The Storm that is Approaching

"Thats the thing, he/it left me next to earth's sun, as if it knows that I needed it to live... it even spoke our language during the fight too. I'm telling you Batman, I feel as if it lives here amongst us, there's just no other way to explain it!" Superman stated


"... And this is what you said he looked like? (examines superman's drawing)..." Batman only sighed mentally.

He was familiar with the figure, although it looked a bit 'different' from what he had seen year ago, he was sure it was him...

'Jin... Why? Why would you decimate so many planets? I can think of reasons why you'd challenge superman, but why destroy planets?' Bruce thought. Rubbing the bridge of his nose...

Clark looked at his partner, quizzically.

"...It seems as if you know something? Do you? Because I would REALLY, appreciate some answers." Clarke stated.

"...I, know who did this... He's good guy... trust me. The fact that your still here and well means that he knew what he was doing... somewhat..." Bruce stated.

Clark's eyebrow raised.

"...Can I at least speak to him about this? You know, get him to apologize? I think I deserve one" Superman said. He knew he was being a bit salty, but knowing that his defeat was from someone, 'good' and cognitive of said action, simply rubbed him the wrong way...

Bruce hearing all of this though a little deeply...

'Hmmm... He does deserve one... Jin is gonna either hate or love me for this...' Bruce thought.

"I can give you his address... however, be careful... it's been 2 weeks since that fight, I'm just going to say this... 'if' you have any thoughts of challenging him. Drop it, now. He isn't normal, take that as you will... you've been warned..." Bruce stated.

Superman nodded, but was still shaken up about something... It was the first time Bruce warned him against another person, ever. Usually, it would be the opposite.

'Maybe going there isn't such a good idea... No, I have my pride too. He needs to apologize, I deserve at least that!' Clark thought, flying off towards the direction of Jin...

As soon as he left, another person came in to speak with Batman.

"What's he so fired up about?" Cannary stated, a little curious. She hadn't seen the man on steel so upset or serious about something in a while...

Bruce thought for a moment, then responded.

"...It's, something personal..." Bruce responded.





~Jin's Pov~


The sounds of a wind escaped my hands... My ice related abilities already felt completely natural, as if I was ice and the concept of frost itself...

I slowly realized that over the last two weeks of practising experimenting. I had benefitted greatly... Although, I wished I progressed faster, I was still making, commendable progress...

In between that training, I now had the gravity up to 5x that of earth's own.

With that level used in last couple of days, my power level had risen to 5,034. Which sounds impressive, but it really wasn't. I thought I could have improved a bit faster, but I was practising as efficiently as I could, allowing my body to rest and recover, making it stronger than before...

I realized that this method was the correct one in the first week. That simply abusing myself doesn't give me maximum benefits... Proper rest and balance yielded the most results for me.

But it still wasn't fast enough... however, I was still content with where I was.

Though, It would take me another 3 weeks to double the power I have with the progress I had made, but that wasn't really my true goal... My real aim was to master each level of gravity until I feel as if I was on the moon, which was the reason why my progress took so long... But it was worth it.

My body became much tougher than before, I had even grown from the constant exercise too, I even stood 190 cm, in regards to my height.

I didn't only do gravity training though, I also did ice related training too, figuring out what I can and can't do with my ice... and it turnes out, I could do anything with it...

I could conjure up ice from thin air, I could create structures perfectly too, I could even make ice summons for myself, that were quite powerful in their own right, and all of this cost little to no EP.

With a bit more practice under my belt, I realized that, I could 'freeze', certain things... like the very concept of said things, such as movement and even time itself, which baffled me... However, that cost all 25 billion of my EP to do, and it taxed me mentally for an hour before I could even attempt it again...

It was an extremely powerful ability, I even gave it a name, calling it 'Absolute-Null', when I froze objects/beings conceptually...

Furthermore, I had created other moves such as 'Ice-domain' which summoned a zone of ice as tough as me surrounding my body, protecting it. The ability was interestingly enough, immune to heat/fire too.

That wasnt all. Now I could even create ice weapons, but I stuck with the spear and after a bit of practice. I named it 'frost-walker'. It was even stronger than the spear I normally used as well.

This spear could slow enemies for 3 seconds, and has a 30% chance of causing bleed and frost-bite for 5 seconds. It even increased my attack by 400%.

And these abilities were natural to me, As if I had them for years, no. Decades...

I was extremely powerful at the moment, I could even confidently take down beings equal to me with no issue, with raw skill alone...

Though, I realized that using my ice abilities to their fullest extent, had minor consequences, if one could call them that... Nova told me that my eyes glowed toxic green instead of their normal colour, while my tattoo did the same... But it would only show when I was actually trying using my ice abilites...

But, that was enough practice for today, tomorrow I would be increasing the gravity to 6x that of earth's own. I had gotten used to 5x today completely...

So, I left my subspace. With sweat literally pouring from all over my body...

I took one quick whiff of myself, and that was enough...

'Oh... I do not smell good... I need to take a quick one...' I said, after practising for that long, one tends to get... quite, pungent...

I had yet to figure out how other guys from fanfics didn't normally get funky after a workout... I'ma have it one day...

With that wonderful discovery, I hopped into my bath, using hot water instead of the cold...

After I washed up, I wore a white loose marina and loose khaki pants.

As I was ready to to sit and relax after a 30 minute long shower. The doorbell rang...

'who could it be this time?'





