Death, the killing joke... P.2 (Finale)

"Let's not waste each other's times... where are the rest of the bombs?..." I asked, squeezing his mouth a little tighter...

I let go of his mouth to allow him to speak...

"I d-don't k-k-know a-anythi-ing, he doesn't tell us that stuff!" The goon exclaimed...

Jin shook his head.

'I figured as much, this joker is a lot more clever than he is in most iterations...' I sighed and looked towards the man...

"Listen... I have photographic memory, so that means, if I see your face ever again doing ANY, sort of criminal activities. I. Will. Know... and you WILL die..." I said.

Then he nodded excessively.

"Good... Now, when will this operation begin? Don't lie to me either, I'll know if you do..." I asked.

"*Coughs* H-he's startin' at m-midnight!..." the lackey stated. With that in mind, I have about an hour or so to find the rest of the balloons...

I quickly knocked him out and then took care of the rest of the crooks...

I looked towards the large balloon filled with potentially the joker toxin...

I used my freezing abilities to keep it in a permafrost state. With this, it won't be melted or broken unless someone of equal power undoes it...

I needed to hurry before the joker catches on...

However, before I left, I grabbed the walky-talky. By hacking it, I could find where joker had the rest of the-

"Wait a minute... Nova! Can you track the sequence and find where it's been used throughout the day?"

[...Yes host, but you'll need to use it first so I may decode the past calls and track 'them'...]

"Good, as soon as I turn it on and you track it. Mark the coordinates on my mini-map."

With this, I could find that son of a bitch... The joker dies tonight...


~ Joker's Pov ~

Something's gone wrong... I haven't been able to get into any contact with the other stations for a while...

Did the bat already find them? No!...

That couldn't be possible... he can't travel across the city in mere seconds... neither is he skilled enough to down that many men without any of them reporting back to me without notice...

Unless he had some sort of distortion device...

"Sir! T-the 4rth one in the western quadrant has been set loose. W-we only have ours L-left!" My lackey told me...


This wasn't fair! This was supposed to be 'my' night, the night that 'he' cracks, the night that the batman 'laughs'...

But this couldn't be him... and we only have one left too!


"GODAMNIT!!!" my anger was taking control of me...

"H-honey! I think we should call it quits tonight. We ca' always get em' next time. Let's jus ge-" Harly said... Not what I wanted to hear... She just HAD TO SAY SOMETHING!


"Shut... UP!!! Do you have ANY idea how long I'VE spent working on this? 6, entire FUCKING years. I won't be STOPPED NOW, OR EVER! SO BE A GOOD WRETCH, AND SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!!" I shouted...

Harly rubbed her face, looking at me like as if I've I committed the worst crime...

'Tough luck, stupid bitch... your time has been waning either way...'

It doesn't matter, joker... we just need to get mine to the city. The others were contingencies...

"Start projet 'S.M.I.L.E'. NOW!" I commanded.


~ Jin's Pov ~

'So just one more, huh?' I thought. Running into the building...

I wasted no time to find this fucker, instantly knocking out his goons...

When one moved at the speed of light, it takes mere moments to do something like what I did. Goes to show how inefficient the heroes were...

I barged through the door. I saw the bitch sitting like he was some king...

"What the? Who are you!!!!?" He shouted.

I saw Harley on the ground, crying and scared...

I didn't say a word... and then I instantly appeared before joker...

I grabbed him by his neck, choking him... then, I continued...

"...I know what you were going to do... don't bother joker... Tonight is the night you die..." I told him.

He looked at me with eyes I didnt expect to see...










"W-wait. Y-you can-" Before he could finish his mellow dramatic speech, I cut him off...

" No... You've had countless chances, but you blew them all... he gave you exactly 154 different chances to repent. TO LOOK AWAY... but you had to continue killing, having no mercy, no hesitation, no fucking conscience..." I stated, then I used the back of my hand. Flashing it with great speeds, causing his head to rupture into a bloody mess...

I saw his brain-matter and blood scattered everywhere except for me...

...Seeing his dead body brought me no sense of joy or sadness... I felt nothing. Joker was just the means that needed to be ended... I've done it, and I don't regret it a bit...

I looked towards the sitting Harley...

She only kept crying... She then looked towards me...

I turned to leave... Joker was dead, my task was finished... and, I didn't have time to deal with her...

"W-wait! Who are you?" She asked, still holding onto her face...

'He must have hit her... figures...' I thought...

"What does that matter? Unless... you want to join him?" I asked her...

She said nothing for a couple of seconds...

"...W-why?... why did ya' spare me?" She asked... I was surprised at her ability to ask anything at this point, but I decided to entertain the conversation... I had nothing to really lose...

"...You had a different look in your eyes... that's all." I said, telling the truth. She was indeed crazy, but not to the point/level of joker... She had a conscience, albeit a twisted one...

"So yer' jus g-gonna leave after doin' a-all th-is?" Harley said, stuttering...

I calmly replied...

"Yes." Walking away...

I then heard footsteps coming my way...

I stopped again...

"I... have nothin' left!... and nowhere to go... so... take me with you..." Harly shouted, then calming herself...

I turned around, looking at her as if she was crazy...






