A humble start...

~ Mc's Pov ~




Slowly opening my eyes, I examined the surrounding area. I was clearly outside... a forest, to be specific.

Given my range of motion and my underdeveloped neck, I can only see above me. Only faintly seeing a rather building close by as well.

'This is strange... was I... abandoned?'




That was the only thing I could think of. No person would leave their child in a random forest, especially at the front of an anonymous building, too...

'A tough start so far, But I could manage... if someone comes. I hope...'

With nothing else to do but wait, since I had no way of moving. So passing the time, I decided to check to see If I had my system or my AI at the moment.

'Hmmm... let's see.

System?... No response...

Administrator?... None again.


With that said, a blue translucent screen appeared before me. Showing me information not really seen on the regular 'gamer' interface...





NAME: Marcus James

AGE: 1 week

BLOODLINE: Human (50%), Player (50%)

Zet-Form: (Locked 0%)

Berserk Meter: (Locked 0/100%)

HP: 5/5 (VIT x 5)

MP/EP: (Locked)

STR: 0 kg (standard for every human is 50kg)

VIT: 1 (standard for every human is 5)

MIN: 24 (standard for every human is 10)

AGI: 0 (standard for every human is 5)

INT: 23 (standard for every human is 10)

LUC: 3 (standard for every human is 1)



Mid-Regeneration lvl-1/10: Your body is capable of mending wounds extremely quickly and it is also capable of regrowing limbs within weeks. (Each level increases efficiency by +10%)

Superior Physique lvl-1/10: Allows the user to last 3 days longer in a peak condition without sustenance and sleep. (Each level adds a +1day to how long you can last)

Limitless Potential lvl-MAX: You have no limits to how strong you may be physically in the future.

Superior Intellect lvl-MAX: Allows the user's intellect to grow endlessly, as well as allowing the users's brain to improve the more it is stimulated/trained. (Effects are both incremental and exponential overtime)

Minor Evolution lvl-1/5: Your body is capable of evolution faster due to your bloodline, only to minor degrees, such as building additional resistance to poison, paralysis, fire, etc...

Semi-Immortality lvl-MAX: Because of your bloodline, you will stop aging when you reach your peak maturity. However, you can still die from hunger, blood loss if fatal enough, powerful diseases and lethal wounds.

Super Human Reflexes lvl-1/10: Reaction speed is 15% faster x AGI stat. Only boost reaction speeds, not raw movement speeds (Each level adds +5% to the multiplier bonus)

PERKS; -Nil-


'This is well done, quite simple, too. Rather weird that I can't level up, but only my skills instead could.'

"As for my AI... What can I do to call it out?




[Yes, host? You called?]

'Oh! that surprised me. Looks like 'guide' was the key word. Noted. Now, time to ask some questions...'

"Um... hello? Guide? Do you have a name, by any chance?"

[No host, but you're able to name me as you wish}

'Okay, let's see here... What name can I give my guide... maybe aurora? No, that seems a bit cliche... Perhaps... Martha? No... too old school... Maybe... Nova... yeah Nova sounds good'

"Okay guide, your name will now be 'Nova'... do you like it?"

[I am a newborn host... my feelings are rather complicated... as of now... but I do not dislike the name]

*+5 INT for naming your guide*

"Oh! Cool. Well, it's nice to meet you nova."

[The pleasure is mine as well host, do you have any problems/inquires regarding your status?]

"Actually, yes... I do. It's about how my transformation works. Does my 'Zet' form have a multiplier like it does in the show and, more importantly... does it have no limitations as well?'

[Well... yes host, although a bit weaker since you are half human instead. Every time a 100% threshold is acquired. A 5% multiplicative increase will be added to your overall boost in power, as well as appearance changes and even mutations... depending on how high your percentage reaches...

Furthermore, your form does not have limits to high it can reach. As in the original series, Jin surpassed his peak '100%'. Then went into the '300%' ranges, based on his potential alone]

'This is awesome news... even though it starts off weak, its growth will be explosive in the later stages... just imagining it was awesome. If I had an overall percentage of like 5000%, which isn't/shouldn't be that hard to get... I could get around a 11-12 times multiplier on top of my overall strength.

But if I got a 10000% increase instead, my multiplier could be in the hundreds! Even that alone is worth it overtime...'




"Thanks for telling me about that nova... but I have another concern..."

[Your welcome host. What is this concern that you have?]

"Well... it's about the 'berserk meter', mind telling me what it's for?"

Truth be told, I already had a guess for what it was for, but I wanted to keep it to myself in case if I was wrong, and I am hoping and praying that I was wrong...

[It is regarding your mental state when transformed. Jin, in the show, had a hard time controlling himself as he got stronger. Such is the case for you, but this can be mitigated or even ignored. IF your MIND/MIN stat has reached certain thresholds]

'And I was unfortunately, right... That is to be expected since I could get really powerful if I didn't have something to tie me down... and it made sense too... I wasn't entirely human to begin with.'

"Thanks nova... as of right now, I need someone to get me. I can't move at all and I am starting to get hungry..."





With 10 minutes passing, I started screaming my eyes out. I needed someone, anyone, to hear me. I don't think god would put me here to die.

Hearing a door opening noise. I couldn't see who it was from my angle until the person came closer.

With the footsteps getting closer, I saw a rather beautiful raven haired woman with a worried expression picking me up gently, with the care of a mother.




"Oh, no... You poor thing... Your parents left you here..."

Looking at her face, she was looking around to see if there was anyone close by, but there wasn't., so she looked back at me again.

Looking at me with a gentlest of smiles, she continued.

"Well, little one... it looks like you are joining the family"




'Family? It looks like this is most likely going to be an orphanage... or an extremely rural family, either way.

It looks like I got a new delicate mother to take care of me in this life.'





