A New Level of Strength

~ Omni Pov ~

Jin's figure was covered with dust and debris, leaving Clark to wonder if the youngster was alright...

He waited for another couple of seconds, but no response came...

'Jin? Shit! I may have gone too far. But that level of heat shouldn't affect him, at least, not much from estimation... Was I, perhaps wrong?' Clark thought, getting a little anxious...

He quickly flew towards where Jin was, hoping he would be okay.

But as he got closer, he then saw a shadowy figure becoming more apparent as he focused his vision.

With more curiosity slowly building up at the corner of his mind, he flew even closer...

When Clark finally saw who the figure was. He was bewildered... Glad, but still very bewildered...

"Y-your... but, that can't be, you shouldn't b-" Clark spoke, but he was interrupted.

"Completely unscathed? Unaffected? Uninjured? Untouched? It's simple really... I'm just that guy, Clark. Now... what did I saw about flying during the battle?" Jin said, his smirk egotistical...

Clark's eyes widened, but returned serious as it was moments ago... He flew down, ready to charge another laser strike, but this time, twice as powerful.

Jin saw this, and remained utterly unbothered and unmoving, even checking his fingernails, and dusting off his body...

'Let's see how you handle this!' Clark thought, shooting the beam once more. As the beam was about to land, it looked as if it was getting nullified by Jin's body completely...

"How is that possible?" Clark said. His brain trying to find a solution to how his foe was completely unharmed...

Jin said nothing and continued smirking.

He responded. "While you think of the reason... I'll let you handle this attack, be careful... it's quite strong" Jin said, sadistically.

A dark purple energy formed in his hands, pulsating in and out constantly, it was barely even the size of a marble. Yet, one could see space distorting around it...

Clark's eyes widened once again.

'I-is that what I, think it is? Did he really just summon a black hole!?' Clark thought.

Jin finished fine-tuning the spell's attack potency. Then he launched it towards Clark.

Clark on the other hand saw the attack, moving in the air, rather slowly, taking its time towards him.

He thought he might have been wrong about it, sincen it's impossible to simply summon a black hole from nothing...

But as the attack, not even the size of a penny, finally reached 1 meter of him. The suddenly, he got pulled in instantly...

'What the!?? How did it just suck me in all of a sudden??' Clark thought. This attack was strong, a bit too strong.

He couldn't fly away from it. Even though it came from someone over 100s of times weaker than he is.

Clark clasped his hands, trying to encapsulate the attack, which he did successfully.

But it was clear that he was struggling with it, by a large margin too. For the effort he was putting in, he even started to sweat for the first time in decades!

'Come on Clark! Crush it!' Clark thought, slowly clasping his hands more, before finally dispatching the attack.

Jin was only watching in interest, sitting on a pillar of ice he made a couple seconds ago.

"You finally, dispelled it? Took you a while to be frank." Jin said, a little dissapointed.

Clark on the other hand was huffing and puffing tiredly. Still trying to figure out how Jin performed such a feat. He also wondered why Jin didn't use that nove earlier...

"You're probably wondering why I didn't use that move earlier, right? Well, that must have had answered your question." Jin replied.

Clark could only look on, wondering what was going through this kid's head. But as he thought carefully. He realized two things...

So, he stood up to speak.

"...I noticed two things so far about you... one, is that your immune to heat/fire, right? That was how you tanked my beam without even blinking. Second, that attack you just did... the way you looked and postured yourself as you did it, makes me think you could have made it a lot stronger... am I right..." Clark said. Almost a matter of factly. Doubting he was wrong, yet hoping he was. Specifically for the second part...

[PL 53.12-Million...]

"BINGO! You're correct, my friend, and for your second question. I actually made the attack weaker than what it's supposed to be. So technically... I could have ended the match before it even started." Jin stated nonchalantly. He saw no reason to lie or to hide that fact...

Clark's eyes twitched at the response.

'That attack was weaker than it was supposed to be? Just how strong was it initially? And how can he unleash attacks, 100s of times stronger than himself, so casually!' Clark thought, a bit alarmed. He knew it was a possibility, but it was still unbelievable...

So alarmed in fact, that he was now wondering if the league should make contingencies, solely for Jin alone, because as it stands now.

He now knows that Jin could potentially wipe out the earth and its heroes from the face of existence, anytime he pleases... and, that terrified Clark...

He would have to speak with Bruce about Jin's capabilites when he got back... But he now knows how it must feel for Bruce. To know that a being as powerful as itself goes haywire. it could potentially spell the destruction of the entire solar system, or worse...

Jin was like Bruce to himself, but the gap felt far wider... Especially since he knows he has a transformation on-top, of all that immense strength...

" I don't know what you're thinking over there, but we have 2:30 minutes left in our little fight and, I can still grow. So come at me!" Jin said.

Clark calmed himself... Jin wasn't a foe, so it's not nessesary to think like that...

So he charged at Jin once more, this time, even harsher than before...

Jin simply welcomed the overwhelming challenge, with a both a sadistic and masochistic smile from the beating and the power he was gaining from it. He was agitated, but his pain immediately turned into strength as he was healing...

He wasn't simply going to keep getting beat up though. So he actually tries to counter and strike when it's possible to do so...

With the nessesary conditions triggered, and another 30 minutes of continuous back and forth beat-downs, with the passives growing immensely. His power level only kept rising sharply...







Jin's Power level= 157.87-Million...