Too strong...

Darkside got up, shooting towards the being that dared to injure him..

However, he was a second too late...

It already came to him...

Darkseid saw another punch coming at him with nearly blinding speeds. He blocked the strike, just in the nick of time, but it was powerful enough to knock him into multiple buildings once more...

'He's fast... and extremely strong...' Darkseid thought. He could feel his arms were shaking from the strike...

'...That.. flash of red... it must be him...' Darkseid stated. He didn't know what to feel exactly...

However, before he could think of anything more, the creature that he suspected hit him stopped... Darkseid took a gook look, seeing that it was colossal, towering in figure and presence...

'He could move that quickly with a body so large...?' Darkseid thought, still finding it unbelievable... but impressive...

When Darkseid thought about it, maybe he could take this creature under his wing? He was rather powerful, especially since he could injure him to this extent.

Thinking of having it by his side brought joy to him... Darkseid only chuckled darkly...

"You seem to be powerful... so why not join my legion? Help to conquer the multiverse with me. I can feel it, you are destined for greatness... and I can bring it out that greatness!" Darkseid offered.

"Are you, Joking?" Jin commented. His expression was void of any emotion.

"Or course not. I am an intergalactic warlord, I. Don't. Do. Jokes..." Darkside stated, with a little venom...

"...Well, I'm not interested... you have the galls to come to my planet, wreak havoc and expect me to join your ridiculous swiss emo 'intergalactic legion'? You're fucking entitled as you're crazy. I'd rather die than join you." Jins stated.

Darkseid said nothing, the veins pulsating on his forehead was enough of a sign to indicate that he was furious...

He launched himself at Jin with double his speed. Hoping to destroy this creature that dared to disrespect him...

But Darkseid felt his hand get caught casually...

'... I-impossible... he caught it that easily? That was all my power!' Darkseid thought, sweating...

"Weak... was that the best you can do?" Jin stated, genuinely disappointed...

"*Tch* YOU DARE TO MOCK A GOD!!!!!!!" Darkseid shouted furiously.

Jin let go of Darkseid's hands. Letting him do what he wants.

And that Darkseid did. He swung his fist trillions of times a second and used his omega beams in conjunction with his attacks. With the end result leading into a large dust cloud and crater...

*Huff... huff*

'That should take care of him. No being in this universe could tak-' But before Darkseid could finish his sentence. He saw Jin's supposedly 'dead' figure unscathed, standing there, utterly unfazed...

"No... How can you be alive after all that!?" Darkseid stated, stepping back unconsciously.

"It's time to die... you chose the wrong universe to mess with, and the wrong guy to cross..." Jin stated...

"Absolute... null" Jin uttered.

As he said that, Darkseid's figure instantly froze in place. With all his bodily functions literally 'frozen'. As if it took the concept of time from his being.

Jin walked up to his frozen body. He raised then lowered his right arm, bringing it to darkseid's abdomen...

Jin slowly changed it into a 'flicking' gesture. Using his ring finger, Jin flicked Darkseid's body...

Instantly, his figure shattered like ice, dissipating into nothingness...

"Weak..." Jins said disappointed...

He expected darkseid to be a challenge, but he was gravely mistaken...

He quickly returned to normal, then put on his mask, flying from the scene...

Leaving all the heroes both stunned and relieved... Not many knew of what saved them, and the ones who did had other thoughts entirely...

Jin, on the other-hand, felt dejected... he was too strong. He hoped that Doomsday would pose a challenge if or when he comes...

Or else, it would get boring quickly...







