A sticky reunion

'Of course she left, you and your 300 IQ Jin...' Jin said, sighing in his mind. He knew he struck her hard with that rejection. Women had their own pride, and he was sure he wounded hers...


Jin turned to see his iPhone. Ringing. Wondering who would call with such horrendous timing.

"Who could be calling me now?" as he did so, he looked at his phone screen and saw the number...






~ 30 minutes prior ~

"One last mission before we pass on the torch to the younger ones huh... doesn't sound bad at all" Said the man, he was fit, wearing a jacket and dark blue jeans standing 190 centimeters tall.

"Yeah... but at least we can go out with a bang! Am I right?" said another man, standing 175 centimeters tall, wearing a white and purple body suit, his skin tone like that of grass.

"... Why do you both make it sound as if we will stop being heroes altogether? It's simply another mission. One that worryingly requires us all..." Said the female cooly, with pale skin, wearing a dark blue robe with a gem between her eyes.

"I'm with her guys, it's just another mission, we'll still be working together like the old times, that hasn't changed a bit." Said a blond woman, wearing a green jacket and black jeans, her bow compact and by her side.

"Well, I suppose we should get this over with, I have plans... urgent ones after this." Responded the woman with red-orangish hair and olive brown skin, she was the tallest in the group, standing at 197 centimeters, wearing a somewhat revealing one piece purple attire. Her interest obvious with the tallest man present.

"... I'll get started with finding a route into the building, I'll be there last. I just want to stop whoever this is before they do anything worse" said another woman, standing around 165 centimeters tall, with emerald eyes and fully red hair.

"I'll go get ready first, meet you all in the changing quarters." Said another young man, standing around 179 centimeters. With dirty blonde hair, sporting a white t-shirt and light blue jeans.

"Good. Since you're all ready... The location is somewhere near the outskirts of the metropolis. I have a strong suspicion that it's Luther behind this one. Be careful and stay sharp." Said the dark knight.

Everyone present got a little serious now, nodding at what he uttered.

"Report to me when you all are finished with the mission." he continued, glad that they have visibly steeled themselves for what's to come, and glad that the once immaturity present, was nowhere to be seen.





~ With the team present at the base, 10 minutes before~

'SHIT! How the hell are we supposed to defeat these things?' said the man writhing in pain as his left arm was bleeding.

Standing in front of him was a robot around his size and height with blue and black markings all over itself, now in the same posture its current opponent dawned prior.

But the situation was the same for everyone else. They seemingly had a copy of themselves fighting, but the 'copy' was clearly superior.

Seemingly showing capabilities over twice their own.

One robot had the ability to morph into anything to increase its speed and power respectively and another had speed surpassing that of the fastest there.

While one had the powers of the dark arts with even greater proficiency than knew born with it...

It seemed that this mission was more of a trap than anything else, everything g was planned out to the tea. And the heroes simply were suffering in it...

"Batgirl! is the communicator working yet?" shouted the hero in a blue and black suit.

"It's on now, I've sent the call for backup, it should arrive soon!. *tch*" She said, narrowly dodging a blow from her counterpart/copy.

But the situation only got worse. A screen that seems out of commission lit up in the room, with a familiar face.

Everyone had the same thought present.

'Lex Luther...'

"Do you really think that matters? Said the bald man. I'm the one who allowed it to happen. And even if that caped fool did send help, it would be useless... you all will die here, and I WILL make it slow and agonizing." He reverberated, chuckling lightly.


~ 5 minutes before the present ~

Batman had received the news that was transmitted, and what he heard would be problematic.

"Who can I call to help them now?" He was out of option, no one was readily available.

Superman was off planet to get materials needed for their project, wonder-woman was on currently by her people on Themyscara, aqua-man was on the other side of the planet as well as the other heroes were simply too far to reach in time...

He didn't have an idea of whom to contact at this time. Especially one strong and versatile enough to deal with the current situation...

But one he hadn't heard from in years crossed his mind.

'Jin...' he thought.

Bruce quickly turned on his communicator, contacting Jin immediately, hoping the young man he once called son would respond.

And... he did.





~ Present time ~

Jin picked up his phone. Wondering why the old timer was calling him so suddenly.

"Jin, I don't have time to fully explain! Head to the location immediately. The heroes are in need of dire help, and I have no one to ask to reach them in time." Said Bruce, not even giving Jin the time to respond.

"...I'm on it. Send the location. I should be there in no time." Jin responded with Bruce hanging up.

'I guess that's the news...' Jin thought, with his perception slowing down dramatically.

He quickly heard his phone notification go off. He checked it to see where he needed to be.

'Of course it's Lex... it's his own building, but it was abandoned years ago... so why use it now?'

Jin dropped the thought and simply grabbed his jacket and left his home in mere nano-seconds.

Reaching outside, he demonstrated an ability he had gained over his years of training. Partial transformation.

He formed his zet wings, which were now 4 in number, with the wings being more complex in design and larger, meaning his speed would be twice of that it is with only two.

He shot off without making a sound, yet his speed was almost as fast as light itself.

And in a less than the blink of an eye, he reached the location. He grabbed an old anonymous mask out of his inventory in attempts to hide his identity...

'Now... let's see what's causing the commotion...'





