
Jin and Clark continued their clash, with Jin's energy rising endlessly...

This wasn't much of a fight anymore. It was a test to show how powerful Jin was. That, at the moment was Clark's new goal. What came from said/this interaction was simply a bonus...

Another Half an hour passed, of Jin simply unleashing more creative strikes and moves against Clark. While Clark was doing his best to push the boy he was facing.

Until Jin halted mid-punch. Somewhat surprising the man of steel...

Jin's Power level, unbeknownst to Clark, was around 354.5-Million... The increase was now beginning to dwindle. Especially ever since Clark was only barely pushing Jin over the course of the fight. He was fully aware of Jin's growth, so he didn't want to go too far to make him powerful, especially too quickly...

'Why did he stop? Is there something he wants to do? Is he perhaps going to go through with 'that'? Clark thought to himself, unsure of Jin's next course of action.

"...I think it's time... We only have an hour and 30 minutes left. You said that you wanted to see my full power, didn't you? Well. I would suggest you brace yourself." Jin said suddenly.

The act caught Clark by surprise by the sudden declaration, but he wouldn't say anything about it...

"Yes... I want to see it..." Clark stated... He gulped in anticipation... He felt as if what was coming was something one would, or better yet, could only dream of achieving in a life-time...

Jin heard his response. At the moment, Jin's body returned to normal, since he was barely getting pushed earlier. He evened out at an impressive 200cm in height...

Silence followed for what seemed like an eternity for Clark. Jin closed his eyes. He then opened them. He charged his energy to the max. A sinister crimson red accompanied by neon red highlights flashed around him, with small green tints of energy too, with small lightning arcs forming around him.

Jin himself witnessed this. He felt the energy coursing through his body... He thought of himself as a mutant... As if he wasn't truly 'ZET'... It was as if he went beyond that peak... Something 'ZET' could never achieve alone...

For Clark, he could only sit and watch as the planet rumbled with energy. Dark clouds formed around the area in a large radius...

Jin then transformed, the energy he released far more potent than before. It was slightly suppressing even Clark at the moment, since his knees began to buckle under the sheer pressure the boy in front of himself was exuding...

He saw Jin's new eclipsing and imposing figure... standing 3.5 meters tall (11.5 feet tall) However, Jin for Clark on closer inspection, looked like a well-proportioned action figure with a dream like build... Clark thought, that It was almost unreal for something that tall to be so aesthetic or 'lean' as the zoomers now say.

He looked at the imposing figure ahead of him. But he didn't feel fear. He looked into Jin's eyes. Seeing brilliance within them. No longer how it was when they first fought...

However, Jin, in the next moment, powered up even further... Jin clenched his teeth. Activating both his 'ZET' abilites... The very planet below beginning to disintegrate beneath his feet... The trees now starting to uproot themselves...

The result of this changed Jin's figure once more. His armour now gained a new design, now consisting of a new metallic and sturdy sheen with his claws doing the saw with both having glowing red neon highlights...

However, the results weren't so pleasant for Clark... The energy Jin was now exuding made him gravitate to the planet, as he fell helpless. He was even finding it difficult to breathe, since the energy was so dense around him.

'H-h-how c-c-can he b-be t-t-t-this P-powerful!' Clark thought...

There was one thing he could think of to describe what was happening before him... One word to describe the being that he was dealing with... Omni-potent, that's as clear as it got...

However, what do people usually mean by, 'Omni-potent'? One would usually say, all-powerful. All-encompassing. Infinite. Endless in strength, status and wealth. But usually... one tends to use this simple definition when they think of it, someone competent can simply sum it up in one sentence and everyone would agree...

'To be incredibly powerful'...

At this moment. To Clark, Jin was exactly that. It couldn't have been more Plain to the man of steel...

At the moment. Jin's Power level was over 82-Trillion... But, if Jin used his 'zealot mode'. It would rise to over 5.3-Quadrillion!

"This is it with my biological transformation... But I can go far higher... However, that wouldn't be too good for you..." Jin said. He saw the state Clark was in, then he immediately de-transformed. Removing the invisible pressure that exuded from his body placed on Clark...

Clark was coughing a bit since it left him stiffed of air for a while. But he was now fascinated with Jin's physiology...

"Remind me next to not get on your bad side... That was a scary yet... interesting experience." Clark stated, smiling a little, out-stretching his arm from being/sitting on the ground. He also unconsciously ignored the 'I can go higher' part completely...

"Sure, I can do that." Jin retorted, smiling as well. Grabbing Clark, pulling him up...

Both men silently decided to end the spar now. Jin was glad he had improved tremendously during the fight with Clark, and he was more than content with his current growth in power.

However, things weren't so dandy for both men, especially for Jin... With energy/magic that powerful. It is bound to attract some unwanted attention... But also curious ones...

Like a certain dark blue-haired and violet robed female...

But other celestial entities as well...





