The Quest of a legend...


Jin turned to the door, a little puzzled.

'Clark, I think it's best that you come back tomorrow. I'll even add another recipe to the deal!' Jin stated, only wanting to speak with one person at a time.

"Sure, I'll be here at the same time if it isn't any trouble... I will be taking my leave" Clark responded kindly.

Jin walked Clark to the door. As he opened it, he hid from out of the heroes' sight.

Clarke noticed Jin's odd behavior, but thought nothing of it. However, he was surprised to see who came to visit...

"Diana? I'm suprised at seeing you here, how're things? ." Clark stated.

"Hello Clark, things are fine, but I never expected to see you either, I guess that makes the two us." She responded, cooly.

"I know, I just came to have a talk with an acquaintance. I'll be seeing you." Clark said, leaving.

Jin however, was hiding out of sight, letting the conversation unfold.

Diana nodded at clark, and each waved the other goodbye...

Jin finally revealed himself, waiting for her to turn around.

Diana simply turned to see who it was she needed to see... a young man, a little smaller than her, yet imposing a rather solid, yet asthetic build...

She then noticed his features, with a very small and rare blush dawning her cheeks.

'He's, quite handsome... enough to put even Adonis to shame...' That was what ran through her mind...

Jin on the other hand, thought the same, even blushing a bit. Diana was extremely gorgeous, equal to the likes of Barbara and the other young justice members.

She was also the tallest female to boot, sitting at superman's height... However, she had the presence and feel of a mature woman, something the other female members lacked, for now...




"Hello...? You are?" Jin asked, trying to break the tension...

'It's been a while since a man has actually charmed me with his looks alone, especially to the degree that I almost can't take my eyes of him...' Diana thought before responding...

"Ah... Yes, sorry for staring like that... forgive me. My name is Diana. I've heard that you were the one who saved the young ones from crisis recently. Is that true?" Diana asked, not one to beat around the bush.

'So Bruce gave it away again... I feel as if the whole team might come at this point...' Jin mused depressingly...

"Yes... I was the one who saved them. you may come inside if you want?" Jin asked.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Dinana responded, smiling.

"No problem, you can sit in the couch if you want. Do you want any coffee as well, or water?" Jin asked.

"Thank you, if it isn't any problem, I will have the coffee." She responded.

"Okay, I'll be back in a couple of minutes" Jin said, hurrying to the kitchen.

However, as he did so, Diana saw something peculiar...

'A tattoo?... it seems rather large but it is, surprisingly well designed... it's quite beautiful...'

As she stared at it, the tattoo seemed to have glowed for a split second, as if it knew she was looking at it, surprising Diana...

'That tattoo, why does it give off energy similar to that of the gods... and why does it feel... alive?' She thought, curious as to what it was, but she knows it wasn't the time to question it...

Jin returned, with the same coffee that he made with superman, he had his share already, so he made only one for his visitor

He sat when he gave it to her. Signaling for the hero to finish what she was saying earlier...

"Yes... as I was saying before. My student was amongst that specific group. She and especially I, wanted to thank you. For saving her, and me in regards of aiding my pupil." Diana stated, her tone serious.

"it... isn't any issue at all, it's good to help others when you can. Is... that all you came to say?" Jin said...

As much as how he liked looking at her, his favorite show was about to come on soon, and he's wasting time talking at the moment.

"No, I have two more requests if that is ok..." Diana said.

Jin looked curiously at Diana, before responding.

"...Sure, it depends on what you ask for though." Jin stated, sipping his coffee.

"Well then, I would like to spar with you this Saturday, if possible... I know it is out of the blue, but you seem like a capable young man and, second. Your name." She finished.

Jin thought for a bit. He could benefit from this. She would be no worse than Batman in terms of skill, he could even learn a thing or two from her, but her power would be a hurdle he had yet to see.

"...Ok, We can do it, around 4... And the name is Jin Wayne or Strife... whichever you prefer." Jin stated.

'Wayne! As in, Bruce Wayne? is he that man's... no, they look nothing alike. Bruce may be attractive, but he isn't THAT, attractive... an adopted child maybe? Diana thought.

"...I'll be here at 4 in the evening... I'll be taking my leave. Oh, and great coffee" Diana said, smiling.

Jin simply smiled at the gesture...

"Thank you for the compliment miss Diana. I'll be seeing you on Saturday." Jin said.





Jin after the conversation, was now watching favorite show, called 'Dees and the Pees', an adult-romance comedy show.

"Ahh! Come on, just tell her you like her dude! Sheesh" Jin stated.


[Host... the lord has sent a special quest for you, do you wish to listen to its description?]

Jin's ears perked up. A quest from god himself, this was rare.

"Sure... what's it about?" Jin asked curious.


Title: The quest of a legend...

Description: Travel to another universe and subdue or defeat your foe... Let your quest/endeavor be known, as one that was truly, legendary...

Defeat Broly: 0/1

Rewards: ?????????

Failure: Possible death or Permanent stay within dragon ball...



Jin looked at the quest wide eyed. A series of confusion hit him. Almost thinking he was crazy, but he checked the panel for the last 20 times, and he came to only one conclusion...

"You have GOT, to be kidding me!"




