A little problem brewing

I went home to rest. After walking for another 10 minutes, I arrived. With nothing really to do, I took a shower and thought of what down within the hour we sparred for...

'If I went left instead of right, I could've... then jump in that exact moment, then summon a clone, and she would have done that... .'

I went through the scenario in my head thousands of times a minute. Looking for the best route I could've taken and what techniques I should have used instead...

'The biggest issue here was the loss of my sanity... If it didn't diminish mid battle, I could've performed two times greater than earlier... I, should've waited until I adapted to the organs...'

It was really unfortunate to know that my anger took control of me that soon... still it was an hour before I started to lose it, which spoke volumes of my control in itself but, it wasn't enough...

I sighed.

"Nova, How long will my new organs take to adapt now?"

I had asked her, because my body felt even more foreign than usual... Pushing my body like that right after the surgery was... retarded on many levels. But on a deeper level, I don't truly regret it, weirdly enough...

[...It will take approximately 2 days to adapt to them completely. If you manage to not push yourself in battle like that again, you will be fine, but if you keep going, the effects will reach a point of no recovery]

"Thanks Nova, sorry for disappointing you like that, but the thrill of it caught me off guard. I'll wait, and I'll not train the two days left... as much as it pains me not to..."


I chuckled, I could tell she cared for me... But, she's afraid of pushing that gap between a friend and a servant...

I need to sleep; I have work to do tomorrow... Lex is being a bitch as of late... I might just create my own company at this rate since he's starting to piss me off...

I thought... slowly dozing off into my bed...

~ 4 hours later, Different Omni Pov ~




"You know star... I'm worried about Superboy and Megan... I know, you know why" said Richard.

"I think it is none of our business... as much as it pains me to say it. If that makes the both of them happy, then so be it." replied Star.

"But he doesn't love her. She told me he makes her shape-shift into Cannary, then does the deed and dips. He's been an asshole and has never changed. But, she's too 'in-love' to realize it" Rebutted Richard.


"You aren't much different, Richard..." Starfire said.

Richard heard what she said, and got up, and looked at her puzzled. Unsure of what she's implying.

"What do you mean, star? I'm sleeping with you, aren't I? I wouldn't do something like that if I didn't care about you!" Richard defended.

"...Richard... I-I know you are in love with miss Barbara..." Starfire said, tiredly.

His eyes flinched.

"...Star... I-that's ridiculous."

"Richard, I have seen the way you have looked at her... the way you act when any potential partner has entered her life..." Star continued.

"It... frustrates me... I don't hate her for it. It honestly irked me to know that she doesn't even see you that way... but lately. I'm starting to think you're using me as a stress relief, and as a object of jealousy, to rile her up..." Star finished.

Richard looked at her, his teeth clenched. His face clearly ridden with frustration. Yet, he said nothing.

"I need to go... Star..." Richard stated in

"Leaving? Richard, wait... I know you are frustrated... but think about u-"

But Richard cut her off.

"YOU DON'T KNOW, ANYTHING!" He shouted. His voice filled with pure anger.

Starfire could only jump back at the outburst...

Richard caught himself. Looking at her expression, he could tell she wouldn't see him the same way as she used to... she knew everything now...

"I think we need to break this off... goodbye, Star.." He said, grabbing his clothes and leaving.

Star simply layed there. Tears threatening to fall from her eyes...

'So this is why she never looked his way... I'm just as much a fool as Megan...' Star thought...

~ Jin's Pov, the next day after work ~




"Jason. I tested the receptor you created. I saw why it wasn't working properly. Use the module that Max made a couple months back. That should help fix the power leakage." I said.

"What! Thats so obvious! Thanks Jin, seriously. It would have taken me ages to figure that out" Jason responded thankfully.

"Anytime, man! Just be careful, you may or may not experience some issues, but you can figure out the rest." I said, hanging up.

Work was decent today. Lex wasn't on my ass with something new. Plus, it was a short day today, so we left an hour early.

I put up my jacket. I was getting a bit muscular lately... My height had increased too...

'I need a new set of clothes soon, things are getting tight in certain areas...' I thought.

I didn't have much today. I couldn't really train either because of my condition...

"Nova, you sure I can't squeeze SOME training in? My body is craving activity?"

[With my diagnostics, you can... but don't over-exert yourself. Take your time with exercising]

"Good, because I thought I would die of boredom."

Lately I had been craving training a bit more than I usually do. I wasn't obsessed with it, but it was to the point where I couldn't really not enjoy it.

I suspected this change came about because of my new hormones and organs playing a role. I wasn't upset, since now training was genuinely enjoyable. Since, I no longer feel that pressured to do it, if that makes sense...

I quickly went to my gravity room.

Changing into my training attire on the way there.

I quickly entered the chamber. Turning up the gravity to 10x earth's own.

'I thought so... with my new level of strength, this much won't faze me...' With that thought. I increased the gravity to 20x now, which I still didn't feel any change. I turned it up to 30x and of course, nothing...

40x was where I began to feel a little/tiny amount of pressure on my body, but I would get nothing out of staying at this level...

However, as I turned it up to 50x. I could actually feel somewhat strained.

Still, I wasn't over-exerting myself to be on this level, so I started to do my exercises as usual...

Doing my workout, I felt as if my body was adapting to the change quite a lot faster than I used to. It was to the point where I could feel myself getting little less strained as I did the workout.

I felt my strength increasing with every set of exercise I did, but the increases weren't that great, but enough to be apparent...

With that done, I had finished 100 of each workout after spending 5 hours in total, but in smaller repetitions, to not pressure my body. Yet, I felt far different from before... I didn't feel as if my body wasn't mine anymore...


[Interesting... Good news, Jin. Your body has now adapted to your organs faster... Actually, they have now synchronized completely within your body. It appears that your organs simply adapted as you trained...]

Hearing Nova's explanation puzzled me a little.

'Really? That's... amazing. A little unexpected, but not totally impossible.'

I thought to myself. I could train for that match with superman now. I'm definitely gonna be abusing my zenkais to the fullest.








Jin's PL= 445,789