An awkward situation

~ 3RD Person Pov ~

Jin opened the door, welcoming Sarah inside. He saw the beer cans in her hands, with a drop of sweat forming on his face.

"Come in, don't be shy." Jin said gently.

Sarah blushed a bit. She quickly took off her shoes at the entrance, but immediately after this, her nose was graced with a magic like aroma. But she decided it's best not to say anything about it now...

"Thanks again for inviting me, Jin." Sarah responded.

Stepping in, she waited for Jin to close the entrance behind her. Now paying attention. She looked around, finding his house extremely neat and homely...

"You can sit on the couch. The food will be ready in about half an hour." Jin said, hurrying back to the kitchen.

Nodding, Sarah quickly made her way to the couch, waiting patiently for Jin to come back.

'I never expected his home to be so, 'put together'... and it smells great too...' Sarah thought. Placing her beers on the table.

While she was doing that, Jin was preparing everything quickly, placing the rest of the ingredients in a pot and baking some. However, this didn't go unnoticed by Sarah. On the contrary, her mouth was watering sub-consciously.

'Whatever Jin is making smells delicious. It smells better than any restaurant food I've come across... Does he cook things like this every day?' Sarah thought. She smelled onions, garlic, seasonings and other things being cooked with utter perfection.

"Sorry for taking so long, Sarah. I hope you're hungry though, cause I make a killer spaghetti." Jin came out of the kitchen, now preparing to remove his jacket, with leaving only a fitting black undershirt.

"I hope you don't mind... It was getting a little hot." Jin said.

'Oh~ I bet it was... WAIT! Urghhh come ON Sarah. Get it together!... I knew he was fit... but I can see the muscles literally popping out of his shirt... How can he be 𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙎 muscular and lean at the same time?... Maybe getting invited wasn't such a good idea...' Sarah thought.

Jin simply put his jacket on the nearby rack, then gathering his hair and putting it in a ponytail. Sitting himself a little way away from her.

While Sarah took her beer and drank some quickly, trying her best to drown out the emotions that she was feeling at the moment.



"So... How was today? Other than being tired?" Jin asked, trying to get a conversation started.

"It was... so-so. The day was long... but fun. I enjoy helping people, so it was good." Sarah said smiling.

Jin smiled too, glad she was feeling that way.

"I'm glad you feel that way Sarah... thank you for being here for this long... Seriously, these people couldn't make it without your help as well." Jin said.

"It's no problem Jin..." she said, slowly turning away from him.

Jin realized this, hoping nothing was on his face, because that would be a bit embarrassing.

"You ok Sarah? you seem troubled." Jin asked.

'I'm sorry I can't look you straight in the face Jin... I have my reasons...' Sarah thought.

"No, I'm fine. I just thought about the play I have to do soon..." Sarah responded.




After a bit of small talk, dinner was eventually finished, so Jin left to get it.

With him coming back, with a tray of spaghetti, lettuce and other dishes.

Sarah simply drank her third beer, with her mind set on the food at the moment... specifically what was left of it that is.

Jin realized that the lady he invited might have weak tolerance. She was already showing signs of dizziness, as well as her speech being delayed. A part of him wanted to drive her home and call it a night, but another part of him liked how cute she looked at the moment while drunk. Teasing her would be hilarious later on.

"I think you should take it easy on the beer. You sound tipsy already." Jin said, smiling at how flushed she looked.

"I'm fine Jin... And I'm 𝙉𝙊𝙏 tipsy either... maybe I am... but I'm good, trust me." Sarah said. She was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol getting to her.

'Maybe I should just stop her. Getting drunk would be bad... and I am not good when I'm drunk...' Sarah thought.

'Why not?... it's not like Jin would do anything to me...' She thought.

She finished her third beer and already opened her fourth. Drinking away and indulging in the food before her.

"You know Jin... you cook really well... I'm jealous to be honest with you. You make five-star restaurants look 1 star in quality, and that's putting it lightly..." Sarah uttered.

Jin smiled at the compliment, then responded. "Thanks Sarah, I live alone so I have to make the most of it... though I think you should stop drinking... You're on mild drunk levels..." Jin said to her, hoping she would quiet while even a tiny bit of soberness left.

But in the next moment, she rushed towards Jin, pushing him onto the sofa, her face inches away from his. Looking him in the eyes with her face flushed.

"I can't stand it... why do you have to be this good looking? You can cook, you have a high-paying job, you work at Lex enterprises and your ridiculously kind and super fit... Things like that are critical hit for girls, and you're too dense to notice love when it's happening right in front of you..." Sarah said, clearly her sober self was dissipating, this was her drunk self speaking...

But it didn't end there. With the tension this high Sarah staring into Jin's aquamarine like eyes, she took the opportunity and leaned in... ready to seal the deal, only for Jin to put his hand between her mouth and his, with speed inhumane. Stopping her just in the nick of time.

"...I think you need to relax... clearly you are drunk, and I have to decline your offer." Jin appreciated the confession, but he would prefer it when she was actually sober. Either way, he would have to reject her. He still loved his old wife, and he hadn't moved on yet, so this wasn't a go for him.

But that didn't mean he didn't find her attractive. If he was to be honest, Sarah wipes the dust when it came to the looks department compared to his wife, and she wasn't lacking in any specific 𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔 either, but it was his wife, and he still loved her even if she wasn't with him any longer...

With moments passing by, Sarah finally reacted.

In the next moment. She got up, picking up her belongings with surprising speeds, leaving out of the home quickly. Not showing her current features.

"Wait a minute, please calm down..." Jin said, trying to reason with her.

She turned to him. "I'm calm Jin... Thanks for tonight, really... for what it was worth..." Sarah said, walking out the door. Stopping, looking back at Jin with an expression he was all too familiar with.






"She looks just like how Barbara did when she gets mad... Just what did I do so wrong?..."





