2 years later...

"ZET-THUST!!!" I shouted, the atmosphere shifting around me, as black-purple and red-black lighting surrounded my figure, splitting the clouds up above me easily.

"That was powerful, and I don't even feel the side-effects anymore. All that grueling training paid off splendidly!"

However, my spear that I had didn't survive the onslaught of the strike... But I would create it soon, my future weapon. Materials were given out from quests I had gotten over the 2 years, and if I could get one more alloy, this new weapon of mine would be as good as done.

But that wasn't all, over the years, I had grown considerably in strength, as in, I had grown a little over 7 times stronger across the board in physical stats, which was huge, but it was due to me destroying my body with the 'ZET-THRUST', but it was good progress...

That serum of mine wasn't making much head-way though, but the 'theoretical' aspects were all finished. All I needed was Bane's serum to synthesize it.

The other perk through my training was my affinity. I could confidently say that I mastered both dark and lightning magic with other passives and skills that I had gained throughout my journey. To be honest, it would be easier to show my progress instead...





NAME: Marcus James (Jin Strife)

AGE: 8 Years and 7 months old

BLOODLINE: Human (50%), Player (50%)

ZET-Form: 0/13,286.423% (Next Milestone is 20,000%)

Berserk Meter: 0/100%

HP: 300,621/300,621 (VIT x 12.9 + 8.9 from modifiers) (REG: 2% Per Sec)

MP/EP: 61,888/61,888 (REG: 18.9% Per 5 Sec)

STR: (97.92Tons)> 548.352Tons <(+450.432Tons from modifiers [560%])

VIT: (4162)> 23304 <(+19142 from modifiers)

MIN: 83

AGI: (1690)> 9475 <(+7783 from modifiers)

INT: 189

LUC: 4

Potential: Human(1.1) x Player(1.35) x Passive boosts (3.15) x Hybrid boost (2) = 9.36 x growth rate


Zet-Thust lvl 25/25: Attack; 1750 × physical strength, cooldown; 2.5 seconds, cost; 350 EP per strike

Dark-Lightning Proficiency lvl 100/100: Allows you to manipulate this composite element with utter ease.

Zealot's Zone lvl 25/25: Allows the user to create a cloak of dark lighting that boosts attack, speed and defense up to 16× within your zone, cost 25,345 EP per minute. (Each milestone increases the multiplier, such as lvl's 5, 15 and 25)

Weapon Coating lvl 10/10: Allows the user to coat weapons in their respective element, increasing its damage up to 100% costs 125 EP per second.


Mid-Regeneration lvl-10/10 MAX: Your body is capable of mending wounds extremely quickly and it is also capable of regrowing limbs within weeks. (Each level increases efficiency by +10%)

Superior Physique lvl-10/10: Allows the user to last 12 days longer in a peak condition without sustenance and sleep. (Each level adds a +1day to how long you can last)

Limitless Potential lvl-MAX: You have no limits to how strong you may be physically in the future.

Superior Intellect lvl-MAX: Allows the user's intellect to grow endlessly, as well as allowing the user's brain to improve the more it is stimulated/trained. (Effects are both incremental and exponential overtime)

Minor Evolution lvl-MAX: Your body is capable of evolution faster due to your bloodline, only to minor degrees, such as building additional resistance to poison, paralysis, fire, etc...

Semi-Immortality lvl-5/5MAX: Because of your bloodline, you will stop aging when you reach your peak maturity. However, you can still die from hunger, blood loss if fatal enough, powerful diseases and lethal wounds.

Super Human Reflexes lvl-10/10: Reaction speed is +55% faster on AGI stat. Only boost reaction speeds, not raw movement speeds (Each level adds +5% to the multiplier bonus)

Pain Resistance lvl-10/10 MAX: You can now resist absurd amounts of pain, exactly 55% less, and take 5.5% less physical damage (Each level you gain +5% Pain Res and +0.5% damage taken by all physical weapons)

Advanced-Body Conditioning lvl-100/100: After practicing physically intensely or undergoing arduous training, you gain +360% more STR, VIT and AGI (Each level adds +3.5% to the bonus in physical stats, you keep the old bonus)

Hyper Focus lvl-MAX: When you need to achieve absolute focus, this state will help you achieve it. (Each level increases specificity of how long you want to stay focused for)

Sprinting lvl-MAX: When sprinting, this passive allows you to move +20% faster than normal. (Each level increases movement speed by +4%)

Battle Tactician lvl-5/5: Increases strategical thinking capabilities when in and out of battle by +60%. (Each level adds+10% in how good the tactic is compared to before)

Iron-Bones lvl-10/10: Increases Health modifier and defense from all physical types of damage by 80%. (Each level adds +7.5% to the modifier, you keep the old bonus)

Enhanced Dynamic vision lvl-5/5: Enhances your eyesight by +60%. (Each level adds +10% to the modifier)

Deduction lvl-5/5: Boosts your reasoning and deductive skills by +30%. (Each level adds +5% to bonus)

Perfect Jab lvl-10/10: A basic move honed to near perfection. Gives the user a +50% chance to strike a blow that deals 2.5 times their initial power. (Each level adds +5% to the modifier)*

