What to do...

~ Jin's Pov ~

I'm almost home, at least. Bruce is gonna be pissed, but that's the least of my problems at the moment.

"Ya know... yer' really charmin'..." suddenly Harley said.

Hearing this, I slowly looked down at her, but I realized that she was hiding her face... "Ahh... thanks for the... compliment?" I responded.

I don't know how to really react to that, really, especially with Harley. She's crazy-ish? Maybe? I couldn't get a pin on her character, and neither would I try. However, all I really knew was that there was a small method to her madness, for whatever that's worth.

"So... wha' do we do now...?" she asked again.

She really doesn't know when to be quiet, does she? I guess that's a part of her charm...

"... Redemption... that's what. Starting today, you'll help me, help others. To do something that's worthwhile with your life..." I responded.


"... Do ya think I can change in the first place? I've done many... 'bad', stuff... I'm as irredeemable as 'he' was..." she said, a little down trodden.

Hmmm, maybe I can start planting that seed from now.

"... Self reflectance is the first step. You sound guilty about doing the things you did, so that's a plus... However, that change isn't going to come immediately... It's a slow process. If you trust it, you'll eventually get results..."

I told her the truth. It was a little unusual for her to start opening up about herself like this... But I wouldn't complain. It's better to have someone as emotionally intelligent as her on the good side...


~ 5 minutes later... ~

I landed me and her at the back of my home. She grabbed her arm, perhaps a little nervous from suddenness of the whole situation...

"First off... do you live anywhere?" I asked.

"... Nope. I was jus' hangin' with... hubby for the last couple of years. We never really stood in one place fer too long, so he told me to stick with em' for better movement..." she responded.

The absolute hell?

Really? She didn't even have a place to crash when things went south, or when he treats her like utter garbage?... I kinda feel a little bad for her... I knew joker was a dick to her, but he looks like he treated her worse than in the original stories...

Still, I could only sigh...

In a way, she does deserve the treatment she received... If you see evil and you know the right thing to do and willingly pursue said evil. You're even worse than the person committing the crime...

"...Did you talk to him about it, at least?" I asked.

She fumbled her hands for a bit, lookin at the ground for a second...

'... Don't tell me she's finally realizing that he's an emotionally manipulative, psychotic asshole.' I thought to myself...

"Okay, you don't need to answer. I can tell the outcome wasn't as dandy as your personality." I said.

Receiving a small chuckle from her...

"I-it's okay... Any way, I would've left soon. I guess you're thinking that I'm an idiot. Arent ya." She said, keeping her smile. Although it looked rather heavy.

Don't give me that face... I feel even more sorry for you if you do...

"... Look. You can stay at my place for a little while. Just long enough for you to get yourself together. However, you won't be doing nothing while you're here. You'll have to earn your keep. If you don't do that... well, you know what'll happen. Understand?" I told her, giving her the ultimatum...

"Really! You'd do that... for me?" She responded with her go lucky attitude.

"...Don't make me repeat myself..." I said.

"... Yer kinder than you let off... Good ta' know..." she said, grinning.

"... Let's head inside. It's getting late." I responded...

We made our way to my house. Luckily no one was around, so we made it inside without issues...

Harley started looking around and inspecting the place...

"Not bad. It feels a lot like yah', rough, yet smooth around the edges." She stated.

Why does this crazy woman think that she knows me?

"You can take a shower if you need to. I'll lend you one of my shirts until tomorrow. For now, you can sleep in the bed. I'll stay here on the couch..." I stated. Removing my jacket.

"... Yah sure? If yer' being this nice to me, it's kinda hard not to get a little charmed~" Harley said playfully, but for whatever reason. I got the feeling that she wasn't entirely lying...

"By the way? Where's yer' shower?" She asked.

"... It's down the corridor to the left. You can't miss it." I responded.

"Thanks!" she said, smiling...

She went on her way...

With me being by myself, I thought about what really had played out throughout the night...

'I really just let Harley Quinn stay here without much of a second thought...' I mused to myself...

The more I thought about it, the more bizarre it truly sounds. Who would let her into their home? She's the literal definition of a 'ticking time-bomb', of pent up maddening emotions... sure, she was a chill character... most times... until she wasn't.

Stil, when she spoke to me, the things she said didn't come off as a lie either... Knowing that she was definitely at her most vulnerable emotionally. I should play this game a bit carefully...

"I feel like my life is going to get even more complicated..."








