Bloody and battered, but not Beaten...

I charged towards her once more.

"You'll need to try harder if you want to push me, Diana." I said. Diana said nothing. She only sharpened her gaze in response to my comment... My power kept rising continuously, with an unknown irritation and excitement becoming ever so apparent within me, but it was nothing I couldn't control...

When I dashed towards her again, she blocked each and everyone of my strikes with ease. However, I was no longer completely helpless against her. Her unorthodox fighting style was getting countered by me as well...

Bit. By. Bit.


Her shield was met with my fists, the echoes resounding throughout my dimension; she was clearly now on the defensive. Only countering attacks, not getting any hits in with her current power...


'He's growing from me... physically and in martial prowess... a veritable genius...' Diana analyzed, examining Jin closely. With each strike, he landed and parried. Got a little faster and heavier...

'I need to be careful... my headache is growing fast...' Jin thought. Sweating a bit...

The power in retrospect... It was almost too much for his body to adapt in time... Jin didn't have the necessary cells/DNA, to properly develop to the power like how broly did, nor the raw potential that could match broly's growth...

[PL 49,312...]

'50k... And it's only 20 minutes in too! I wonder how strong I can get with hours of doing this...' Jin had thought. He had grown immensely over the course of the fight, his power nearly increased up to 5× it's original...

"I'll be coming in once more, Jin. I realize that you have amazing talent, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous... but I'm sure that even you know, that you won't grow fast enough to over-power me..." Diana stated.

"...You're right Diana... but that doesn't mean I can't reap other benefits... It's time I use my other tricks!" Jin said, smirking.

'Frost-Legion!!!' Jin stated in his mind. A pillar of ice shot up from the ground.

It suddenly broke apart, now revealing over a dozen Jins, with all of them having 1/5th the strength compared to the original.

Jin's eyes and tattoo glowed a toxic green, since he actually had to try a bit...

"Charge forward!!!" Jin said, commanding his ice clones to attack the Amazonian princess.

Diana responded in kind while charging towards them as well, dispatching them 1 by 1.

Jin ran around to salvage any blind-spot he could potentially find, summoning more of his clones as he did so to keep her on her toes...

'Buying time for a final attack, or looking for an opening?' Diana thought.

As she used her side eyes to watch the original Jin, she came to the conclusion that he was looking far an opening in her guard, but she wouldn't she give him glory of finding, or creating it...

She quickly sped up, using more of her hidden power. Now, she dealt with the clones like hot knife through butter, quickly charging towards Jin with more ferocity.

'She caught on!?' Jin exclaimed, surprised at the sudden outburst of speed.

Diana launched a thunderous shield strike to his abdomen.

Jin was ready to counter, only to be met with a strike with a right knee to the face. To which he barely even blocked.

"You managed to block that. I even deliberately struck you with the intent to knock you out... You have good reflexes, but let's see if you can block these too" Diana said, continuing her assault.

She launched an endless amount of body shots and kicks and strikes with intent of ending the fight.

Jin could do nothing, as he was alike a victim of abuse. Diana would not be holding back anymore. She knew when to pull her punches, and knew that this much wouldn't kill him, but to just put him in the hospital for a week at most...

Jin, on the other hand, was only getting angrier. The frustration was getting to him. He could only do this for so long, to take such a new sided beat down, but with how unstable his body was at the moment, he can only to fall victim to his wrath...

But as Diana was releasing her flurry of blows, she suddenly felt an enormous amount of murderous intent, thus she backed off immediately...


'Something isn't right... I may have gotten a bit too excited...' Diana thought. She realized that she was getting a bit too lost in the heat of the spar...

I however, held my head in utter wrath... my body bulking up slightly as a result, as the energy around my being became even more chaotic...

I felt the energy, both in and around my body, starting to explode out of my control. I couldn't help but charge towards her, as my anger started to control and take charge of my actions...

[PL 134,789...]

Diana simply continued to block my strikes with ease, but that only served to infuriate me more...

"DIE!!!" I said. As I launched countless strikes at her...

'He appears to have gotten a little berserk... yet his strikes haven't lost their reasoning at all, but gaining more lethality and accuracy as he threw them?' Diana examined.

She knew he was talented, but this was a little terrifying. She realized Jin's martial prowess has not dropped at all, but was rising as his power soared...

[PL 235,463...]

[Jin... I recommend that you stop the fight. Your body has not fully adapted to the organs you have! You will soon hit your limit. If you go any further, you will become nothing more than a beast!]

Nova warned her master.

The organs were normal, but Jin's body hasn't yet adapted to the new cells he was producing, she expected him to lose control a bit earlier, but she has to stop now before he could get any more lost in the power that was literally getting to his head...

His growth was non-linear, so his increases would only get higher increments as time went on...

'Alright!... I'll end it now...' Jin exclaimed.

He almost wanted to say 'fuck off', but he caught himself just in time. Even he realized that his temper was getting a little out of hand...

Diana saw that he had randomly stopped striking her, and pulled back without any apparent reason...

'It seems he has regained control of himself...' She thought.

"Diana... I can't go on anymore... I need to stop... before I lose myself..." Jin said aloud. Still upset, he couldn't get a solid hit in, but he knew he was reaching a little... It's impossible on all levels to hit an opponent as smart as her and, with a power level literally thousands of times higher than your own...

"I'll escort you home if it's not any trouble..." Jin said. His temper a moment ago now dwindling quickly, as if it was never there...

Diana simply nodded at his request... "That's... alright, you can escort me, but I don't think I'll need it though." Diana said, trying to lighten the mood.

Jin smiled at her attempt...

"Sure... let's get going." Jin responded...

Both now left the dimension, and fixed themselves up enough to go out, and so they did, on the way to Diana's home.


Both wanted to speak on the way there, however, Diana broke the silence first...


"I... am sorry Jin... I can get a little carried away sometimes when I fight. Especially if it's with a fighter of your calibre." Diana stated honestly. She thought of Jin as a prodigy... she was a testament to his capabilities...

Jin looked up towards her. "Thanks... but it's not entirely your fault. This was and is, a one-time thing. I... did something today that made me act up during the fight. It won't happen again." Jin responded.

"I hope so... but this is my stop..." Diana responded.

Jin and she walked for a little while, but this was somewhat quick...

"I guess this is goodbye... I hope we can fight again soon, and next time, I won't be so easy to defeat." Jin said, smiling.

"Next time, try not to lose your cool so soon" Diana responded, then entering into the building...






Jin's PL = 423,543