I should have became a legendary saiyan instead

"What!? So... let me get this straight... I'm going to go to DBS, find broly and then defeat broly? What's his aim with this?" Jin said.

[I am unsure host... but why not accept it? The quest does not have a time limit. So you have all the necessary time in the world to complete it]

"That's true, Nova, but it's fucking BROLY. The dude who went from a power level of a million, to squaring up with Gogeta in, BLUE!"

[Well, this is before that, this is a year prior before broly gets recruited by frieze, so he isn't THAT powerful... Just quickly defeat him and the quest will be complete, simple]

"Nova... it isn't that simple... plus I don't even know what the rewards are? I could get trash for all I know for probably almost dying in the process." Jin rebutted.

[The lord told me that it would be worth your time, very much so in fact]

Jin looked on confused...

"Did god just tell you this?" He asked.

[Yes, he just informed me that it will be more than worth your effort... By the end, he said that you will be thanking him for instead]

Jin thought long and hard. If he screws this up, he's basically a dead man walking, but another part of him wanted that challenge... He wasn't entirely human and he was aware of his rather... feral tendencies.

However it wasn't to the point of a Saiyan, or that was what he thought. He loved fighting.

But not to the degree he would fight an opponent much stronger than him, with the risk of dying as the consequence...

"Urgghhh... teleport me there quickly before I change my mind Nova..." Jin stated.

[Yes host, teleportation will be initiated in 3... 2... 1...]

Jin simply popped out and into another universe while hearing a *pop* sound...

"That was... anti-climactic..." Jin said.

He looked around too see a yellow and green barren wasteland.

"No wonder this place was considered waste... it's horrible looking..." Jin observed.

'No wonder paragus resented vegeta... being sent here would be hellish if it was for 40+ years... if it was sooner, I doubt the man would be what he was... now he's just old and bitter...' Jin commented mentally.

He was looking around the area to see if he could find where the two were residing...

"I need to look around for a bit and end this quest..."




~ Omni Paragus' Pov ~

'I need to save some food for Broly as a matter of fact... where is he?' Paragus thought.

Paragus was trying to cook up and leave enough food for his son...

As he was about to start eating his share of the alien he hunted a while ago. He spot a shining reflection at the very corner of his eye...

'What's this?' Paragus thought, making his way to the object hidden in the scrap heap he had built up over the years.

Picking up the object. He realized that it was an old scouter...

He brushed it off, reminiscing of the past a little, before that person did this time to him. But he cooled his head...

"How long has it been since I have seen one of these..." Paragus said to himself...

He touched the button on the side, to see of his memory served him right.


'Heh... so it still works huh...' He thought. He read the power levels of things around the nearby area...

Readings ranging from power levels of around 2~500.

Turning east, he saw a high power reading of around 80 thousand.

"So that's broly's power level... he truly is the legend... A shame my son that you and l were sent here because of that, bastard!" Paragus said, bitterly.

He turned south, and felt another reading. A power level of around 5000...

His eyes squinted sharply.

'I've been here for over 40 years and covered any place I could search... and this is the first time I've seen power that high from any creature... How did we not stumble upon it?...' Paragus thought.

His instincts telling him something was amiss..

He walked outside, just incase. Calling upon his son.

"BROLLYYYYYYY!!!!!!" Paragus shouted with all his might. As soon as he did so, his son came flying over instantly.

Broly's power seemingly rising even higher, thinking his father was in danger...

Paragus stared at his son's power increasing rapidly. More power than the king could ever have...





Then stopping. Broly looked at his father, and around the area to see if there was anything close by, his expression serious...

However, that shout didn't go unnoticed. A certain someone heard it too...




'So that's where you are...' Jin said, hearing the shout north east from where he was. He quickly accelerated faster to catch up with them...




~ Omni Pov ~

Jin rushed to where the shout was heard.

Paragus realized that the 5k power level was making its way to them quickly.

"Broly! Prepare yourself, we have an enemy coming" Paragus instructed.

Broly readied himself...

