Capture P.2 (FINALE)

"Hurry Alfred, we don't have much time..." Jin said.

He wasn't sure on how bad this version of joker was, but considering bane had an almost complete amp in evilness, he wasn't too sure what this joker was capable, and he didn't want to find out...

"Bruce is in the nearby room, approximately 17 meters from where you are now." Said Alfred.

"Good, thanks Alfred, tell him I'm nearby and here to help... and tell him I might look a little different too"

"...Yes, sir..." Alfred responded, unsure as to what Jin may be talking about...


"Sir... Jin is here to aid you..."

Hearing what Alfred had just said, Bruce widened his eyes.

"WHAT!? Tell him to FALL BACK NOW *Huffing*. He shouldn't be here, Alfred..."


"I know, sir... but he would not falter. I said the same, but the boy is already there... and he left in less than a 20 seconds ago."

'What?... How's that even possible?.. How can jin run 35 mile journey in under a 20 seconds? He'd be well over the 10s of times the speed of sound!'

"Alfred... that's impossible. Jin wasn't nearly as fast as that during the training sessions."

"...I know, master Bruce, but I said nothing of it... He did tell me one thing, however... it's that he might look 'different' than normal..."

(A/N: The MC is 2 times the speed of sound in base, with his ZET form now, being at 10k% he would have a multiplier of 43 times... which makes him approximately 89 times the speed of sound...)

"What?" Bruce said out-loud confused as to what was happening.

'Could this change be related to his new found speed?' Bruce thought, not knowing what to think of his son...


"Alfred, I'll be going to save the hostages and take care of the rest... Tell father to recover while he is there. We can find the joker together later," Jin said.

"Yes, master Jin... be sa-"







-Save the hostages 0/10

-Incapacitate the guards 0/37

-Disarm or get rid of the bombs 0/12

-Find and defeat the joker and Harley Quinn 0/1

REWARDS: depends on how well you do on the tasks.

PENALTY: The hostages will die, the joker will roam free and Bruce will die and Gotham will be in shambles.





Jin heard the ding but could careless. He was going to act now.

Focusing, his perception slowed immensely... The guards who were once moving were like statues. The fire in the vicinity seemed to have stopped its motion completely... Jin relished this overwhelming amount of power, but he couldn't allow it to get to his head.

Jumping down, he landed gracefully. Dashing towards the guards, knocking each one of them out instantly, with strikes to the chin, liver, neck and groin.

'So slow... even slower than snails... now... the hostages'

Jin thought as he finished with the fodders. He turned his attention to the bombs that were planted around the people. He quickly picked up the bombs. One by one he grabbed them, then he ran back to a desolate area to throw them off grid, saving the civilians.

After throwing the last bomb away. Hurrying to cut the ropes of the people before they could even react.

All this playing out within the twinkling of an eye and time to spare... Joker himself hadn't even finished blinking.

And when Jin unfocused. Time started to move normally again.

The hostages saw Jin, but to them they saw a tiny or more accurately a child like figure that had human features with glowing amber slit-like eyes, shining with anger... but before they could say anything, he shouted.





Without a second thought, they grabbed their respective children and ran as far away as possible.


Joker finished blinking, then when he payed close attention to his monitor, realizing that the guards, the bombs and everyone he captured were all free...

It took him a while to process everything, then in the next moment he saw a small figure with horn like proportions yelling for everyone to leave.


"WHAT!? WHO/WHAT IS THIS LITTLE DEVIL! WHAT IS GOING ON?" Joker said, panicking greatly.

This was NOT a part of his plans. To allow the Dark-knight to finally end him tonight, to make the bat-break... to make him fall into utter despair, but this anomaly was ruining everything!

"Where did this 'thing' come from?" Joker said, not knowing what to do now.

As if the creature heard him. Joker saw that the mysterious figure slowly moving his/its head towards the camera... its face darkened by the shadows completely... with only revealing its glowing slit like amber eyes, staring through the lenses like a predator. Dilating and undulating quickly.

Joker had the thought that it was the eyes of someone. No, 'something' that had already caught its prey.

'CURSES!' He shouted in his mind. Shivering slightly...

"We need to leave, NOW! 'Something' is coming for us!" Joker got ready to press his escape button which lead to an underground tunnel he built in case the plan went badly, but he didn't think he would have to use it.

"But sugar, we can't just let however that is leave! We took months to plan this. There has to be something we can do!"

"sHut it HArley! There is nothing we can do. Did you not see the look it gave us? It's coming and I don't think it'll leave us alive when it finds us." Joker screamed back, jumping into the centre of the ring, clicking the button and getting launched underground with Harley.




'Until we meet again bat-man...

Especially that little DEVIL... the next time we meet, it's going to be PERSONAL...





