6 years later...

"Jin! Come on. Let's go party!" A man asked.

Initially sitting, Jin stood up, revealing his built stature, "Sorry guys, partying isn't for me. Maybe ask Channell? She's always up for it." Jin responded.

The male friends looked at him disheartened. But what could they do? "Okay man, you do you. We'll see you tomorrow."

With that, the group of friends left the scene, leaving Jin to continue whatever he was doing.

'6 years, huh... I wonder how Bruce and the others are doing...' Jin thought, reminiscing the past.


~Jin's Pov~

It really had been 6 years, and I haven't even called them once... I feel like shit, but it was for the best. I operate better when alone, and that mindset and life, hasn't betrayed me.

My life in the city had been great, excellent even. I aced college with utter ease and did my masters and PHDs as well. I soon got a job in metropolis. The company I work for found my resume appealing. Who wouldn't? I aced all my courses. Earning a lot of cash, ranking over just about 450k a year. That's what one would earn working for Lex Luthor as a head researcher.

Yeah, I worked for him. Better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I helped develop certain things that jumped humanity ahead a couple of years, such as higher tech devices and quality of life items, but I didn't create too much that he would catch on and abuse the knowledge I had.

I also did some mild hunting in the night over the time I had here, to help keep the city free of criminals, but this was after around 3 years of training, and the strength I accumulated/gained was astronomical, I still couldn't compare to the likes of the heavy hitters in the verse, but I believe/estimated I could hold my own well in my at my current full power, given canon information that is.

You might be wondering.

'How can you train without the resources that Bruce could provide?'

Luckily, my dimension was granted to me on a mission 2 years ago and it was called 'sub-space'. I could do anything in there, literally. It was my playground. I could conjure up weights to be heavier than the last, sort of how Baki did his image training, but my effects were actually 'real', in a sense.

Then, after doing on and off vigilante work, I made a name for myself... or a lack there off... coons had no name for me; I stayed quiet and was considered an enigma for criminals... It was hilarious we they were on the news not knowing what to say when they were facing trials... good times...

Concerning my appearance, at the moment, I was 17 years old, standing around 186 cm. Surpassing my max height by a mere 1 cm. I am sure that the vial I took many years ago was the cause of it. It was going to cause changes in my body, so I hoped it wouldn't be too big of a change.

Other than that. I was currently single, I still found myself being unable to move on from my wife... really hard... but to be fair, it wasn't like I gave dating a chance. When one looks as good as me, they would come to find that dating isn't an issue.

I looked almost identical to the original Jin with blue eyes and angular features from my Cloud side, so I didn't have issue there, it was rather the opposite... I even wore the same get-up in wore in the original and it looked surprisingly clean...

I still lived in the apartment that Bruce got me.

But with so much money, and nothing to really spend it on. I offered to help the homeless around the area, these homeless people were the byproducts and aftermath of criminal attacks, and without much they could do legally, they didn't have much options, so they stayed at the suburbs and formed group of around 63 people... which was a lot. To help them out, I created a building/shelter for them to rest, so that they could stay since they couldn't go anywhere else.

So at the moment, I was happy with my life; it didn't really have much meaning, but it was decent... well... maybe helping others is meaning enough...


~ 3:00 PM After work ~

"Come on everyone! We have more to spare!" Jin shouted.

"Were coming kiddo, no need to rush our old bones." An elder said.

"Yeah! we're already worn as it is!" Another elder said.

"*chuckling* come on, we don't have all day. Sasha! Sorry to disturb you, but could you get me another set of plates and cups? I'm running out on my side." Jin said.

"I'll be right there!" said the woman.

Her was name Sasha. She was a 21-year-old contract helper. She stood around 5 feet 6 inches tall, with black hair, and was beautiful, kind, and fairly intelligent. The perfect wife for any man willing to settle down.


~ The homeless' Pov ~

"You know... I feel useless depending on a kid who's 17... It's not right that we do nothing in return for him... and it hurts..." said the man.

"Yer' righ', the kid is far more mature than people his age, and even us... to be taking care of people like us, that takes heart... somethin' that's rare to come by..." responded an older man.

"Then why don't we do something? It can't be hard to earn a quick buck somewhere and buy the kid something. Besides. To my knowledge, he lives in that house alone." Responded another man.

The other looked at the man, but couldn't disagree with his logic, but it was something would be very hard to do...

"Collin, I really want to. I truly do. But we don't even know his birthday, the kid doesn't share that much with us, even if it has been a year, he keeps to himself. A true lone wolf." Said the elder, thinking about what to do.

"Alright, but I ain't givin' up. The kid deserves at least something! And it doesn't sit with me as a man to keep leeching off of him. We attack in a week. We have to come up with something by then!





As the hours go by, both Sarah and Jin finished serving the homeless folks around and telling them goodbye...

At the moment, they were both packing up

"Haa~ I'm really tired..." Said Sarah, exhausted at the work she did today.

Jin simply smiled, impressed with the younger woman's effort.

"Well... you can come to my place if you want to relax. I don't have company at home anyway." Jin said, smiling.

"Really!? Thanks Jin. I'm going to go buy a couple of beers. I'll be right back!" Sarah responded excitedly, yet surprised.

'I never thought I would see the day of going to his home...' Sarah thought, walking briskly.

Jin hadn't had company for the time he had been here. He was always by himself, relaxing and thinking about the future and what it held for an anomaly like him...

Walking towards his home, Jin walked the stairs, entering his apartment, proud of what he had inside. It was a neatly decorated, decent sized one story flat.

His living room consisted of a large couch, hardwood glass centered table. two plants at the entrance as well as an 80 inch flat screen T.V. He went straight ahead, turning left, heading to his to his kitchen.

He entered, washing his hands immediately. He went to the fridge, grabbing the ingredients to cook...

'I wonder what she would like... home-style sushi? Or spaghetti? Or perhaps maybe an omelet... Ill just go with all three. It should take an hour to prepare.' Jin thought.

Getting ready, jin cut his onions with grace of an expert chef. He cut the tomatoes, lettuce, and a bit of cheese. He grabbed the noodles threw them into the pot to boil, getting ready to mash the meat.

He did all of this within a minute. He lived by himself for a good chunk of his life, and didn't really know how to cook in his last, other than the very basic of basic meals. But he rectified this so that he would know his way around the kitchen.


'It looks like she is here...' Jin thought. putting the lid over the pot.

"Coming!" He shouted.

He opened the door to see Sarah smiling, and also holding a half a dozen cold beer cans...

'It seems she's a heavy drinker...' Jin thought, knowing tonight might be a bit long...





