A Whole New Being

Within that same moment in time slowed to a halt. I simply grabbed the vial from his hand and headed towards my room in an instant, but careful enough not to disturb Barbara and Richard, who were in the room opposite to mine.

As time resumed normally, Bruce realized that the vial and I were gone in the blink of an eye...

"Huh... He might even give Barry competition... Oh well, might as well make some lunch." Bruce said, smiling.


'Nova, we have it! We have the vial we need!!'

[I know, but please calm down host, we need to analyse it first. We only made preparations for the serum that Bane used at the time, and as Bruce said, it is twice, if not more powerful, compared to the previous one]

'I know, but I'm extremely excited right now. Bruce just saved us the time and effort of finding bane. But I need to synthesize this thing quickly, use the computer, scan the database and run the necessary scans to check what's different about it, and if it can be used now. Give me the info as you go along.'

As I commanded Nova, she did the rest, running billions if not trillions of simulation in mere moments to see what the serum was capable of...




[Commencing analysis host... running simulations... recalibrating serum formula...




Running diagnostics...




Host... This new venom is approximately 2.74 times more potent than the last, with improvements all round compared to the previous one. Do you want to start the synthesis now or tomorrow? Whichever you choose, it will be complete within 1 hour given the equipment we have now...]

'Hmmm... Do it now, and create another for Bruce... he needs an amp too...' I said, chuckling at the monster I am about to create...

But on the other hand... there was a reason for Bruce not having powers... in any interaction where he did have them, he was basically a deity among the heroes, even if said power was 'weak'...

I just hope I don't regret this or it ends up biting me in the ass in the future...





~ 2 hours later in the Batcave~

"I don't know Jin... I'm not so sure about this... You haven't even tested this thing yet..." Bruce said, unsure about my proposal, and I didn't wrong him. "I know, but you need to trust me here, it gives you a far higher chance of survival here, and you would still be human, just superior..." I said, trying to convince Bruce that this was a good option, not only would he remove his 'limitations', it would allow him to grow in strength once again.

In a thinking pose, Bruce simply looked at me pensively... I knew the real Bruce Wayne wouldn't do something like this even if he could at anytime... But I hope he thinks this through...

I even gave him the puppy dog eyes, to increase my chances.

He looked at me, with his eyes twitching..."*sighs*...Okay! Give it to me. I trust you enough to believe that this would help."

This confirmed that puppy eyes can solo your favorite verse. "Thank you, father... you won't regret this... just remove the lid and inject it into your arm. That should do the trick. We can both do it at the same time if you want..."

He nodded, and we both prepped and injected it into our arms...




[I did not mention this prior host... but this serum is basically remodeling you in every aspect... expect this process to be VERY painful..]




'Oh SH-'

Before I could say anything, I was hit was a massive headache, which instantly dropped me to my knees. I then saw Bruce spasming on the floor continuously, his body oozing a black liquid.

Before I could do anything more, I felt my mind slip away; the pain messaging my body continuously...






~ An unknown amount of time later ~

'What the... what... happened?...' I asked.

My vision was blurry, yet I felt incredible, but I didn't feel stronger... but invigorated with something else...

"Jin! You're finally awake, thank goodness!"

I heard the voice. It was Bruce...

"Alfred! Richard! Jin is awake!" Bruce said.

The two men came rushing into the room.




[This was... unexpected host... the process went extremely well]

Hearing Nova's voice in my head, I simply halted my perception so that I could speak to her.

'Nova... please warn me when something like this is going to happen... That was NOT pleasant in the slightest, also. Inform me of the changes that occurred within my body. While I was unconscious' I said to her. I was irate, but I let it slide for now...

[Well host, you have received three new perks as well as a race upgrade! However, this type of race does not have a name since it is the first of its kind... do you wish to name it, then proceed onward?]

I listened to her, finding it to be a bit of a waste of time... but I decided why not? It's cool having to create and name my own race.




'hmmm Meta?... No, seems to cringe... how about superior human?... No, not that either... it sounds too narcissistic... what about 'Proto-human' yes... call it that Nova'

[...Yes host, new race 'Proto-human' is created... do you wish to hear about what you gained from the serum?]

'Yes. I want the details too...' I said, eager to know everything.

[Well host, you should know that the serum would be akin to the spider bite that peter parker received when becoming spiderman... but to a bit of a higher level. I am not sure what you might gain physically in the future, but as of the moment, your skin has become a bit lighter, akin to the original Jin, and softer too...]

'Wait a minute Nova... are you saying that the serum completely remodeled me? It wasn't outside our expectations, but it's fine. Continue...'

[Yes. You have received passives that go along with your new body. Such as;

Enhanced comprehension-lvl MAX: This boosts your comprehension rate up to 4x greater than normal, whether it be mental or physical (martial arts or moves in general).

Proto-superior Physique-lvl MAX: Allows you to survive without sustenance in peak condition for up to several months.

Tungsten Bones-lvl 10/10: Increases the hardness of your bones and improves your health modifier significantly by +25%. (Each level adds +25% to the modifier)

You also have increased your 'human' potential by up to 12.3 times compared to before, which was out of my calculations... the most I expected was 6-8 times, which I hypothesize the increase to be caused by your zet bloodline being present... That is all Host...]




I was flabbergasted... Training would be boosted significantly; it was almost hard to imagine... My potential is now incredible, and now I can learn 4 x faster on top of that! What on earth could go wrong?

After receiving the news, I Allowed time to flow normally, Bruce hugged me instantly. Now, with my mind cleared, I realized the changes that happened to him physically. He was about 2 inches taller, and his skin became more pristine too.

'Definitely xian-xia vibes...' I thought.





