The Blood of the legend...

~ Jin's Pov at Home ~


I'm home, now to the point...

"Nova, please show the reward/s and their descriptions." I said.

[Yes, host]








"Awesome! I knew the reward had to be his bloodline! But I'm unsure what the nano-machines are used for... I dont know if I should even use this... What do you say about this one, Nova? Do you want an upgrade? Or leave it. The choice is yours."

I stated, I really don't know anything about this nano-machine upgrade; I knew what nano-machines were in general. But not the use of this one... It was even one million times rarer than the legendary bloodline... That was a bit terrifying, as it somewhat speaks of its capabilities...




[Of course, host! You MUST use it. I would gain far higher cognitive and calculative features, as well as a small level of omniscience. However, I am unsure what else it does give me... However, I do know it will benefit us immensely.]

"... If you sound so elated by it. It must be good then. Ok, you have my permission to use it. Just leave the bloodline to be analysed later." I said to her.

[Yes host, however, keep in mind that this 'upgrade' will take exactly 12 hours to finish... I won't be able to speak to you for that duration of time...]

"It's fine, we can analyse the blood later, and I am a bit tired from today too."



"Guess she already used it... Well, it's time for a nap..."

She seems really excited about the amp in capabilities. I'm just glad she's enjoying herself...


~ The next day Jin's Pov~

I woke up this morning and got ready for work. I did the usual... Took a bath, brushed and prepared my clothes and left.

I drove my way to work. Signed in, and went to my lab and team... of me, myself an I...

With every hour that passed, I took checks and called out to Nova from time to time...

Of course, she didn't answer me, until it was the last hour of my shift... Figurs...

I did what I had to do and went home, and took care of the homeless in the shelter I've built.


~ Jin's Pov at home, again... for the second time... you get the point...~

"So Nova... what can you do now?"

[... It would be best to show you, host... bring out the bloodline and let me analyse it for you...]

"Oooo ~ k, then..."

I did as she asked. However, I now saw a new loading 'bar' that popped up, just under the middle of my vision, saying 'analysis complete'.

"Just to remind you. My goal is to take the zenkai feature and what I can salvage from his Ki if possible."

[I know host, and it is currently impossible...]


"You said, currently... So that means there's potentially another method?... I can work with this... Show it to me."

Unknown to me, nova's expression would be akin to a smile, if she could form one...

[Jin... your body can't simply 'create' these cells from nothing, the cells that broly has are chaotic and very potent, and that goes for his zenkai's as well... In a sense, he is perpetually in a state of zenkais... that is how potent this cell-membranes are, it-]

I cut her off, finishing her sentence.

"-It means I can never truly produce that kind of effect naturally with vials. However, unless I have an outside factor... a new limb or, better yet, an entirely new set of organ/s... am I correct?" I stated.

[Precisely, it is by my estimation, that it is 0.000000213% achievable... far below zero for comfort. However, I can create said organ. Give me approximately 2 hours to run organ simulations with your current cells and another 3 for the reconstruction of your body with materials provided, and it will be done...]

[For warning host, the effect will be painful... So, with your permission. I would like to use an anesthetic to keep you unconscious throughout the process... The energy aspect will also have its side effects which are inevitable, but they will be negated with your MIN stat being so high]

I listened to her explanation closely, finding no fault in it...

"Done... I like the new anesthetic feature btw, quite convenient. But a total reconstruction of my body seems a bit monstrous of a feature... Go ahead. I have a few materials we can make the organs out of. Just give me the heads up when you need them."

[...Yes, Jin]




With hours passing. I found and thought to myself of getting this 'power-up' a bit too quickly... Nova did claim that she gained minor omniscience. But seeing that she can make a couple years' worth of progress within a mere 3 hours, it seems it was true... Even if it was a little unbelievable...

With the time she gave me running out. I went to get the rest of the materials and components for the Organs I would be creating. Such as mineral and vitamin vials. Synthetic tissue that would be used, and of course, myself. Specifically, me and then broly's blood.




[Are you ready Jin?]

"Yeah, you can go ahead."

[Applying anesthetics, in 3... 2... 1...]

As she finished her countdown, my mind swiftly drifted into unconsciousness, while Nova did what she had to do. I just prayed for everything going as planned...


~ Hours later ~

'Ahh~ shit...

I feel so hazy... My head is in shambles...

My eyes are heavy too... I feel as if stones are dragging them down...

Even my body feels a little heavier too...

...I do NOT miss hang-overs...' Jin thought.

[The operation was a success Jin... but, are you ok?]

Nova asked, worried.

"I'm fine, Nova, just a bit out of it..."

Jin clenched his fist despite his condition. He felt his energy... rather a new yet potent energy within beginning to surface itself...

"My body feels different... but the same as well... it's... hard to explain..." Jin said.

[That is to be expected host... your 4/four organs have yet to fully adapt to your body, but by tomorrow morning they should feel 100% natural.]

"I see, thanks Nova. I need to test myself, just to see how potent this is...








