
As jin carried the team while flying. The heroes were suddenly caught of guard by the prospect, but they knew he/it had the power to end them if he wanted.

That alone was enough for them, additionally, he did save them all from eminent death. Literally.

With jin, he was currently speaking with Bruce/Batman...

"Bruce, I have them. the're okay but in serious condition. I'll be there in 5, get supplies ready to treat them." Jin spoke.

"Thank you jin, seriously... I'll get everything ready." Bruce responded.

As Jin flew to safety, Batgirl on the other hand paid extra attention to him, finding the air around him familiar, his attitude as well as his physical characteristics...


~ At Young Justice Headquarters ~

"Thats everything Bruce, we scoped out the perimeter, we were quiet, but they came out of nowhere, we did everything right." Said nightwing.

"But it wasn't. You were all too comfortable... You all almost lost your Iives, if it wasn't for him, you would all be dead."

Jin watched, he felt sorry for them, hut he could tell Bruce what went wrong so he decided to intervene...

" Batman... They did alright, from what I saw, but even if they were on guard it wouldn't have changed a thing, the enemies they faced were built to be better than them in everyday possible... Lex even had a carbon copy of superman."

Bruce turned to his son, surprised at what he heard.

'Carbon copies but better, and even a superman level copy... just how strong have you become jin... to even take out a superman level threat...' Bruce thought.

"Fine, I'll leave it there, all of you get good rests... You're gonna need it..." Bruce said to all the young heroes.

Sending shivers down their spine.

Jin simply smiled at the spectacle.

"I think it's time for me to leave, I have things to catch up on." Jin stated, not wanting to be there any longer.

However, someone had other plans...

"Wait... I know this is a bit sudden, hut... can I speak with you privately?... Please?" Said Batgirl.

This didn't go unnoticed. Nightwing saw it and send nothing, but he was curious...

Bruce looked at Jin, and Jin nodded.

"...Yes... we can speak."

"Thank you... can you follow me please." Batgirl said. Jin simply followed her, to one of the rooms down the hall of the headquarters...

As they entered, Jin decided to break the ice.

"So... what do want?" he asked, quick and to the point.

"I know it's you... Jin." Barbara stated, shocking him a bit.

That level of confidence doesn't come from nowhere... She had absolute certainty that it was indeed himself.

"...How did you know..." He asked calmly.

"Everything..." Barbara simply said, taking off her mask, revealing her face.

Jin noticed her, She had grown incredibly beautiful, it almost scared him how much he had to calm himself at the moment... and the rather tight suit she was wearing was accentuating her curves were making it worse... but he was calming himself, blaming his new body because of the reaction...

However, Barbara continued, realizing this...

"The way you walk... sound, although a bit deeper, your hair... and... especially your eyes..." She said walking closer to him, standing mere inches away...

She reached out to his mask. Jin did nothing but accepted this, she was right... He knew that she had always been sharp when it came to things like this, but even this surprised him...

Touching the mask, she took it off, revealing how much he had grown.

"...You know jin... ever since we were younger... I had always considered you handsome but I was too shy to admit it... but you became far more so over the years you left... why... why did you leave?" Barbara said, pleading for an answer...



'This hurts more than I expected... she'smust likely going to be pissed at the reason as to why I did leave... but it is the truth...' Jin thought.

"'s because I wanted to be alone, I like being by myself... it's as simple as that..." Jin responded.

"So that's why you didn't tell me you were leaving... because you wanted to be alone..." Barbara said.

"Funny isn't it... I thought of how this meeting would go, multiple times through my head, ever since last year, Jin... Ever since I was little, I loved you, as silly as it was... When you left, I was devastated, I cried for weeks on end because of how much I missed you. I thought I could move on... but that never came, that crush for you wasn't even a crush... I realized that I genuinely loved you as time went on... I simply buried it for years... and I still do... I still, love you jin. That's all I wanted to say... I don't expect an answer now... but I want it soon...

I know this sounds like you owe me something, which you don't... but as your once and still friend, please don't just leave..." Barbara said. Leaving jin speechless.

He didn't say a thing, only empathinzing with her as tears ran down her eyes, but he felt that he wasn't the one to remove them... he realized that he had been far too indifferent of her feelings. He realized that her all her actions added up now...

"I'll contact you Barbara... I'll see you soon...' Jin said, leaving the room they were in.

'Two confessions in a day... how am I going to sort this out...fuck... plus, it's only a matter of time before Richard knows it's me too...' Jin thought.





