Ahh... boy...

~ Omni Pov ~

Jin didn't know what to do in this situation. All he really knew is, was that Harley was basically possum... Her purpose in life was Joker, and now he was dead...

'...What the hell am I even doin'!?... He just murdered em'. Without batting an eye...' Harley thought...

She then gathered the little courage she had in this awkward situation.

"W-Who are you?..." she asked.

Jin looked towards her... He had no real reason to tell her anything. But why not, no harm can be done either way...

"... Remember the incident a couple years ago... when you and him captured the kids and their mothers to lure out bats?..." Jin said.

Harley looked confused... what did that incident have to do with him... if he helped, she would remember, he wasn't the type she would really forget...


"W-wait! were you that little devil all those years back!?" She asked. It was the only conclusion she could reach. The one who helped batman at the time was a little red monster...

"Bingo. It's me, all grown up..." Jin state, chuckling a bit...

"H-how? You and that 'thing' look nothin' alike, plus it was way smaller... you're huge..." Harley stated...

"It's because back then, I was a child... and technically, still am... but to keep it short, I can transform." Jin stated, a little amused at the whole situation...

Hearing this, Harley understood the situation a bit better...

Jin looked at the wound on her face...

'Looks like Joker beat her again... for a such a smart lady, she sure is a fool...' Jin thought.

He then walked towards her, startling her a bit...

"Stay still. I'll ease the pain..." Jin said, using the magic he had, running it on the wound...

She looked into his eyes while Jin was looking at, and healing her wound...

'For a guy... he's quite pretty...' Harley remarked, slightly blushing... She could tell... behind that mask he wore was a rather attractive person...

[...Lesser Healing acquired...]

Hearing the notification, Jin was pleased. It was his first time doing such a thing...

'It worked well...' He thought...

Harley felt the sting of her right cheek gone...

'Did he jus' heal me? I don't feel the pain anymore...' Harley said, checking and pinching her cheek...

"It's fine, right? Now... I'll be leaving..." Jin said...

Even though Harley knew she was lucky, she was even spared. There was something telling her that the person who did all this wasn't necessarily bad... and this was all due to a single hunch...

"W-wait!" she shouted.

Jin stopped. Turning around.

"I-I have nothin' left... As I said... Jus' let me follow ya'" she said in a pleading tone...

Jin only sighed...

He knew it was better to leave her rampant... and he didn't want to perma freeze her... he didn't deem her to be that evil... so maybe this is the best choice. Maybe she could change...

"... Do what you want..." Jin stated, walking away.

Harley said nothing and only kept following him...

'What the hell am I supposed to even do with her? I can't just keep her with me... or can I... she could make herself useful...'

Still... why did she just trust him for no reason... this wasn't like her...

Jin made sure to make a mental note of it...

"... Maybe you can do something... Grab onto me..." Jin said.

Harley took a quick look at the remains of her once beloved 'hubby'. As hypercritical of her to think he deserved it.

But, she was right... most of the times, she wouldn't really get innocents involved with their schemes, however, joker would encourage it, and she would do as he said because she was literally 'madly in-love'.

'*Tch...* I'm such an idiot...' She said, then grabbing unto Jin.

At the moment, she would be leaving her fate in the hands of the same person who stopped them years ago...







