The Talk

After Bruce got patched up by Alfred, we continued our conversation. Long story short, I spoke to him about the various things I needed. He didn't look me in the eye once, but I could still see what he was thinking. However, if he said he could now, it wouldn't make sense. Giving such things to a child like me is dangerous, no matter how intelligent, a child is still a child...

"It won't be happening. I am sorry, Jin. But no manner of convincing will make me change my mind... The only thing I can possibly give you is your own computer, but that's as far as it goes. When you're a little older, I'll think about it."

'god damnit!!! The quest is as good as over now that he's refused. I have no way of getting anything under his watch. The most I can do is formulate a serum of my own, but without the 'venom' Bane used as a guide, its potency will be far weaker."

[At least an attempt was made host, the probability of him accepting in the first place was approximately 0.032%... However, the good thing about this exchange was that he was considering it, even if it was for a second about it, which means that you could potentially ask at a later date...]

'You are right... but I don't think I'll pressure him about this. I will only make myself look even more off-putting for him. There's no real rush. I'll just have to settle for the time being.'

"*Sigh* When is the earliest possible time/age that I can receive the other items?"

He thought, looking at me for a second, they to Alfred.

"...Well... When you are at least 15." He says. With a stony face.

'I couldn't wait that long, even with the other conditions MAYBE getting complete. The quest was as good as done.

'I had even thought of using the 'serum' to speed up the strength of my growth with the enhanced potential I would have, but my plans are soiled now...'

"It's fine... I'll see myself out. Oh, when can I start my physical training?"

"By tonight, I will create a custom schedule for you. The real training starts next month"

With that, Jin left the cave, not wasting anytime. He decided that he would be exercising in his own room for a bit to kill time and get a little stronger.


With Bruce and Alfred alone, the two relaxed. "Sir? did you feel that as well?". "Yeah... I don't think he even realized that he did it earlier... the pressure he was exuding... it was evident determination. I don't think he'll stop. I think... I've let a wolf in sheep's clothing into our home...". "It appears so, sir, I would suggest that you keep on eye on him. He is not a rotten apple... However, it seems as if he knows something we don't." Alfred said, giving his opinion on a boy he met only a day ago.

"I know Alfred... I know.

It's scary to see that a five-year-old is asking about such equipment, and I don't know what he's even testing..."

"Really!? You youngsters these days do the oddest of things! When I was at that tender age, I didn't even know what a colour and a number were! And now this? What's next? An advanced aircraft?" Alfred said, with his quirky tone.

"*Chuckling*... You're right about that one." Bruce stated.

"I should get to making his workout routine... he has a lot of power, but his foundations are clearly lacking. I'd say start with the classic Chinese horse stance, then planks for upper and lower body conditioning"

"Add Hindu squats too sir, they are extremely good for the lower body!" Alfred said, putting in his own opinion.

"Yes, they can work, too. Some meditation time to help strengthen and calm the mind. Push-ups at his level are a waste of time. I'll need to get some heavier weights for testing purposes, and finally, martial arts training."


~ A couple of hours later ~

"five thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, six thousand!"

Jin said, huffing. Heavily. He was doing a set of one finger pushups. His strength rising a bit.



Jin turned towards the door, sweating heavily, without his shirt present.

"Coming!" Jin said, opening the door, seeing Bruce in front of him, with a white paper.

"Here, this is your training regiment... but looking at you now, it seems like you've been doing well without my guidance. By the way, your computer will be here by tomorrow," Bruce said, analyzing Jin.


"Thank you... father, see you tomorrow." Jin said. It's better to start the habit now rather than later, just like his adopted mother, Bruce, was now his father... Being surprised at what Jin said, Bruce didn't say a thing, but nodding and leaving.




'He called me... father...' Bruce didn't know how to really feel... having a child was quite surreal to him, not even Richard called him that... even though he has been here for a bit longer than Jin.

'It's... not a bad feeling, I suppose.'


'This is interesting... all the exercises are perfect for me... Most of them are even for more endurance and balance/stability. He even added meditation too...'

'Meditation... I haven't tried it at all yet... But I doubt it would even work... my body is that of a child, thus my mind tends to roam on things I don't even want to think about... It's vastly inferior to the mind of a teenager or even an adult. So that would have to wait... I can start when I am 10, my mind/brain should be developed enough by then... I hope'

'Nova, cancel the quest. There is no way it's going to get done anymore, I would be fool to think so... Even if I tried anything, and he found out, it would be disastrous. I'll simply have to go at my own pace from now on. I'll create the serum when time allows... But for now, physical conditioning and martial arts are my priority.'

[...Yes host, the quest will be terminated]








