A Potential Issue...

~ ??? Pov ~

"Bruce... I think we need to have a talk... remember a while back when you spoke about 'an out-of-control Justice league'? It's something similar..." Clark stated. With a concerned look on his face.

Bruce only raised his eyebrows, curious about what his friend had to say. Especially regarding an issue like this...

"...Yes, I remember. What about it?" Bruce continued...

"It's about 'Jin'... His power... it's of concern... He makes me look like a flea in comparison to a human... Look, I know what I'm about to say to you will sound hypocritical... But, his abilites and raw power are something else entirely. Bruce, the kid is skilled enough to go against me, who was someone that's tenfold his physical capabilities, and he grows mid-battle when facing pressure, and the more pressure you apply. The faster it is..." Clark stated, his worries plaguing his mind...

Bruce listened, then chuckled darkly. Almost bursting into a hysterical laughter. Clark was a bit off put by the situation... but he remained vigilant, and resolute... Bruce, on the other hand, finally stopped chuckling, then his face returned to its stoic visage once more. He responded...

"So... you finally see how it is my way, huh? Welcome to the disparity between humans and super-powered aliens, 'Clark'. As much as I want to wrong you, you're right. Jin is an entity, or better put, an 'anomaly' that can't be handled with any of our current forces... Neither is there any proper way to put him down, even if he gets out of control... I don't have a read on all his abilites, so I can't give any judgement..." Bruce said.

Clark shrugged off Bruce's speech, then looked at his partner unbelievingly... "What? Theres nothing you have on him that could bring him down if he goes left? You have something on everyone else, Bruce. You must have something." Clark responded.

Bruce sighed, then responded...

"...I'm human Clark. I won't know everything there is to know, but I try... Jin has no real weaknesses... Even for the years I've known him, he only goes higher on the scale of power... in-fact, he actually 'develops' more abilites as time passes, and they are much more powerful than himself, given the last time I saw them in action for myself." Bruce said truthfully.

Clark felt dejected... He feels horrible for plotting like this, but he knew the kid is way stronger than they can handle put together...

"This is bad, Bruce... I guess there's only one option..." Clark said.

"Yeah. Don't get on my kid's bad-side..." Bruce responded...


Jin, on the other hand, was heading over to the headquarters to speak and get to Karate-Kid. Everything else he had planned would be put to a halt until he fixed this issue. He couldn't operate on a wobbly scale. Especially since he's a walking ticking time-bomb that could potentially destroy the universe in a brief period...

With another couple of minutes of walking. He reached a secret teleporter.

'Let's see... 3-2-4-1-1-O-M-E-G-A' Jin typed, with the teleporter now online. He pressed the button, getting transported...

After a second, he was there.

'I can never get used to teleportation...' Jin thought, walking ahead.

Entering the main area, he got stares from all around the room. Most with evident interest present.

No one had seen this person before. However, they could all tell one thing. He was powerful... he had a presence in him. The way he walked, looked and carried himself. He showed no anxiousness, pride, fear but resolution...

Jin realized the staring, but he didn't have time to really get to know anyone in the room... He looked like a hawk, his eyes piercing through his mask to find who needed to.

And he did... there was only one person in the entire alliance who could rock a haircut like that...

'Karate-kid... There you are...' Jin thought, as he walked towards him. However, Karate-Kid realized Jin the moment he walked within the room. He could feel the sheer energy/chi/ki that Jin radiated...

Jin made his way over to him with no other objective in mind... But of course, someone had to have a problem with Jin just having to simply 'walk' in...

"Wait, a minute there buddy, excuse but... Since when were you a part of the alliance? I have photographic memory, so don't bother lying." Said the 'hero' who questioned. He was around 2.5 meters in height, with orange-coloured skin and jet black hair, while wielding a large build to boot...

'Of course... I would find someone who would bother me... Let's not escalate the situation any further...' Jin thought.

"It's because I am not officially a hero... I am a special case, so to speak... I came to see someone for help." Jin responded, being as politely as he could. His voice was a little deeper than usual, because of his puberty taking effect...

