Death... P.1

Returning home, Jin went to relax again... thankfully, this event wasn't a complete waste of time, especially since raven would be out for at least another week or two at most to help with the damages done to the city, which would be enough for him to get a better grasp of his emotions...

"With all this finished, I need to focus on balancing my emotions... if my calculations are correct, I should be stable enough to at least have some level of awareness of both good and evil, even though it would be miniscule..." Jin stated...

However, if he could find a way to expedite the time, he would gladly take it at the moment...

However, he knew that would be for another time...


~ 2 weeks later, Jin's Pov ~

"Finally finished!" I shouted.

I was happy with the progress I made over the two weeks. Now, I felt normal... ish? But it was good enough. I wouldn't senselessly lose control now...

I contacted Raven, and she said she would be here for another week, so it's even better for me in the end. Still, it apparently had something to do with her father, so I knew I shouldn't really ask her about it since it was a touchy subject for her...

I was a little worried about her... I had a nagging feeling that she wouldn't just take a week to do what she needed to do, and knowing how scummy Trigon was, never really sat well with me, since he was DC's equivalent of traditional satan...

For once, I wanted to get my mind off of things, too much problems are popping up. It's like the universe constantly wants me to struggle or be on some issue...

I sat back on my couch to think of things I used to, and I currently enjoy...

'Actually, since I already helped the elders... Maybe I should become 'enigma' again... ' The thought popped up randomly...

I hadn't fought crime in a while, and the experience was actually fun while rewarding, too...

'Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen?' I thought, then getting up...


~ ??? Pov, 10 pm ~

"We almost have it! With this, the gas will be complete. I could make them all~ smile..." Said the man...

"A-are you sure, honey-bun..? If yah' do this, we... no, I might be 'me' anymore..." said the lady in response...

However, the man turned sharply. His gaze was cold and penetrating. The look sent shivers down her spine for a second, no it still was... and it didn't help with his face, looking like it was constantly in a delirious state... He then smiled at her, psychotically...

"Trust me... you'll! be~ so~ much~ 'better~. Don't you trust me, darling?" He said, his tone condescending...

She smiled falsely; it was hinted with fear... she then tried her best to respond cohesively...

"O-of Course! Just makin' sure, honey." She said, stuttering at the beginning...

The man heard the response, his face serious... then he burst out with a smile, as if he had a separate personality...

"HAHAHAHAAAA!~ Good~ I thought I lost you... Harley..." He said, smiling wickedly...


~ Jin's Pov ~

'Interesting... Joker's goons are in this part of the city... I think I better follow them...' I planned...

Them being out here was suspicious as hell... Especially since the joker isn't one to leave Gotham, under any if not all circumstances...

Peering down to the rather large warehouse. I activated an ability I hadn't used before...

My 'Karmic ring'.

Upon activation, I felt a burning sensation at the back of my right hand...

Then, a golden glow shown from my habd, with the ring appearing shortly after...

luckily, my little commotion wasn't enough for them to notice me...

But it was more than enough for me to sense them...

I could see everyone in the warehouse with clear acuity...

Now, it was time to see what they were up to...

Utilizing me sneak passive, my footsteps went unheard as I meticulously made my way around the area...

When I found a way into the warehouse, I saw what they were working on...

'Oh, no... That psychotic bitch. I know what he's planning...' I thought, angrily...

Joker was most likely planning to spread his toxin like what he did in Gotham...

But this... was on a much bigger scale...

Why metropolis city? Were there more cities he was planning to spread it to?

'Fuck!' I cursed mentally... I knew Bruce shouldn't have left him alive... Now this was far more complicated then before...

Given that there are 20 of them I only need one who was hesitant enough to speak...

With that plan in mind, I made my way over to see what they were discussing behind each other's backs...




"I don' think this is a good idea man... If boss really releases this, won't we be affected too? I ain't no genius, buddy. But, I don't wanna end up smiling my ass off and think of only bs 24/7..." One of the goons said...

However, his partner wasn't as keen to the idea of betraying the boss/Joker...

"Speak for yourself, man. I ain't turnin' against that fucking maniac... I saw what he did to my old partner Joey for actually thinking for once, and let's just say poor ol' Joey never showed up the next day..." The other lackey states...




I had heard enough, then quickly knocked out the second goon. Then swiftly grabbed the first one. lifting him up in the air by the mouth, not allowing the man to scream...

"You seem to have common sense compared to the others... speak of where the rest of the balloons are, and you live to tell the tale." I stated.










