A Challenge and Impressions

With Warthog Leaving shortly after the whole 'debacle'. Jin made his way to Karate kid, this time, with no interruptions...

Conveniently for Jin, Karate-Kid was by himself today, so he wouldn't have to deal with senseless conversations...

"...Your Karate-Kid, correct? I'm sorry for disturbing you, since you don't really know me, but... I would appreciate some help with myself... if your reputation proceeds you, you may already know what it is... can you help me?" Jin asked.

"...Yes, I can teach you a method to help get you back 'together'... but that comes with a price... Forgive me, but. I would like to spar with you in exchange for what you want." Karate-Kid stated.

'Why does he think that this is a good idea? I'm extremely volatile... Crazy bastard... I have to respect a martial artist when I see one.' Jin thought.

"Alright, fine... I'll spar with you... but if anything happens, I hope you are ready for the consequences..." Jin stated.

"I know, so follow me. We have a training area down to my right." Karate-Kid stated, getting up and walking towards their new destination...

Everyone was curious. Karate-kid is even better than Batman from what they heard. Some even sparred with him and ended up losing in mere moments with some flashy 'martial-art'...

With both Jin and Karate-Kid making their way to the training room. Others followed along, hoping to get a good show...

When they reached, it was empty, since it was the largest room there. So other heroes tend to not use it other than to see fights from the top heroes...

Jin seeing Karate-Kid stop. He only continued farther towards the other end of the room.

"I hope you're ready, friend. Just be prepared... I'm quite strong." Karate-Kid stated, bowing in a traditional way, getting into a stance.

"I can say the same. Just be prepared... I'm quite scary..." Jin said, smirking, getting into his own stance. Rather, a low systema stance...

Karate-kid seeing this felt a little surprised... His opponent's 'range' was obscenely large. He couldn't get the full grasp of it. All he knew was that Jin could attack from any angle, and he would be in an advantageous position...

Jin smirked, realising that Karate-kids guard had no real openings... He himself knew he could attack from anywhere, but with an opponent as good as Karate-Kid, it would only be so effective...

Jin didn't wait anymore. He charged instantly towards Karate-kid, using power relative to his opponent's own...

Karate-Kid simply blocked each strike with parries. Jin was relentless with his strikes, with each carrying dangerous accuracy and purpose...

Jin stopped using systema, and switched to a formless hand-to-hand combat style, which is the ultimate style...

Both went into a heated h2h battle, with strikes being parried and countered, but none landing a decisive blow. Their fists were almost like a blur, but those who could see it could only be impressed. Each blow was aimed with precision unparalleled.

Black cannery and hawk-girl looked amazed at what they were seeing, and so did the rest of the heroes...

"He's good, to think he's able to keep up with Karate-kid that well..." Black cannery said.

"Indeed... if he was a hero, he would be quite the force to be reckoned with..." Hawk-girl stated, her eyes unmoving...

However, as the battle went on, no one could see who had the upper hand... Even Jin and Karate-Kid knew...

As they continued exchanging fists, Karate-kid took the initiative to use his legs now, which Jin blocked, then returning one of his own. With Karate-kid blocking as well...

"I must say... fighting with you is quite the thrill. Any opening that has been created by me fades instantly the moment I try to attack and capitalize on them, and they never appear again. It's as if you are getting better the more you fight against me..." Karate-kid complimented.

"...Thank you. I could say the same. You improved a little during our match... That last hit would have ended even Batman, yet you managed to counter it in the last second..." Jin responded, his tone flat.

Hearing this, Karate-Kid smirked.

"I think we should turn this up a notch, yes?" He continued. Charging towards Jin once more.

Jin's guard was up, his gaze sharpening... He knew that his foe's martial arts were hax-like compared to this day and age's own, after all. He's from the future...

Karate-kid threw what seemed to be a regular punch. As jin was attempting to guard it, Karate-Kid quickly switched and grabbed Jin's arm instead, ready to throw him to the floor...

As Jin's body was in mid-air, both Hawk-girl and cannery predicted the match would end now, with Karate kid subduing his opponent, which was usually the case in all spars they had...

However, something unexpected happened...

As Jin flew off, he quickly kicked and used the momentum and force of it, to spin his body high in the air, grabbing Karate-Kid's arm and jumping off of it using it as leverage, doing a 720 degree twirl in the air, landing gracefully.

Everybody looked on silenced... unable to really comprehend on what had just happened...

"...T-that's insane... he managed to bounce back from that while in midair?" Cannery stated. Shocked...

"I know... it's hard to see someone that quick-witted in a situation like that..." Hawk-girl stated, genuinely fazed... she thought the match would be over... especially the way that person did it...

Karate-Kid looked surprised as well. He saw what happened, but even it was a little unbelievable.

"That was really impressive... your battle instincts are other-wordly to be able to do something like that! Especially you being able to land so gracefully too... I think I've seen enough. You earned my help." Karate-Kid stated. Genuinely impressed.

"Thanks... you've taught me a thing or two, so it was all good..." Jin stated. Approaching his new helper...

Still, deep down. Jin knew that Karate-Kid was pulling his punches when it came to his over-all techniques... He most likely knew Jin would adapt to them rather quickly, and that would be troublesome in the end...




[Hidden Quest completed: Impress a martial-art mythical level fighter...]








