A Whole Month

With everybody gathered around me, it made me feel wanted, but they hugged me as if I was out for a week, and I prayed that wasn't the case... However these moments were the ones I like to relish, but I need to continue on. Barbara must have left already, so it should have been an hour or two at most since I've been out of it. At least I think so.

"Guys, enough! I get it. You love me. I love you, now I need to prepare for school tomorrow. The project is due." I said, trying to get the bigots off me.

But they all turned to me like I was crazy, essentially, a look of pity.

"...Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Bruce nodded to Alfred, and Richard simply starred on, saying nothing but looking down.

Bruce readied himself to break the news to me, "...Jin... you were in a coma for an entire month. I got up a week after we injected that vial into our system... We thought you would never wake up again..."


I simply looked at Bruce as if he was joking. An entire month for a minor metamorphosis? Not even peter took that long, and his change was arguably larger than mine!

"Wait a minute here... You're telling me that I've been out cold and in a coma for an entire month..."

I sighed to myself. But I immediately halted my perception of time once more to converse with Nova.


"Nova... Explain what happened...I am sure you said it would only last for a day at most and an hour at least..." I said with venom.

[Y-Yes host... I may have lied to you about the time it would take... since you most likely would have chosen a later date to use it, but I felt that would be a waste of time. But, please take note that the process was initially estimated to be within a week and three days at least. But your body wasn't as adaptable as I gave it credit for... Please don't stay mad at me...]

Hearing what she said, I calmed down, but I was still pissed she did something like this without telling me. This could be a good and a bad thing, and I have to nip it in the bud now...

'Nova, when we are doing things like this again, I need to have your absolute honesty... or else I can't trust you. Do you understand?'

[Yes... host, I understand...]

It seems as if she was becoming more intelligent as the days go buy... I just hope she doesn't turn bad or anything...

'Good, we have to speak about certain things later, but right now, give me an update on my potential at the moment.'

[Yes host... your current potential would be... Potential: Proto-Human(13.53) x Player(1.50) x Passive boosts (3.15) x Hybrid boost (2) = 127.8. Which means you can grow up to a little over 13.6x faster than before]

This new increase was astronomical. Now I could get a solid level of power in this world without much to worry about, but something is strange... My 'player' bloodline boost increased. It was 1.35 prior, but now it was a 1.5x boost... that was interesting. Maybe bloodlines in my system operate realistically as well...

[I am sure you realized it too host. Your bloodline is different... even though the increase was small... this is out of my calculations as well... when one bloodline receives a boost in potency, it shouldn't affect the other... but this is interesting.]

'What interests me most here is that you don't have the definite answer... weren't guides omniscient when it came to this sort of thing? It baffles me... You should have the knowledge to make accurate estimations... Nova... could it be that?..'

[Yes host... I am not omniscient like most other guides. My lord made me like this to make things interesting... My capabilities grow as your intelligence grows and anything that I am capable of, you are capable of, too. However, in his case, you can think of me as an-]

'Sentient AI... and let me guess. You are simply me that has far greater processing capabilities, like a man and machine... but you have your own consciousness yet no physical body. Attaching yourself to the knowledge I hold...'

[...Yes, host, you are correct]

This was quite the news, but I picked up on it earlier, which was the reason I wast too surprised when she told me.

Though it still irritated me that the current me could achieve what I have now in a mere 2 months... it was truly busted how potential worked...


With everything getting sorted out, and things going back somewhat normal, my day-to-day life has changed a little.

During 2 weeks of practising, previously, it would take me days to master new martial art techniques, but now it could be done in mere hours. However, that wasn't the only thing that was changing. My appearance was once again changing, too.

Barbara (strangely), was the first once to realize some of the changes that I had gone through.

She said that my eyes had a faint glow to them (I might be getting the Głowy eyes of S.OL.D.I.E.R.S/cloud) with the blue looking a tad bit lighter, but not too much, as in, if you were far away you wouldn't notice, but within a certain distance you could spot the difference, even if it was faint.

She even complimented me on my skin now, saying it was even smoother than hers and my hair being a bit shinier, but nothing concerning my facial features. Richard said the same thing, but he seemed a bit grumpy after our conversation.

My height also gained another inch, bringing me to an honest and even 4,1 feet tall. Fairly tall for the average 8-year-old child, which was around 114 cm.

My training was going smoothly. I was already showing amazing results now. Bruce now seemed to have surpassed human limitation entirely, especially after training with me for the weeks we had together, even if it took convincing to do...

The vial he took, to my surprise, released his 'limiter', but not to my degree. He would have his limits, but each limit he would have to break. He would need to push himself to the point of almost dying to cross it before he hits the other.

How do I know this? Nova. She didn't make Bruce dose like mine. It was apparently 1/4rth of the amount I had received. She said that if he took even a bit more, he would be dead...

Which I didn't scold her much for... this made it so that 'Bruce is what ideal humans should be' message, would still come across as a fact, the man who has to strive to push past his limits, but this time he theoretically had to work his absolute butt off to get past his them...






