Life at the orphanage...

~ 5 years Later ~

"JIN! Can you come help me in the kitchen?"

"Coming Ma!"

It has been five years of doing basically nothing but helping around the orphanage. The caretaker, which I call 'Ma', is actually named Karen McFee.

She was a gentle soul. The ideal mother type. There were about 13 of us here 5 boys and 8 girls, with others being adopted earlier, leaving an odd amount of us.

I was the youngest currently in the orphanage, while the oldest being 10 years old, which is a girl named Isabelle.

However, to keep it short.

I was the most mature here, which scared Ma at first, especially since I started walking and reading ages 3 months and 3 years old respectively, which was clear since kids didn't learn at the rate I did.

She simply considered me a prodigy regarding academics and learning generally, and trust me, I was...

Everything I learned in my past life was even easier/clearer to me now.

I never truly comprehended what enhanced intellect passive was regarding its potential. It was truly a powerful ability. To the point that I could feel my understanding getting greater as I studied, my 'INT' raised considerably, reaching an astonishing 97 as of now.

I didn't even hold back at all with my learning of this world at all. Everything that took a week for me to remember slowly got greater/longer each time. Till eventually it became picture perfect.

Yes, I eventually strengthened my brain, gaining eidetic memory in the process... It took a couple of months, starting at the tender age of three, to slog my way up, and then it happened.

The only difference currently was my comprehension speed and how clearly I can remember past things.

The one thing I didn't do was training physically. I wanted to wait for my body to reach a safe point in getting training. Even though I wasn't entirely human, I wasn't a saiyan either... I did not want to take the chance, but today is the day I start, since it's my birthday...




"What do you need help with, Ma?"

"Just help me carry these in up to your room, Jin"


Lifting up the bags, I slowly made my way past the children, playing and up to my room. Mother was right behind me.

Arriving shortly, we both placed the grocery bags on the floor.

"Jin, do you mind waiting up here for a little?"

'A bit sudden, but I can do that. I have an idea what she's doing either way'

"Sure Ma"

"Great! It'll be done in a jiffy!"


~ 15 Minutes after ~

"JIN!! You can come down now!" She shouted.

"Coming!" I shouted back.

Opening my door. I made my way downstairs. Hearing no noise from the children, which is off and obvious. I made my way to the dining room.





They shouted, Everyone had party hats and little party items. With a chocolate cake in the middle.

Seeing all of this, I responded in a typical childlike response.

"Wooaahh!! Thanks everyone!"

I said, running to mother, giving her a hug, as well as the children.

It was the typical party setting. Even though it was weird acting like this, I was still happy with my life so far.

So I am skipping this part to the training montage.


After the party. I made my way outside to the forest. Mother trusted me enough to allow that, but not too far.

With my STR, VIT and AGI being the exact same, which was 5, the peak of human limits. This was understandable since Jin in the original could take out multiple adults in the show at the same time, but he was a couple of years older than me now. But that would change soon.

Walking towards a tree, I hit it a little less than half my strength.


Drawing blood from my knuckles. It was painful, but the pain subsided with a notification popping up.

*Pain Resistance lvl 1/10 acquired*

Immediately after, I felt a weird sensation on my knuckles. My regeneration kicking in, healing the wound in less than a second. Leaving it scarless.


'This is peculiar... normally I wouldn't have done something like this, especially without a second thought... I'll ignore it for now...'

'Though... are my emotions weakening?'




Shaking my head, I continually hit the tree numerous times, harder and harder. Notifications were constantly pinging, but I ignored them.

It was as I was falling into a small trance...





With an unknown amount of time passing, I felt my mind slowly become less hazy...

'How long have I been here?' I thought.

Hours must have passed since I came out here. It looked at least past 3. Looking at my fist, which was no longer bloody, rather slightly beaten up. I stared at the tree, seeing it dented with numerous fist marks into it with bark scattered everywhere...

'I did this?... I really need to work on myself now on...' I thought, immediately calling for my status





NAME: Marcus James

AGE: 5 Years

BLOODLINE: Human (50%), Player (50%)

Zet-Form: (Locked 0%)

Berserk Meter: (Locked 0/100%)

HP: 40/40 (VIT x 5) ( 1.2% Per Sec)

MP/EP: (Locked)

STR: 60kg

VIT: 8 (+2 after hitting the trees and +1 from the modifier)

MIN: 28

AGI: 6

INT: 97

LUC: 3



Mid-Regeneration lvl-2/10: Your body is capable of mending wounds extremely quickly and it is also capable of regrowing limbs within weeks. (Each level increases efficiency by +10%)

Superior Physique lvl-1/10: Allows the user to last 3 days longer in a peak condition without sustenance and sleep. (Each level adds a +1day to how long you can last)

Limitless Potential lvl-MAX: You have no limits to how strong you may be physically in the future.

Superior Intellect lvl-MAX: Allows the user's intellect to grow endlessly, as well as allowing the users's brain to improve the more it is stimulated/trained. (Effects are both incremental and exponential overtime)

Minor Evolution lvl-1/5: Your body is capable of evolution faster due to your bloodline, only to minor degrees, such as building additional resistance to poison, paralysis, fire, etc...

Semi-Immortality lvl-MAX: Because of your bloodline, you will stop aging when you reach your peak maturity. However, you can still die from hunger, blood loss if fatal enough, powerful diseases and lethal wounds.

Super Human Reflexes lvl-1/10: Reaction speed is 15% faster x AGI stat. Only boost reaction speeds, not raw movement speeds (Each level adds +5% to the multiplier bonus)

(NEW) Pain Resistance lvl-10/10 MAX: You can now resist absurd amounts of pain, exactly 55% less, and take 5.5% less physical damage (Each level you gain +5% Pain Res and +0.5% damage taken by all physical weapons)

(NEW) Basic Body Conditioning-7/100: After practising physically intensely or undergoing arduous training, you gain +20% more STR, VIT and AGI (Each level adds +2.5% to the bonus in physical stats)

PERKS; -Nil-






'This is interesting... I already maxed my pain resistance and even got the body conditioning passive. Its effects seemed really powerful if trained to the max... I could be sitting at a +250% bonus to my stats with that maxed out.'

'I'm even slightly stronger than the average man now, too...

Still, it's only going to get harder from now on.

Trees were not cutting it after that whole situation, so something harder needs to be acquired, but it isn't possible as yet. Which leaves exercising as my only option...'

After spending so long here, I think it was time to head home. Mother must be a little worried about me...


At least, I got something to max out in the time being... the next step was conditioning my body for the 'Zet' form.

'I hope she won't kill me by the time I get back...'





