The Match of a lifetime

~ A day after the last chapter, Jin's Pov ~

Good news for me, is the match was today, and a couple of days after our last meeting. Just how much stronger has Clark become? That I would have to find out. The bad new is shitty, I couldn't abuse zenkais at all. Since I couldn't injure myself with my own energy.

I could, however, abuse the absolute living hell out of my healing capabilities to a very large degree, thus making me a lot stronger than I compared to yesterday. Which means my current power level was just over a 1.7-Million, just from maxing out earth's gravity, the full 100x. It took 10 hours of constant muscle tearing, to achieve that increase.

However, maxing out the gravity wasn't the only cause for that increase. I had reached a new level of my body conditioning passive, thus allowing me to reach higher more multipliers on top of my regular state...

One terrible downside to gravity was that, with all your blood pulling down to the 'earth', it also meant that the blood in my penis was a victim of said 'abuse'... I... hate my life...

Anyhow, this made realize two things, 1. Fighting and adapting to opponents was the best way to grow stronger, in all areas. 2. It was vastly better than what I had gone through yesterday, so frequent sparring in my human state was literally a must.

Since I could no longer develop my 'ZET/PLAYER' bloodline at the moment, and I had no need for new abilities. It was established that I was already powerful in those regards.

So my training would only be consisted of increasing my base strength for the time being, at least until I somehow found a method to strengthen my player bloodline. Because, Bloodline-pill drops are rare as hell. I hadn't gotten not 1 for any of the quests I did, which was unfortunate...

Well that's that, Clark should be arriving now. Or not... I guess he's gonna run a little la-


...Never mind... guess that's him.

I rushed to the door, and it was Clark in a all his glory, but something was different... The energy he was giving off was abnormal. At least comparing to his last level of power... I could literally... see the sun's energy flowing from him!

Just how much stronger (sun dipping) has he gotten from that death match we were in?

"Hey Clark, I've seen you've gotten a bit stronger since last time?"

"Hmmm? You could actually tell? Interesting. But to answer your question, then yes. I have done my fair share of training.... However, that doesn't go for me alone. Your muscle density has increased 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨, 𝙞𝙛 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨 of times stronger than the first time we met. So I think this is fair game... Oh... and you've gotten quite a bit taller?" Clark said.

It's true, I had gotten a lot taller recently... it's actually worrying me to a certain level. I should have technically stopped growing at 185 cm, but I jumped to a whopping 200cm in the last couple of days... Talk about gravity and puberty hitting me like a truck. I just hope I won't grow anymore...

"Yeah... you know, it's that time of the year. I am 18 after all. So I hit puberty... But ,come inside, no point in standing at the entrance all day."

"You're 18!? When I was your age... you know what. Never mind. let's just speak inside." Clark said.

I chuckled mentally and moved out of the way, letting Clark inside. As I closed the door, he got straight to the point. He went to the couch to sit while I stood, leaning against my column in my home, my arms crossed.

"I know a great place out in another galaxy we could use for our fight. It's a couple hundred light years away, but we should make it there in five minutes or fewer, give or take." Clark said, smiling.

Why? Why would I fly to some... Oh... he doesn't know that I own a sub-space... that's... actually pretty fucking adorable. He probably took his time looking for a place for us to fight...

This guy seems way too nice for his own good... it's not like I'm better, though.

"There's... Actually. Sure, let's go there... I didn't have a place in mind, anyway." I told him yes because it would suck to spit on his efforts of finding a habitable planet.

"Great! Just follow me. We can fly out at the back. Oh... be sure to keep up." Clark said, giving a smug smile...

'Nova, give me a reading on his level of power. I want to see just how much he's grown over the past couple of weeks.'

[Affirmative... running calculations and diagnostics... his current Power reading is approximately... 34.83-Billion...]

To say I was shocked, would be an utter and complete, understatement. That much of an increase!? Has he been living in the sun for the weeks that went by? This dude got a little over 200x stronger for literally no reason... I wasn't much different... However, my increase was from 'actual' training though, so it was justifiable, but if Clark had exercised while dipping, his gains could actually be astronomical...