Jin who has no arrived, saw the two.

He saw who looked to be Broly and another to be Paragus...

Jin smiled inwardly looking at the two, they actually looked like a concerned family...

Paragus saw the silhouette ahead, seeing it was humanoid...

'Another person!?' Paragus thought, even Broly was a little surprised... It was the second time in his life that he saw a another humanoid figure that wasn't food...

Jin flew down towards them, seeing their expressions.

As he landed, Paragus was the first to speak...

"...who are you and where did you come from?"

Jin thought for a moment, before responding.

"I'm from nowhere... I've only come to spar with the taller one" Jin said, wanting to get this over with...

Paragus sharpened his gaze. He knew that talking would be fruitless...

"GOOOOO! BROLLLLLYYYYY!!!!!" Paragus commanded.

Broly launched towards his new adversary. Ready to throw a mean punch...

Jin quickly activated his Zealot mode, stunning Broly for a moment, then decking him with a blow to the jaw. Sending him sky rocketing away into a nearby mountain...

Paragus was now a little frightened, he even questioned reality itself.

He now read the power that emanated off the transformed. The scouter exploded, with the last reading being somewhere around 300k...

'Nova, scan broly's power as we fight, and update me on it!' Jin commanded in his mind.

[Yes, host]




Jin flew towards Broly, who looked frustrated, his aura growing wild...

Broly charged towards Jin once more, his speed doubling his previous limit.


Jin countered by redirecting the punch entirely, throwing Broly off balance. This however made him grow angrier.


Broly doubled back with more speed, but with Jin's superior technique, he still continued to parry the blows...

Broly was getting faster quickly. His punches packing more power behind them.

Broly's anger exploded getting even more infuriated at not hitting his opponent...

They continued to exchange blows, Jin parrying with all his might, dishing out few punches in return...


'It's been only a 3 minutes, if that at all and yet he's already tripled his power?' Jin thought. He knew broly's growth was detrimental, but this was even more ridiculous when experiencing it first hand...

Broly's power only surged higher, and not only that, he was even showing the same techniques as Jin, as the fight progressed. He was copying his martial arts as they fought...


'I can't keep parrying forever... he's adapting quickly. I need to turn this up a notch...' Jin said.

Quickly deactivating his Zealot mode and transforming into his ZET form...

As he did so, He threw three punches into broly's abdomen...


1 hit to his liver, solar plexus and navel area.

This simple three hit combo onslaught winded the giant. But once again, broly's anger rose far faster than before... His forehead showing thick veins, as he held it, as if trying to not let it explode, then he charged his power higher...


As of now they were nearly equal in strength but that gap was closing quickly... Jin knew it.

So he decided he would finally end the fight before Broly actually starts transforming...

Jin rushed back... His power emanating and swirling wildly, a beastly growly escaped his mouth while powering up... His body now slowly got coated in a new set of Armor, enhancing his body... His hands now coated with a metallic luster as well...

He activated both his Zet Armor and his Zet fists, allowing his power to rise over 1.1Billion...

Far more than what was needed to knock Broly out, but he couldn't take the chance of him getting a super zenkai...

'...Sleep... warrior...'

Jin said, disappearing from broly's sight entirely, then neck chopping him. Knocking him out instantly...




[Good job host... you have completed the quest, defeat Broly rewards will be distributed when you arrive back on earth, are you ready?]

'No... not yet, I'll take him back to his father...' Jin stated.

He de-transformed... flying down to Broly. He picked up his unconscious body, now flying towards Paragus...

As he arrived, Paragus stood still.

Unknown as to what just took place...

Jin only flew down to him, placing Broly on the ground...

Jin turned, ready to leave, but stopped to say something to the elder...

'Treat your son better, you bitter fool...' Jin said, as he disappeared...




Now back home, Jin reminisced on the fight itself. He realized that talent was truly everything.

With just enough of it, one can do what Broly did, in a matter of mere minutes...

"I should have become the legendary Saiyan instead..." Jin said, sighing a little regrettably...





