Realization and Preparation

'Getting that venom should be top of my priority. If I can somehow synthesize it, I could create some sort of 'Proto-super soldier serum', using the venom as a base and working my way up from there...'

[Host, I can help with speeding up this process. However, to make sure we even make such an item, it would still take around 2-3 years to synthesize completely with no ill/adverse side-effects, and that is while increasing its benefits. Keep in kind that this estimation is with Bruce's help in terms of equipment and resources...]





~Long Term Quest Triggered!~

Description: Successfully create a serum to increase your base human potential! Don't be lazy while doing so. Improve these stats to this level. (You must complete all of this within 5 years)








Rewards: Bloodline Enhancement Pill, 1 x Weapon Creation Card (Must have materials to create)

Penalty: None. You don't get any stronger, and potentially die in the future due to your laziness.

Precaution: Keep in mind that your stat improvements should only be reflected with your 'BASE' stats, not including your modifier bonuses.


[Do you accept host?]

'Hmm...My very first quest. Interesting...'

However, reading the conditions and the rewards. I felt it was worth the grind... even though the conditions were incredibly... difficult. Especially the 'ZET' percentage... that would take at least 3 to 4 years alone... But it wasn't impossible... This would take time, but with Bruce's equipments, It should be doable...

Sighing, I accepted the quest. Next to it is a time showing the countdown...

'Better get to work then, the faster the better...'

[I would recommend you speak to Bruce first about your way of training and the equipment necessary to do so...]

'I know, Nova, thanks for the idea anyway. I need to get certain things quickly, though. The venom is going to be a problem for a little while... convincing Bruce to give me the equipment necessary would help me immensely, but going about it is easier said than done...'

Still, the 50,000% was monstrous... Not even considering my potential stats after this quest... The sheer power boost should be around... 4,632 times increase on top of my base stats... such a boost is simply ridiculous... And the original Jin had a much higher increase in his stats. He most likely had a far higher milestone and exponential modifier, however, his sanity was a consequence of that...

This should help me immensely in the future... Although I won't be that powerful, I can at least be a force to be reckoned with. However, getting a serum is going to take a while... I will need access to the internet, then scour the dark web to find something. After all, nothing on the internet can ever truly get deleted.

'I'll try to ask tomorrow, though. Today has been a little tiring...'

Yawning. I went to sleep for the day. Thinking of how I was going to go about this.


~The Next Day~

Waking up, I got out of my bed, heading to the bathroom to get myself ready. After getting myself ready, I went downstairs.

On my way down the stairs, I saw Alfred on my way. "Good morning, master Jin. Breakfast will be ready soon. You can wait in the kitchen," He said. I responded. "Thank you Alfred, I'll be doing just that". I walked into the dining area. Seeing Richard there again.

"Good morning Richard"

"Good morning!" He said enthusiastically.

'Kids were so adorable'

This was reminding me of the time of my family... The child I couldn't have with my wife. I think I should focus, no need to think about such sentimental things, Jin...

"Where is mister Bruce?"

Hearing the question. Alfred paused for a solid second before responding. "May we speak upstairs, master Jin?"

Looking back at him. I understood what he meant. It seemed like Little Richard didn't know about Bruce being batman, so he wanted to keep it that way...

"Yes... but you should give Richard his share first. I don't think Bruce would mind." I said, smiling. He did so as well, seeing what I was trying to do.

"A marvelous idea, young master Jin! Come, Little Richard, you'll be getting a little more today"

"Jin! Why are you both talking like Alfred and Bruce? That's not fair! I wanna go too!" He said, upset at the prospect, and I could blame him. He's six and curious, and it was especially in his nature to be this way when he's young.

"You can, young Richards, but I am afraid, if you come, you won't be able to get the double special vanilla scoop!" Alfred said with mock shock and sadness in his voice.

His eyes widening. Richard smiled ear to ear. "Okay Alfred! I'll wait" Richard said.

"Good young Richards! Shall we get going then, master Jin?"

Nodding, I got up and followed him.

Entering Bruce's room, he closed the door behind us. Walking next to the piano and entering the code to open the cave.

We didn't exchange words at all; we understood what needed to be done. Bruce must have told Alfred about how intelligent I was, and he's experiencing it himself. I could tell he was analyzing me...

Walking down the stairs, we reached the room. Alfred's face turned a small squirm, but he quickly replaced it with his monotone one. And I could see why...

Bruce had large cuts and bruises around his body... His eyes were black and blue, indicating he had a one-sided Beatdown against someone far above him in physical capabilities. I even squirmed for a bit, but not much...

Why did he want me to come down here when he's looking like this meant that he was up to something, as always...

"Hmm... Like I thought... your reactions aren't normal either... Most kids would be panicking if they saw someone like this, but you're barely fazed." Bruce said, trying his best to ignore his scrutinizing pain.

As I thought, even like this he had something to look out for with me... This man is deadly...

Alfred must have realized too, but chose not to say anything... I realized that something indeed dampened my emotions to a degree. It's most likely my 'player' side. I could obviously still feel/reciprocate love, care, sadness and affection, but the sight of gore didn't bother me much if it wasn't in the sight of some I cared for or should I say, I at would at most pity them...

And that's what I felt at the moment. Pity...

"... I realized that too."

"I forgot to ask yesterday... do you? ARGGG!!!. AHH!!. N-need anything?" Bruce groaned. Alfred then rushed to help him, or was at least trying to.




"...I think you should tend to your wounds first. Then we can talk about what I want..."






