your parents teach you never to eavesdrop on someone's conversation?"

Aida froze in fear. The pillar was big enough to hide someone who was twice her size. His back was turned towards her yet he was aware of her presence. She could deduce from his tone that he was enraged and she would not be spared his wrath.

With his heightened sense of hearing, He could hear even the slightest noise.

She slowly stepped away from behind the pillar. It was pointless hiding at this point.

"I was not eavesdropping, I just happened to arrive while you were on a phone call." Said Aida trying to keep straight to make her excuse believable.

Kieran cold eyes stared at her giving her chills. Those eyes were that of a man that had killed many and wouldn't hesitate to squish an annoying bug like her. "Being lied to and to be made a fool out of makes me mad with ifry so stop it."

"Kieran, I already apologized to you, please you and I have to work on this project." She quickly changed the topic before he probed her further.

"I've been looking at the award showcase, and I noticed you are the most decorated student. Not bad." He remarked."But it would give me immense pleasure to watch you go from the best student to the second best." A devilish smile tugged at his lips. "I am a busy man and will not be wasting my time on irrelevant matters."

Aida felt the urge to squish this arrogant man's neck. She wondered why he bore this much hatred toward her. She was pretty sure this was their second meeting. Maybe she had offended by in the past and he was back for revenge.