A different point of view

~ At the back of the highschool~

"You guys are still pestering me about that whole thing? It won't happen again. It's been six entire months now..." I said to both Richard and Barbara. I was 9, and they were 10, respectively.

"Jin, we can never get over something like that... You almost died." Barbara stated solemnly.

"Yeah dude... you're taking it way too lightly. We were worried to death for you, heck! Barbara here came to the mansion every other day to see you for at least an hour." Richard stated with slight anger.

My eyes widened a little, picking up on the slight aggression, but chose to let it slide... and I looked over at Barbera. Wincing, a bit in my mind.

This was news to me... she didn't let off that much care when we talk... but she has gotten closer to me since then, but not by much...

Sighing openly, I wished they weren't so smart for their age... unfortunately, the more intelligent you are, the more you can understand things compared to other people, which is a given... But they were only 10 and I was 39 mentally. Even if my mind tends to be childish because of my body. They were showing more mental maturity than teenagers. Hell, maybe very few adults.

"I know, ok... you were both worried to death because of me, but talking about it every other month won't change the past." I said calmly.

But to my surprise, the next set of events shocked me...

Richard glared at me for a second. Gritting his teeth. In the next moment he walked u to me, grabbing my collar, lifting me off my sitting position.

"You know Jin... I tried holding it back... But that nonchalance of yours PISSES me off... NOTHING. MOVES YOU! DONT YOU SEE HOW MUCH SHE CARES? WHICH GIRL DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT'S HER AGE WOULD DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!!!

I simply looked at him with mild surprise.

'...Fuck me...' I thought.

"... I am sorry Barbara... but this isn't the way Richard... Going over something like this will change nothing... It already happened. Be thankful I am alive and even better than before.

Richard looked at me with his teeth still clenched. He let me go, throwing a punch at me.

'Of course the situation evolved into this... he's as rash as he was in the show...'

In the next moment, I dodged his strike. I realized that it had enough force to down a grown man.

'Bruce was not taking training easy on him...' I thought. He was way stronger than he was when it was during his 12-15 days...

"Stop, Richard, this isn't the way..." I said to him, trying to appease the situation


He threw another left, even stronger than the one before.


He shouted, kicking to my right with his left leg. I simply dodged it.

'If I let him hit me, he would just end up injuring himself... Oh!... I could do that...' I thought

Still, if I was an ordinary human, I would be downed by now... Barbara stood motionless, since the both of us were moving at speeds faster than most peak humans...

But I needed to end this...

I waited for another strike from Richard, but as his punch was about to land, I used Kaku-Kaiohs technique 'shaoli' to become like air... But with someone on his level, he would realize that something was wrong after this was over.


With his fist planted on my right cheek, the school bell rang. However, Babara finally reacted to us, seeing Richard's fist in my face. With his teeth still clenched, he removed it quickly, putting the hand into his pocket, walking away.

I simply looked towards her, her face showing visible confusion as to what just happened.

"We... need to get to class... I am truly sorry Barbara... for being so oblivious..." I said, walking away to our next class.


~ Richard's Pov ~

Richard walked, feeling his fist, seemingly unsatisfied.

"That bastard did something... I feel as if I've hit absolutely nothing..."

'Is that what father meant by not fighting/sparring with Jin? Is this why he never showed his sparring session with him? Could he simply be... THAT, powerful?'

These questions ran through his mind, making him even more upset.

'Crap...Barbara... why did you have to go and fall for someone like him... he's basically a walking cheat...'


~ Jin's Pove ~

Over the course of the months that passed after me and Richard's relationship, it was never the same... We didn't hang out as much as we used to.

Every time I initiated a conversation, he kept it short or looked/glared at me while walking away. I felt shitty, not even knowing why, especially because he was basically a little brother to me... But as long as he was ok, I didn't really care, even if he was distant.

The same could be said for Barbara. She stopped talking with me much, but never to the level of Richard, however she hung out more with him rather than we all used to do, so I let them be. I couldn't force them, nor did I want to... Maybe this development was for the best...

'Maybe I inherited Jin and cloud's bad luck with others... maybe more of Jin.' I chuckled at my thought.

As more time passed, I could train even harder and more frequently. I had no one to really talk/converse with to other than myself. So with those conditions, my strength soared to new, ridiculous heights each month that was passing, which was a year now. I could even attempt meditation at the moment without my childish thoughts hindering my progress.

This in turn had vast effect on my control with my zet half. My mind was sharper, my thoughts became less chaotic as my level with it went up, I felt more humane when I learned it... As even more time passed; I gained other abilities and maxing out said abilities and others.

During this process, I left my old school; I arranged with Bruce to let me live alone, in which he agreed. Richard was saddened, but he steeled his heart. Barbara eventually got the news, in which I heard later, did not go too well...

Since the college was Stanford, it was ways away from the city. I could be myself to focus on establishing a solid place on earth. Leaving relationships with attempts to gain new ones... Bruce bought a sub-urban home for me which was decent sized and nice. It looked similar to the old Jins apartment, just in far better shape...

With that, my life was heading forwards in this new world. I just hope it won't get bumpy on the way...






