The absolute FUCK?!

~ Jin's Pov ~

I was bridling with anger... despite my soul being so messed up; I was capable of being this angry... looked at her figure slouched on my body as if she had the greatest night of her life...

I shook her body awake.

"H-Huh...? Oh... yer' awake..." she said.

'This crazy fucking bitch!'

"Oi! Get off of me. NOW!" I said, leaking some bloodlust.

She jumped off my body. However, she couldn't stand for too long. She quickly slumped back down to the floor with her legs trembling...

I stood up on the couch I was lying on. Looking at her with pure malice...

"You raped me... In my fucking sleep... do you want , to die?" I asked.

"W-wait... I can expl-" She said. But I cut her off.


I did not play when someone does shit like this... I hated the very concept of rape, whether it's between a man or a woman. No one should be taken advantage of...

"J-Jus listen to me! I was sad! OK! I needed this! The man I fell in love with died yesterday. I still loved him a little, even if he was an asshole. I spent over 10 years of my life with em'. This is what I needed... I jus' needed some relief to forget about it... you looked like you needed it too, I jus' know..."

'The actual fuck? The hell would you know about me?' I said to myself.

"What? What the fuck do you know!? Especially about ME? You know nothing, Harley. So shut up!" I shouted, getting even more angry.

"I know you looked like you went through somethin' similar. Your eyes told me that." She said.

I flinched at the words she uttered...

"What? What do you mean?" I asked. My anger dwindled a little.

She said nothing... then slowly made her way towards the couch and sat beside me...

"...I-I know people like you and I... they found out they went through a fucked relationship... From a glance, I could tell that you went through one as well... I was a mental health professional before I was like 'this', so I know my stuff..." She said stated.

I said nothing, but listen...

"I wanted to forget about last night with a bit of... pleasure... too bad it was tad too good for me ta' handle..." She chuckled... looking to the side...

I sighed... She was right... I did in fact find out, somewhat recently, that my used to be 'wife/whore' cheated on me... and no matter what, that shit sticks... it isn't something one can just forget or move on from easily, I was succeeding though...

In a way... she vented her frustration just like me... only this time, she chose the path to pleasure, while I wrecked planets...

"... