You're crazy...

~ Jin's Pov ~

'I'm tired...' I thought to myself.

With Harley in the picture, things could either go really well, or extremely bad. And, more emphasis on the latter...

I heard footsteps to my left; it being Harleys.

I turned to see her. My shirt tucked on to her body rather well, accentuating her curves...

'She's rather toned...' I analyzed. I could see years of training behind those muscles. Most people wouldn't give her credit for them if they didn't know anything.

I looked at her face. Icy blue eyes met mine, her hair almost a pale blond.

'Joker might be the dumbest motherfucker alive for treating her like shit. Well... he was crazy.' I mused. I took off my mask and then quickly pulled my hair back.

"I figured you were handsome, but HO-LY! Yer' drop dead gorgeous!" Harley said. Staring for a bit.

"... Thanks for the compliment. You aren't too bad yourself." I responded. Truthfully and objectively speaking, she was hot.

"Awww, thanks." She responded.

The mood had gotten little awkward after she responded...

"The bedroom is that way. Do your thing, if you need anything, call. Try anything, you will regret it. Simple enough?" I stated.

She quickly nodded. However, instead of going towards the bed, she came towards me...

"Well... since you said if I needed anythin'." Harley said, jumping onto my legs.

"Why don't I repay the favor~" she said, in a sultry voice.

"... For someone as crazy and eccentric as you, I didn't think your 'cat' would be pepto-bismal pink." I said. Smirking, eliciting a small blush from her. She then regained her composure...

But as if she was digesting what I said, she initially looked confused, hearing me say this... then in a split second, a blush graced her face. She quickly lowered the shirt I gave her downwards...

"Plus, you are insane to think I would be having sex with you on the first night. Even if you're a little pretty." I mused.

"*tch!* Your lucky you're handsome..." she looked at me and said, then getting off my lap swiftly.

I saw her make her way to my bedroom, turning off the lights.

Note to self, Harley has one hell of an ass...

'With that out of the way... I needed actual sleep...' I mused.

'... Nova? Is it possible for you to tranquillize me? I need this.' I asked her.

[It's more than doable. Should I start the process now?]

"Yeah." I responded.

[Initiating process in 3... 2... 1...]

With that done. I felt my consciousness slipping away...


~ 9 hours later, with Bruce ~

"I know. Send them to the palace. I'll speak with them there." Bruce said, hanging up his phone.

'I really need to catch a break...' Bruce thought. Lamenting over his sleep schedules, rather, his lack of it.

"Have you thought about what I said?" Asked someone.

Bruce, knowing of who the voice belonged to, got even more exhausted...

"Clark. I am not having this discussion with you. I don't have an answer." Bruce said.

Clark, hearing this, became a little irritated.

"Bruce, I think you need to. You don't understand what you're dealing with here. Jin is far too powerful. Look at what he did with darkseid. He killed a threat we all couldn't deal with within a minute!" Clark exclaimed.

"And you should be glad. This doesn't sound like the Clark I know... Your paranoia is consuming you. Jin isn't a threat. And never will be. I know him."

Clark, simple scoffed.

"Really? You know him? Did you also know that he killed the Joker?" Clark announced.

"... What?" Bruce said, his voice dead serious. He wasn't having this.

"I need evidence, Clark. Not rumors!" Bruce stated.

"Rumors were all you used to work with and still do, Bruce... News went around the underworld of some of Joker's thugs, seeing a figure that matched his exact description. That same night, the Joker died." Clark said.

Bruce sat back in his chair. Wondering if he should even believe this.

'... Jin wouldn't kill... would he?' Bruce questioned himself...


~ Jin's Pov, just waking up~


'When have I slept so well?' I thought, feeling refreshed mentally, and physically too.

However, I felt a bit of weight on top of my chest. And... heavy breathing.

I looked tot he side of me, to see white stains on the sofa and on the roof too...

'The hell?'

I then looked on my chest to see a naked Harley, panting heavily, with my member within her...

My eyes widened... getting the gist of what transpired...

"... Did I just get raped?..."








