~Damon's POV~
I could sense the fear in him. He pushed himself off the bed standing by the side, a stricken look on his face.
"What are you doing in my room?" He asked instead, ignoring my question.
How am I suppose to answer that, even I don't know what I'm doing here.
I pushed my body up , resting my back on the head board.
A sigh escaped my mouth as I ran my hands through my hair.
"I will be out, okay. I don't even know why I came here" I climbed off the bed ready to leave.
It was dark outside that I'm sure of but I don't want to make him more uneasy than he already is.
"Y-you can stay." He whispered staring at the floor.
I glanced at him not sure if I should stay or not. He stood by the corner looking like a nervous wreck. He kept pinching his fingers.
I sighed sitting down back on the bed. His silence made me uncomfortable.
"Come sit" I patted the bed ushering him closer. He looked scared.
Am I that terrifying?
"I won't eat you up you know" I poked fun at him.
He took slow steps and sat beside me still keeping a distance.
"Where have you been?" He inquired.
My lips pulled up "Missed me?"
He scoffed muttering some words under his breathe.
"It's just strange that you disappeared, without a trace" He explained finally looking at me.
"Did something happen? Are you okay? " Worry passed through his eyes startling me.
He---was worried about me?
'How can I tell you. A lot happen. So much that my heart and head hurts' I thought to myself.
"I'm fine. I was bored of sticking around at one place so I just disappeared for a while" I shrugged not ready to open up.
He hummed nodding his head. His eyes scrutinizing me
"Their is a regrouping pearl organized. Y-you can come if you'd like. We haven't fixed a day yet but it'd be soon before everyone goes on vacation. " He stuttered. His cheeks turned red as he explained.
He definitely was inviting me. My heart skipped at the thought.
"Hm..lets see. I will only come, if you give me a reason to.Why do you want me to come?" My eyes watched him as his widened. He looked uncomfortable with the question as he kept glancing everywhere but my face.
"W-what do you mean. You should come because it's for all our friends. So we could spend sometime together" He mumbled quietly but I could still hear him.
"So...you want to spend time with me?" I teased him raising a brow.
His eyes snapped to my face. He looked red and horrified.
"How did you come up with such a conclusion? I never said that" He pouted looking annoyed.
I just love teasing him.
I shrugged a grin on my face " You didn't get to say it because you were shy. Don't worry,I will come just for you" I winked at him. He blushed and looked away making me chuckle.
"Give me your phone" I demanded stretching forth my hand.
He watched my hand confused.
"How will you tell me the date if you don't have my number?" I raised a brow at him.
An embarrassed look crossed his face as he handed me his phone.
He is always either embarrassed or shy. He's weird but still cute I guess.
I typed in my number and handed his phone back to him.
"What the hell!!!" He cussed a graven stricken look on his face as he stared at his phone.
My eyes sparkled with mischief. I ignored the eyes on me and focused on my nails like they were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
"W--why----h-how----My secret lover!!!!" He yelled.
I winced at how loud he was.
"Do you want to wake up the whole house?"
"Why did you save your number as my secret lover? You're not my secret lover!" He announced.
"Why do you have a problem with it? Do you have a lover that you're worried would see it?" I smirked.
He bite his lips looking disturbed.
"It's just a name, doesn't make it real. That's unless you want me to be your secret lover...." I moved closer towards him a grin on my face.
He leaned backwards.
"Y-you wish" he scoffed and stood up.
I cackled shaking my head. Its so much fun teasing him.
"Let's go " I stood up holding out my hand to him.
"Go where? It's late." He pointed out the window.
"I know. I want to show you something "
"Show me what?" He asked doubtful.
His distrust was clear in his eyes. I would be worried if he had left with me without any question.
"Don't worry I won't kill you. Come one, you'd love it. It's better than staying couped up in this boring room..." I wiggled my brows trying to persuade him.
He started at the room conflicted. He kept chewing on his lips drawing my interest towards his mouth.
"Don't tell me you're scared?" I crossed my arms challenging him while forcing my eyes away from his mouth.
He scoffed and folded his arms "Scared of what? You? No way" He matched my stance glaring at me.
My lips pulled up at his silly effort at mimicking me.
"Then how about I show you what my world looks like. Lan do you want to take a ride with me in my world?" My eyes bore deep into his soul.
I don't know where that came from but it not only alarmed me but him.
That sounded deep than i'd like it to.
It felt like there were so much meaning in those words but I just couldn't understand them or maybe I don't want to.
I shook my head not ready to analyze anything at this point.
"Will you come with me Lan?" I asked stretching forth my hand. My voice oddly emotional.
He bite his lips nodding his head like a toddler.
A smile graced my lips. I wore my boots holding his hand as we both jumped out of his window together.