Returning to Normal and testing the chamber

~ Jin's Pov ~

It has been a couple days since my fight with superman. I had gotten my life together again. I still had to explain to the elders of my sudden disappearance... but it was ok. Work was worse... Luther was somewhat upset that I left without notice, but he said I was valuable to him, that I needed to inform him next time about leaving so suddenly.

Still, it boggles me how some of these criminals live such lives... he/Lex, was ready to kill heroes who protected the world on numerous occasions... but he acts like he's the true hero in the story... All I felt for the man was pity. I couldn't bring myself to hate him... he was insignificant in my eyes, so I let it go... for now...

Sarah came by the day after Barbara came. To keep a long story short, she apologized, she told me she liked me, but she was drunk, selfish and immature for doing what she did that night... Which I agreed on, but I don't hate her, she was still a decent person regardless of those mistakes, so we conversed with one another again...


~ A couple of hours later ~

[You know, host.... I think it's time for you to drop the 'no killing' rule. Don't be the man that Bruce is... the type that never gets things done.]

"I know, Nova... but, I would rather not kill anyone if I don't have to... but guys like darkseid, doomsday and many more are exceptions..." I said to Nova.

I thought of my abilites so far; I wasn't sure which I could even use to trap them completely...

Actually... I think I've found a permanent solution to stopping these criminals, but I would have to put it to the test later... For now, I'm gonna have to continue training myself. Since I now had a gravity room. I could really push myself. Instead of using my own sub-space, solely. My imagination can only mimic what I know of. I hadn't experienced higher levels of gravity, so with this, I can reap much higher levels.

And that's what I planned to do today. Testing myself in higher levels of gravity... Five hours should be enough...

"Okay, Jin... now imagine earth's gravity..."

I felt myself feeling the change in the atmosphere.

I opened my inventory, clicking on the gravity chamber. When I did so, a bright-light enveloped the room, creating a 10x10 chamber, perfectly squared. It was also unbreakable, since it had no durability like other items, which meant I could go all out...

I walked towards the entrance, with the doors automatically opening. I saw the buttons similar to that of the original gravity chamber. It had some weights and other equipment for body exercises too...

'Not bad... it's really nostalgic looking... now, to test it.'

I saw the buttons. The numbers ranging from zero to nine. I clicked 2, and pressed the red button beside the digits, since there were no others besides it.

But I immediately felt the effects...

My knees buckled a little.

'I-is this really only 2x times earth's gravity? I shouldn't be struggling at all, but I was dead wrong.

Gravity on all parts of the body was universally applied. Which meant that, my cells, organs, muscles and veins weighed twice as much... But gravity doesn't inherently apply linearly. It might feel seem that way, but it doesn't.

Luckily, I could move a bit, but not enough to be completely comfortable...

'Not bad, I expected this to be easier, but who knew that gravity training would be so taxing on the body... it's almost scary.' I thought.

"Time to do some normal exercises."

I got down ready to do a hundred push-ups. After spending thirty minutes on that alone, I felt a bit of lightness on my body, which meant it was recovering, but the effect was still there.

I continued after resting for a minute, doing a set of 100 sit-ips. By that it was rinse and repeat until I was finished. I did push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, a 10km run around the room, squats and the horse stance all for around 30 minutes, with a minute of rest with each exercise completed.

I then did the same routine again and finished for the day. Exiting the chamber and disabling the gravity too...

"Nova, can you tell me what my power level is currently?" I stated, exhausted from the workout.

[Yes host, your current power level is now 435]

I nodded, pleased at what I had gained in a single day.

"Thanks Nova, but I'm a bit curious. How high is goku's potential when compared to mine?"

[That's a bit hard to answer... but if I had to estimate it based on your increase and other factors today, I would say that he has a potential rating of around 1000-1100, but this is my estimation]

"So I'm still no match for even goku, huh... It looks like I need to work harder... If only I could study saiyan DNA... I could even potentially find what makes them stronger from near death... but one can only wish... Maybe I don't even need them..." I stated, a bit jealous yet curious...

'If goku was 1000 and a little higher, Gohan's potential must be triple or even quadruple that of goku's. Then you have monsters like broly. His potential must be in the 10s, if not 20 thousands...'

I mused to myself. I was not that strong. What they had in pure growth rate, I had in my transformations and abilites, I could even defeat frieza with a single attack, potentially super-perfect cell with my attacks on-top of said abilites combined...

But, one can't simply say no to more power. I won't stop here... There are beings that can re-write reality as they see fit. I just hope if it comes down to the wire, I won't be utterly helpless against them...

'What I need to look at is the gene that makes humans stronger when they are injured... maybe if I can re-code it. I could make my body mimic zenkai like effects, thus making me stronger after a near death experience. But that seems tedious...*Sighs*'