A battle ensues...

The next day, Jin trained himself increasing the gravity of his machine to 10x earth's own, but he was careful enough to not push himself too far given his current state, as well as the soul technique...

However, that was the least of his concerns. Raven would be coming here... and he didn't know what to do to help her stop her...

"What am I going to do... she won't be taking no for an answer..." Jin stated. He was feeling an insignificant speck of emotion now, unlike a day ago... However, he was still very volatile though, so he would still play it carefully.

[I heavily suggest that you turn her down host... As in, by ANY means necessary...]

"I know..." Jin said. He didn't know how to go about it. Raven was very demanding from what he remembers...

"If only I had something like the HTC from dragon ball. I could have finished this whole thing in no time..." Jin said.

He wondered how he would turn her down... he really wasn't in his right mind. And having sex isn't good at all in this situation...

However, today... Metting raven would be the least of Jin's problems...


~ ??? POV ~

"Earth will be mine. The Last time, they got off lucky, but this time... I will exact my vengeance... Those heroes will know that they shouldn't mess with a god..."


Soon after, a large explosion hit metropolis city...

Buildings destroyed, and the rest of the city wasted in one simple explosion...

People were vaporized, both adults and children alike...


~ Justice League ~

"Superman! Hurry to metropolis and see what's going on! Flash, head down with him to help the civilians that are injured. Lantern, help support flash with the heavy lifting. Diana, you remain as back-up if things go south." Batman instructed.

The team went to do what they were told. However, the other lesser known heroes were sent for support around other regions to stop and help...


~ Omni Jin Pov 1 hour after ~

With Jin, he spent an hour in his sub-space since raven seemed like she was no longer coming, closing it when he entered. However, as of now, he finished his little training...

Exiting and walking towards the living room. He felt the area shake violently...

"...Hmmm? That's rare..." Jin thought, passively.

He sat then turned on the TV, to see what's happening with his favorite series. However, what came next surprised him...

"Breaking news! Metropolis city has been hit with unknown strikes from an extremely large unknown spacecraft! the heroes have been fighting with a large humanoid creature, but it looks like they are losin-" Jin turned off the TV immediately. Sighing...

"...Darkseid..." Jin stated, getting up from his seat, getting dressed.


With the heroes, it didn't look so bright... All the heroes were fighting this new entity. However, it would be a lie to call it a fight to begin with. It was honestly a one-sided beat-down...


The shockwave reverberated, destroying the buildings from the pressure alone. However, the person on the receiving end of the strike was Superman... He was beaten, bloodied and tattered.

A shell of what he was supposed to represent... The green lantern was out cold while hanging off the top of a building. Wonder-woman was bleeding yet, still unconscious, but barely...

Some villains were there, trying to stop this foe. However, they were either dead or severely injured...

And the being who did this was disgusted...

"Pathetic... I really exerted myself for no reason. At least that other 'Superman' was a better fighter..." said Darkseid...

Flash tried sneaking behind him, trying to distract him enough for Superman to recover, even if it was for a little. However, the being known as Darkseid, looked at the speedster with a disappointed gaze.

"I thought you were supposed to be the fastest? You are slower than a snail, you pitiful creature!" Darkseid stated, grabbing the speedster with unbelievable finesse...

Darkseid began squeezing the Flash's neck. Ready to snap it.

However, before he could continue... another hand squeezed his own...

"Let him go..." Jin stated. Calmly...

Darkseid looked down... to see a new being grab him with strength above even Superman...

However, he was puzzled. This man didn't exist there... or the other earths he visited. Still, that didn't matter to Darkseid, since he dared to stand in his way. He could only pay the price...

Darkseid started squeezing harder. However, a flash of red and purple instantly dazzled him, and in the next moment, Darkseid felt his stomach shift to left...

And his body flying towards the other side of the city... Crashing into a building...

Surprised, he got up, but the pain came milliseconds after, with blood dripping from his mouth...

He wiped his lips, looking at his bloodied glove...

"I-Imposible..." He comented.

He was sure that he was prepared enough... but something else came to stop him. To save this pathetic and wretched planet, and it annoyed him...

His teeth clenched with anger at another foe who let him bleed...

Darkseid's eyes then lit up with burning fury. He launched himself out of the crater. Ready to exterminate the creature that did this to him...