
The heroes were on the back foot, their injuries bordering on death. A minute more of the same beating they got would for sure end them. For each hero, they remembered their life so far, as if it was flashing before their eyes...

'Damn it... I shouldn't have been so careless... I've doomed us all... Now my whole team is about to die... I hope they at least make it to a better place... I'm sorry... guys...' Said the raven haired man, his blue and black suit, bloody and battle worn as his eyes slowly faded into unconsciousness, ready to accept his fate...

The rest of the heroes knew what was coming, so they did the same, only wishing they had a bit longer to live...

Lex, however, watched as the heroes suffered. It pleased him to end them.

'I think it's time to end this charade. All of you... di-' Lex said, stopping as something destroyed the entrance to where the heroes were, interrupting his final order.

'Who's this I wonder? Backup? A single man?' Lex thought mockingly. Chuckling to himself at the prospect.

The heroes saw something different.

Before they fully let themselves embrace the sweet embrace of death. A man, dressed in a weird attire, falling from the top of the building gracefully. His long flowing hair reflecting the moonlight above him, as well as his aquamarine eyes piercing through the darkness itself...

To the heroes. The sight reminded them of something clearly unearthly yet ethereal... as if an angel descended upon them, however they didn't know whether it would either save or end them...

"And who are you supposed to be? Help? If so, they should have sent more" Lex responded cockily. Wondering who could be behind that mask...

The man in question said nothing... landing gracefully and looking at his surroundings, recognising who the heroes were...

*Who... is that?* That was the question that ran through the heroes' minds. The robots dropped them, preparing to fight the new unknown foe at hand.

The man pondered jn what he should go by, thinking of many names. He smiled behind his mask, only thinking of one... Vendetta...

"Who am I you ask?..." said the mysterious man.

"Well... behind this mask, there is more than just flesh. Beneath my mask, there is an idea... and ideas are indestructible... I, am V, V for vendetta..." said the man, He stared into one of the robot's eyes as if looking right at Lex himself... his voice clear, elegant, baritone'd yet deep.

Lex simply flinched. 'V for Vendetta?... No matter... he is a nobody...' Lex thought.

"Deltas... attack!" Shouted Lex.

However, he would soon find out that this opponent was unlike anything he had faced before, a sentient calamity he made his enemy...

Within less than a split second, the robots all charged forward. However, the man was surprisingly faster.

He raised his hand. Whispering something. Before black, red and purple energies formed on each of his fingers.

'Dark-Lightning, Singularity...'




As he said this, the small particle like energy was shot forward. Just as one of the robots attacked, it was atomized instantly within the attack's radius.

With the rest of the robot's parts falling on the ground.

Lex and the heroes saw what happened, and even they couldn't believe it... Whoever this was, just took down one of the robots they had issues dealing, with complete ease, as if he was playing with toys.

The other robots attacked with syncing together, but they too met the same fate, instantly getting atomized by that same small attack.

Lex seeibg this was going insane. Whoever this person was, isn't normal, clearly. He just took down all the robots he had taken months to build with being stronger than the heroes, with utter ease...

The only one that lasted longer was the 'Flash' robot, but the man simply increased the radius of the attack and the rest was history.

'SHIT! Who is this!? How is this even POSSIBLE- *tch* It looks like I have to use Delta 'S' after all.' Thought Luther, pressing a yellow button, and with that another robot, twice the size the size of the others came out from underground, however this one had the symbol 'S', that superman had...

'This one might be a problem... it looks like I have to use 'that'...' The man thought.

Lex laughed almost madly before responding. "I'm surprised, really... truly... But your luck ends here. NOW! Attack delta-S" He shouted.

The robot simply charged, somewhat cautiously... However unbeknownst to it, its opponent would finally take this a bit seriously.

"...come to me








With that phrase, lightning rolled through skies, with thunder shortly after... A spear around 2 meters tall shot in front of the man from the sky itself. The weapon was beautiful. It had a golden, dual tipped blade head, with its body have platinum and silver markings with that of a dragon...

However, with the robot still charging forward, the man was now partially transformed. His arm becoming like his zet-form, then getting coated with purple and reddish lighting surrounding his fist, then compacting as if gaining density.

It was clear to even an idiot knew that the attack, if landed, would deal some serious collateral damage.

And it did...

In the next moment, V trusted. His eyes turning into a piercing amber colour for a moment, then turning back blue.

The attack launched, with the robot not being able to respond. However, after the blow hit its intended target, Lex and the rest of the heroes saw the 'super-man' copy's torso, completely eviscerated.

The blow was so powerful it even pierced a small hole into the moon itself... Traces of lightning sparked off of the robot's body, before it fell.

The heroes were utterly stupefied... they thought *Who was this person and why didn't they hear of him before?*

That question ran through their minds.

After that, the man turned to the heroes, his wings dissipating into nothingness...

"Well... I suppose my job here is done..." He said.





Nightwing and Batgirl however felt that they had seen/known this person before... but they couldn't put their finger on it.

The rest of then were clueless to who the aid was, but thankful they were saved in the end.

Starfire simply looked on with interest, thus breaking the silence present...

"T-thank you, for coming to help us, we would be dead if it wasn't for you... V." she said, hoping he heard as her voice was audible, since she wasa bit beat up.

"Yeah... thanks for being here man. Seriously, this could have been bad... I'm beast-boy, pleased to meet you... V?" said the male hero, hesitantly yet thankfully.

The aid simply turned to both of them, his eyes piercing into the darkly lit building.

'Those eyes... they are so similar... to "his"' thought Batgirl, reminiscing sadly of the past...

"It's... no problem, I need to get you all to somewhere safe and secure to get your wounds treated, taken that you all can barely even stand... I'll be doing the carrying" Jin/V stated, with a wave of his hands, an invisible force lifted the heroes into the air.

Jin once again partially transformed and manifested his wings, then he flew up. carrying all of the heroes with his telekinetic powers to safety...


~ With Lex Luther ~

However, with Lex, things weren't so good... He finally registered what had truly transpired.

The camera seeing the robot that was superman's exact copy, downed with a single blow, within less than a second. He didn't know what to say, think, or even feel.

But then it hit... the overwhelming rage and wrath of having something he worked on for so long getting thwarted by some random nobody...

He flipped his table in pure frustration, then calming himself... "V! MARK MY WORDS... I WILL FIND OUT WHO AND 𝑾𝑯𝑨𝑻, YOU ARE, AND I WILL MAKE IT MY PERSONAL MISSION TO 𝑲𝑰𝑳𝑳, YOU."