Still, does any canon superman even get this powerful from star dipping?

Maybe I should get some of his blood too, just for that solar absorption capability, since it's absolutely busted...

As I thought about this, Clark already went to change into his costume.

When he was done and I paid attention. He wore a far better suit, which is from the DC animated series, if I remember correctly. A Cool costume to be honest, it really makes him look badass, and surprisingly heroic.

I on the other hand, didn't have a costume, so I went to get a set of training cloths instead.

"Nice costume Clark" I really liked the design, it looked very human.

"Thanks Jin. It took me a while to get over the last one, but I thought I needed a change in style... You ready?" Clark stated and asked.

"Yeah, lead the way." As I said this, I immediately activated my ZET-form to catch up in speed.

As we flew there. I thought about how I would start this fight, whether to do it in my human, or true state...

No, definitely starting in my human form, I could definitely reap more benefits from using that in the beginning...

After another minute of flight.

Clark started to slow down, meaning we were probably close. As we flew past a couple more stars, he flew towards a planet, it looked similar to Mars.

As we hovered down unto its atmosphere, I realized that it had breathable air, and from a distance, plant life too... At least he found somewhere decent. However, my sub-space soloed, with no concept of difficulty.

"So, this is the place?... not bad at all..."

"Thanks. I found it a couple weeks ago while flying to a planet that needed saving. Good people, terrible hygiene though." Clark responded.

"Shall we start?" I said, de-transforming.

Clark raised one of his eyebrows. Clearly a little puzzled at what I was doing.

"Why fight me in that state? I know your strong, Jin. But you're far weaker without your transformation... no offense, so what's the deal?" He asked.

"None taken. I want to grow stronger in my base state, it's a simple matter really. I'll fight you later, when I feel like I've grown enough".

Clark shrugged.

"Oh, and don't hold back much. I'll show you why... well, I'm sure you will notice either way." I continued.

He looked curious, after if he wanted to question me, but held it off...

"One last thing. No flying, this is for both of us to improve when we have our battles on land." I added.


"Okay... Be warned. I won't be holding back much, so let's start" Clark said.

He out stretched his right hand, signaling me to come at him, then getting into a fighting stance.

"Ooooooohhh Clark... Please stop getting me all fired up, really. And you have a boxing stance? Looks like someone learned a little martial arts too..." I was excited. My cells were on cloud 9 for reasons I wasn't even completely sure of, but I wasn't going to complain. Not. At. All...

I charged towards him, unknowingly licking my lips slightly. A devious smile graced my face.

I initiated the confrontation with a strike to his abdomen, Clark easily parried, but then I used my legs to strike at his feet, which he also used to parry my strike...

He decided to strike back now as well, with speeds I was more than able to keep up with due to me perception being so high.

However he threw another in which

I wanted to block, but my body instinctively dodged. I stepped back looking curiously, my right brow raised.

"You have amazing instincts... If you blocked that, your arms wouldn't have been so lucky." Clark said, smiling cunningly.

"Oh Clark... You have NO idea what beast you are trying to awaken..."

I said, dashing towards him sinister smile, with a quick strike to the pressure point. He attempted to block it, but unfortunately for him, it was a feint...

I then twisted my body in the air, to strike at his face, to which he barely blocked.

The ground created a large spider-web like crack, branching off for over a hundred meters... However, after I landed the blow. I felt my body ringing with a reverberating pain...

'*Tch* His body makes my bones rumble. Literally. It's harder than anything I've punched before!'

And that was no lie. I had to back off a bit. Gaining some distance I swung my arms to shake off the pain. And after it healed. I felt the strength amp coming in.

Clark simply looked unfazed at the strike, but kept a smirk. He was clearly pleased about something, but what?...

"I can see that your arms are shaking after that one. I am the man of steel after all." Clark said.

A little cocky aren't we?

"I think we should step this up a notch... I need you to push me more Clark. This level, isn't enough" I said, smirking excitedly.

"... Alright, let's see you handle double the amount of power..." Clark said, charging towards me...







Jin's PL 1.78-Million...