Karate-Kid in this case, only looked on with mild concern... The person was seriously messed up... He realized that Jin's 'balance' was all mushed?... He was sure that person lacks the capability to feel either good or evil...

However, the 'hero' continued.

"That's a shame. How can we trust that you're with us?... For all we know, you could be a villain in disguise? So, respectfully, I'm going to ask you to leave. Until further notice." The hero responded, his face plastered with a condescending grin...

Everyone else watching felt sorry for the person who came. He was basically being bullied by Warthog. He's known to intimidate heros all round. Initially, he was a decent hero, but after a while he changed for the worse, barely having hero like qualities, other than 'helping' others. Some say it was fame and others say it was ego...

Still, they couldn't really do anything since Warthog, as horrible as he was, had a point. He was known as a smart ass in the alliance...

But on this occasion, Warthog was having another issue... He was interested in a female hero for a while, named 'Hawk-girl', but she barely even looked at him, and showed the occasional courtesy, saying hello and goodbye, but other than that, she was silent when they ate together...

However, as soon as this person came, she payed attention. A woman he was trying to court gave a newbie attention for a second, and still is... and that rubbed Warthog the wrong way...

"I am afraid I can't do that. Just trust me. I'm not evil... I just want to pass by quickly for some quick help. Batman knows me... He can vouch for me being here..." Jin stated calmly...

"Really? You know batman on a personal level? It would be more convincing if you said you were a villain. But it's time to go, buddy. We don't keep/harbor people around here like you. So move it!" Warthog stated, getting a little agitated...

"...I'm afraid that won't do, it's true. I know him, so why not ask him together?" Jin stated, still being calm. He was trying his best to not feel anything... trying his best to mimic what a good person would do, but the person confronting him was pushing his luck...

As Jin looked down and reached out for his phone. Warthog decided he wasn't having it.

So he was attempting to grab after Jin's arm to stop him and crush the phone...

'Bitch! You should have listened while you had the chance. A minor fracture should teach you some damn manners.' Warthog thought, grabbing onto Jin's arm. Squeezing with a bit of force.

But the 'pop' sound never came... He was holding onto Jin's arm as he was searching for the Phone...

'What... the? How is he fine?' Warthog thought. Confused as the whole situation... He tried applying more pressure, but Jin was moving his hand as if he was never grabbed at all.

The other heroes looked on with a bit of surprise while other with shock... Warthog was getting out muscled... Warthog was one of the stronger heroes present, which is why the others tend to leave him alone... Physically in the alliance, he could chuck buildings to mountains like saucers with utter ease level of strong...

Warthog started sweating. The guy's arm that should have been crushed, was now dialing the phone with said arm casually...

Warthog decided to use all his power at his disposal, but the results were the exact same. He looked as if he was visibly struggling to the others now. But they thought he was going easy on the poor guy or it was an act, since Warthog was so powerful...

Karate-kid, however, looked impressed. For someone who can't feel neither good nor evil, he sure was calm... eerily so...

Hawk-girl looked a little surprised, just a small bit. She knew he was strong... but not to such an impressive level...

Black-canary was present there as well, watching the whole thing with slight amusement, with curiosity. Wondering who this new person could be...

Jin continued, pulling the phone to his ear, while almost throwing Warthog to the side with the fore alone, sign he hadn't let go of his arm...

"...Yeah... Batman, I'm at the league. I ran into a bit of a... hiccup, since none of the heroes know me. Could you vouch for my behalf?" Jin asked. Courteously.

"...Yes, put it on speaker." Batman stated.

Jin did as Bruce asked... "You can speak now." He continued.

"...All heroes in the league, this person is a special guest, treat him with the respect as if you were talking to the main members themselves, is that enough?..." Batman stated, flying towards his home.

"Yeah... it should be enough. Right, Warthog?" Jins stated.

"Y-y-yeah... t-t-that's e-e-enou-gh..." Warthog stuttered, quickly letting go of Jin's arm. He couldn't believe what was happening. It was all moving too quickly for him to fully process...

He looked towards Hawk-girl/woman, only to see her look at him, then to the mysterious man...

Jin simply said his thanks, continuing to Karate-kid...







