
Right after the fight. The two men flew back to earth. With Clark heading his way, and Jin going his...

Arriving home, Jin got himself refreshed then sat to think about what he would do now.

He, of course, had to think of training. However, the only good way of gaining power was essentially down to his gravity machine and sparring.

Which the former would no longer be beneficial under earth's gravity, so he knew he had to experience heavier gravity from different planets and other things to mimic the sensation, so he could replicate it in his sub-space.

But that would be for another time... At the moment, he was actually looking forward to how much stronger Clark would get until the next fight, so he was a little excited... So for the time being, he decided he would relax for a while.

"Maybe I can even ask Clark if he knows any planets with higher gravity... but for now, the sun should serve as an excellent template for the next two-three months..." Jin said out-loud.

[You don't need to do so, Jin. I can simulate said gravity with your permission]

"You can? Well, do it. It would save me trouble from going too close to the sun." Jin stated, relieved.

"But I don't want to do that now. We can start tomorrow." Jin said tiredly. The fight was exciting, as it was draining. His regeneration didn't come without a cost, and that cost was food. So he was understandably exhausted from the brawl...

[Okay host...]

'Good... I can finally get some good shut ey-' Jin thought, ready to relax, but he was rudely interrupted once again.


Jin opened his eyes widely. Now really annoyed. He released a bit of his aura that contained rage for a split second. Before calming himself. He walked towards the door. Opening it slowly.

Jin wore his signature smile. "Hello, how may I help yo-" Jin looked down to see, raven?

Yet, crimson red eyes met his own.

'They look like rubies...' Jin thought. He was somewhat mesmerized by it. Ruby red was beautiful...

However, raven said nothing and looked down instantly. After doing this, Jin examined what she wore. She had on a white fitting hoodie and black fitting thin jeans.

Her hair was both lavender while flowing into a dark violet at its tips... To sum it up, she was breathtaking...

Actually, he had a slight crush on her when he was younger, but it quickly faded when he met 'her'... But he still reminisced about it from time to time in his past life...

But one thing did cross his mind... Why was she even be here? He wondered if Bruce gave away his location yet again.

"You're him, the one who saved us... aren't you..." Raven stated, her voice monotone. Containing a sense of certainty.

'She knows who I am, but that's... Unless... Don't tell me she could sense me from THAT far?' Jin thought, but he had needed to get this over with...

"...Please come inside..." Jin said, welcoming the raven haired princess...

"Before that... I want to thank you again for saving us back then. We could have ended dying if it wasn't for you." Raven said.

Jin nodded. Making way for Raven.

Raven, on the other hand, found something off... he was... different from what she remembered him to be, based on the last time they met (saved her). However, when she looked to examine his features... well, she couldn't... He was far more attractive than what she expected... but she would rather die than to admit or say that, for now...

Secondly. She observed that he wasn't anywhere near this 'large'. He was just behind Cyborg in height, but the greatest change came in his energy... She realized that it was far more potent than what it used to be and something else...

Jin closed the door. However, he wanted to get straight to the point.

"You sensed me from space, didn't you?" Jin stated. He knew it was the only way she could have possibly known...

"Yes... it was very obvious... with that amount of energy released, you might as well be a super-beacon." She stated.

'That was a kick to the gut, but I thought I was far enough so that none could feel my energy from where I was... it looks like I underestimated her sensing capabilities' Jin thought.

"And that power you used, I can sense it clearly now... it seems extremely similar to dark magic, but it isn't... also, it felt like something 'off' is within you..." she stated. Well versed in all types of different magical elements...

Jin was somewhat panicking now, because he did indeed use dark magic. Still, he didn't know what he was going to do. But then he remembered.

The dark magic he uses wasn't necessarily the traditional kind where it was demonic in nature... However, he was knowledgeable enough to realize it wasn't pleasant to really 'sense'.

"I do use magic... and it was 'dark' magic, however, not the kind that's typically known..." Jin said.

Raven was a little surprised and curious... But from what she could sense, it didn't seem like he was lying. However, she was still cautious of that kind of energy...

Jin looked curiously at her thinking form. She put her fingers to her chin as she held said hand in her palm...

However, Jin noticed something earlier...

'Why is her head down?' He thought.

'He uses something different from dark magic. That's not possible? How can he have something different? Did he somehow bypass the inner-workings of the element, or is he using a completely separate 'kind' of magic? That must be it. One can't just 'change' the origin of an element unless they have powers belonging to a higher plane...' Raven thought, trying her best to come up with a reasonable explanation...

Jin simply looked curiously at her. Unsure of how to proceed.

Then Raven stopped, sighing at her own attempts at solving the case of her savior...

But She knew should could at least help him in other ways...

"...You have something inside you sinister... I can feel it... I could help you tame it with the abilities I have. It's the least I can do to repay you." Raven stated.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked confused.

"...You have something evil...no... Primal in you that needs suppressing... It tries to hide itself, but it is there..."

Jin looked at her confused. Not entirely certain, or really catching onto watch she was saying at all...

'_I belive she is speaking about me..._'

Jin instantly slowed his perception of the world. So he could think of what he just heard...

'Fuck... Where were YOU, for the last couple of weeks? And what the hell do you mean by that? Aren't you me? You should be like a separate identity. Not an entirely different being' Jin asked and rebutted.

This was news to him. He was aware of this 'entity', which was technically him... but, it shouldn't behave like a separate soul or presence in nature. That will only add a bunch of complications to the issue...

'_... Stop with your demanding tone... first off. I was watching over you, second. I am a separate entity yet I am not... Third. I am, you._' ZET stated.

Listening to his other counterpart.

On the other hand, Jin was beginning to lose his temper, rather quickly... He knows he can't really trust... himself... This entity is clearly hiding things from him, it knows of information he, himself doesn't have access too... Which isn't good.

Which also means almost anything ZET states, can be taken with a grain of salt...

However, deep down Jin figured it was ZET she was referring too... He was just unconsciously ignoring that specific half of himself. Rooting it out as an option completely...

'_Let us, mate with her..._' ZET stated...