Supreme Martial Mastery lvl-100/100: You can use martial arts you know +220% more efficiently. (Each level adds +10% to the modifier)

Hand to hand combat lvl-50/50: You can now deal +55% additional damage to opponents when using your fists alone. (Each level adds +1% to the bonus)

Discerning Eyes lvl-10/10: You can pick apart martial arts +110% faster than normal. (Each level adds +10% to the modifier)

Martial Arts Body lvl-10/10: Improves the body's ability to remember martial arts when practiced and enhances physical training gains by +110%. (Each level adds +10% to the modifier)

Superior Dexterity lvl-10/10: Your mind and muscle connection is +160% greater than the norm. (Each level adds +15% to the modifier)

Spear Mastery lvl-100/100: Spear attack damage and striking speed gains an extra +101% boost than normal. (Each level adds +1% to the modifier)

Sneak lvl-10/10: Allows the user to remain hidden and silent +50% more than normal. (Each level adds +5% bonus to the modifier)

Enhanced neural network lvl-10/10: increases the user's processing and reaction speed by +550%. (Each level adds a +50% bonus to the modifier)

Energy manipulation manual-lvl 2/3: teaches the user how to manipulate and create life energy, to increase the user's own natural reserves and control over it by x1.02%. (Keep in mind that reserve increases are non-linear. This method stresses your 'core', the more it is used, which also means it has a rubber-band effect)

Flight-lvl 5/5: Allows the user to fly +60% faster, removes air resistance mostly. (Each level increases the bonus by +10%)

2/??? Wings- lvl MAX: Allows the user to travel up to 300% faster in comparison to running/sprinting speed.

PERKS; -Nil-





Was I slowly getting busted? Yes, I was. Did I earn it by blowing off my arms hundreds of multiple times? Also yes. At the current moment, with my black thrust + zealot zone combined, this combo equaled/= everything other than the top forces on the planet getting utterly obliterated by me, which includes supes, wonder-woman, martian and green fly guy and others... Maybe I was not that strong, at this point, I was sure Clark could level planets by now, probably even large planets easily... But I am getting there.

Said combo, however, could grant me a striking power which was around 28 million tons with each strike... given, that this is without my ZET form activated, which I haven't tested yet... That number would shoot up to the billions if I had it activated, which means that I was incredibly busted, and the great thing is, was that my Zet form doesn't drain my EP at all when I utilized it.

Speaking further about my ZET form, I had gained the wings that Jin had originally, which were awesome looking. However, it was interesting as the passive allows for more than 2 wings, but that was ok with me.

But other than my ridiculous growth in power over ths years, my day-to-day life was going smoothly. Me, Richard and Barbara have decided to skip most grades, thanks to my 'special' tutoring...

We were all in the same class in our final years, which was quite a bit of a doozy with the older kids around us, but we all got by. They were mostly chill, so it worked out well... enough.

The next thing was... well... over the time I spent here, I realized... the women in this universe. They were all... attractive, and even the attractive among the 'regular' ones were drop dead gorgeous. Even Ma was beautiful. Heck, even the guys were all considered attractive. Richard was showing them up badly, with Barbara doing the same.

This weirded me out and still does. Beauty in this verse seems to be similar to that of an anime in a way...

Another thing to consider however was that she was popular... (Not y'all thinking I meant among high-schoolers smh), ridiculously so, since she got a bit more adorable with time, but that was it.

The only difference with me was my height and physique, and even my features becoming a bit more boyish, but that's it, I was an inch taller than Richard now, plus I even got a physique similar to Killua with all the training I did, and it showed...

Other than that, everything was relatively well otherwise. Now... back to swinging my spear until I get an epiphany...


As I continued honing my spear technique, I sensed someone approaching the room I was in.

'Was it Bruce? Or Alfred?' I thought.

As the door opened, Bruce came through it. Realizing this, I simply continued what I was doing.

He stood at the entrance looking towards my direction, saying nothing.

'...It surprises me every time I see it... Jin's physique was what warriors would kill for, every muscle trained for explosive power and speed with perfect proportions, with little to no fat present... it showed the effort he put in his training, even if said training was a bit, suicidal...' Bruce thought. Smirking proudly.

"Why are you suddenly smiling, old man?" I said, chuckling at Bruce. Still swinging my spear.




"Because... you make me proud, Jin..." Bruce responded.

"...I aim to please, pops." I responded, seeing Bruce smile a little wider.

"...I'm serious Jin. You're literally the perfect son any man could ask for... You're incredibly smart, clever, athletic, funny, and an overall good person... I-I'm incredibly proud to have played any role in your life, and to see you grow both mentally and physically... So I thought you deserved a little reward for everything you have done up to this point... plus, I even got a little persuasion from Alfred."

I simply turned to look at Bruce with curiosity at what he said at the end, however it felt strange getting fatherly love from a man younger than me by almost a decade, but it wasn't a bad feeling. But a reward was not expected...

Bruce simply smiled and took out a vial of a thick red liquid.

My eyes widened at what he showed me. "Is... that what I think it is?..." I said.

"It is, but it isn't necessarily the venom you wanted... this one is a bit stronger, at least twice compared to the other... But, I hope it helps..."





