Gaining Control...

Jin heard the ding go off in his mind. Then he felt a weird sensation in his brain, specifically, his temporal lobe... The feeling quickly spread to his body, giving him a funny sensation, then dissipating, so he ignored it. Following Karate-Kid...

Both went out of the chamber, with Karate-kid leading Jin along. After a minute of walking, they reached their destination. Both entering his room...

"...Forgive me for asking, but why is your yin and yang so chaotic?... this shouldn't be possible in normal circumstances... I know that grandmasters from this and my time being able to manipulate souls soul to extremes with their energy, but not to this degree..." Karate-kid asked.

"...I can't say how it really happened... other than it was natural..." Jin said truthfully.

"...I see... well, my name is Val-Armorr. By the way, you don't need to tell me your identity... I have a hunch that you want to keep it hidden..." Val stated.

"Thanks for not asking, Val. However, I'm quite pressed for time... I don't want to sound rude or anything, but can we skip the introductions for now? I need your technique most at the moment." Jin stated hoping, that he would understand.

"Of course. I can tell... you're not much of a person at the moment... Just follow my movements correctly. This technique is called, 'Mor-VAA-Han'. It's essentially a movement that allows for one's yin and yang natures to be balanced. It's quite a high level technique, and it has exactly 134 distinct movements of gathering both and separating them perfectly. We could be here for a couple of hours, so you're going to need a lot of time..." Val stated.

"You can start. I will be watching." Jin said.

Val nodded, then started performing the technique. In only 5 minutes, he finished all of them.

"I can do it again if you wish... It takes a whil-"

"That won't be necessary... I have it all down..." Jin stated, interrupting Val...

Val was a bit taken aback... that was 134 movements, with each being more complex than the last... yet he's saying he already has it down?

'Interesting...' Val thought. He thought Jin was bluffing... even he couldn't do it all within such a short amount of time, and when he did eventually accomplish all movements, he never had the proficiency he had with it now...

However, it was as if god was saying, 'you really think so?'. Val thought he had witnessed the impossible... He saw Jin replicating his technique perfectly, with even greater speeds/efficiency than himself.

'Impossible... what is he?' Val thought, surprised.

Jin finished it all within half the time. With his soul already gaining a miniscule amount of stability...

However, this was due to Jin's new reward for completing a hidden quest...

His new passive skill was called, 'Absolute copy'... It had boosted his already extreme levels of growth and adaptability to all new heights, and paired with permanent muscle memory, he could already be the greatest martial artist that ever lived, could live and has ever existed...

"Thanks for teaching me this technique, Val. I can feel the improvement already, even though it's hardly noticeable..." Jin said, leaving the room...

Walking towards the closest teleporter he could spot, then he went home.

Val stood there as Jin left, only interested in this new friend he had made...


"Nova... how long until I can completely recover using this technique based on your calculations?" Jin asked.

[Affirmative Jin... It will take approximately 3 months and 15 days.]

Jin slumped a bit, but he was content. "Thank you. That isn't too bad with the worst amount of time, being an entire year..." Jin finished.

He could already feel his thoughts being a little more organised already... it was as if both he and ZET were splitting his raw intellect and logical thinking capabilities...

However, that was now dealt with, as of now. He had gotten other benefits from learning just that technique alone...

"Nova, bring up the technique I had learned from Val... and the other ability I had gained too." Jin stated.

[... You have gained the 'Mor-VAA-Han soul mending technique' and 'Absolute copy'. Would you like a description for each?]

"...Yes." Jin responded curtly...

[Mor-VAA-Han lvl-MAX: A future chi technique that allows the user to slowly repair their damaged soul, allowing the user to gain 'perfect' harmony with themselves, and with ??? when complete...(Can only be performed once per day until the soul is in harmony)]

[Absolute copy lvl-MAX: You are now able to copy any and all martial arts movements down to the very last detail, as well as auto 'mastering' them to a degree in which your body is capable of handling. (Keep in mind that if the user utilizes a martial art technique in which their body cannot handle, they will reap only repercussions...)]

Jin read both descriptions... that new skill is pretty useful... and the technique he had learned has more rewards than meets the eye...

"Thank you Nova. Since I have time, I can train myself to my heart's content." Jin said, walking towards his sub-space...

After another five hours of intense training. Jin increased his power a lot more... This time, doubling it entirely. On top of what he did before...

His base strength now nearing the billions...








