The visit and natures

Walking towards the door, I saw Barbara standing in awe, which was understandable...

"Are you not going to come inside? Or-" I said, getting cut off.

"I'm coming! Just give me a sec," Barbara responded and said, trying to not be impressed. It was honestly a little adorable.

"Follow me inside. It's just me and Richard and our butler here. Our father left to go to a meeting." I said. But she quickly responded, with another awe on her face. "You both have a butler? That's convenient. Let me guess, you both laze around while he does all the work?" Barabara commented.

"Thats not true, little one, master Jin here does everything for himself. He actually tells me that he doesn't need any assistance, but I can't say the same for master Richard..." Alfred said, murmuring the last bit, but he quickly responded once more since he never introduced himself to the new guest.

"I am terribly sorry for not introducing myself earlier and for sneaking up on you. I am Alfred, little one, and what's your name?" Alfred asked Barabara, who once again has a look of awe.

'That's a hat-trick of awes now...' I thought, chuckling a bit.

"M-m-my name is Barbara Gordon, sir! Pleased to meet you!" She said, stuttering a bit in the beginning and blushing too.

"Alfred quickly responded to her so that she wouldn't feel that much more embarrassed. "Pleased to meet you, young Barabara. Master Richard has spoken a lot about you." Alfred said, but before he realized what he just spilled, I gave him the 'really' face.

A drop of sweat formed on the left side of his face. However, in the next moment, Barbara responded. "Hmmm... that's interesting. Let me guess too, 'she points at me', talks about me a lot too, huh?" She said, with a little smirk.

Alfred pondered a bit before responding. "Not that I remember. He said he made a friend a while ago, but that was it. Jin only speaks about 'other' things with me. Alfred said.

However, Barbara made an angry-pouty face, but said nothing after and returned to normal a little after. She then turned and looked at Alfred.

"Hey! Mister Alfred, where is Richard's room?"

"If you must know, then follow me, little Barabara."

They both head off towards Richard's room. While she headed up the stairs, she turned to me with an angry face before turning back.




'Did I do something bad here? Let's forget it Jin. I still have more training to do. The current situation was perfect.'

Heading towards the training room, I wanted to experiment with my natures or affinities. A little before, Nova said to me that here are a bunch of them, including the four most common ones, such as fire, water, earth and wind, but there were sub elements too, which was darkness, light, sand, magma, metal, mercury and more.

Then you have the 'Anomalies', which are; star, gravity, time and more, which all sounds extremely powerful.

Luckily, since I'm a system user, and as Nova says, I am considered a 'blank slate', which means I could 'theoretically' have all of them if given enough time. But I didn't need all of them, which was why I asked the system which were the most suited for me at the moment, given my fighting style and such.

And I was pleasantly surprised, to be honest. My two most suited natures right-now, we're both the lightning and darkness attributes, which was odd, and theoretically' powerful, especially after the explanation Nova gave me, which went something like this.


"Why lighting? Why not light magic instead of lighting? It seems like a obvious downgrade compared to light."

[No host, light magic may seem stronger, but it isn't, its actually one of the weaker elements in terms of pure attack power, but it is undeniably the fastest, by a large margin, to put it into a better perspective]

[If lightning was a 7 on speed, light would be a 12, and lighting is the second fastest nature by itself. However, if light has an attack rating of 3, lightning would be an 8. With gravity and dark magic being the top of the attack rating, with both being even at 11 and 14 respectively]

[However, although gravity would 4 in speed compared to dark magic which has 3. Dark magic would have the massive edge in pure raw power, and combing both would give you a 'Dark-lighting affinity', with both having the benefits of each other added]

"Interesting... thank you Nova, you really explained a lot. I think I should start working on a way to gain/enhance the affinities, and I have a few ideas in mind..."


That was all there was, but before I could do much, I needed to get my EP up to par. The amount I have now been a bit... shitty. To say the least, but I could work on it. If I do the energy gathering at least twice a day for a year, I should receive massive results, according to my calculations. Enough to be considered basically infinite, compared to the cost of the technique.

'Now... where should I go to test my affinities?'







(A time-skip is going to happen tomorrow, but a short one)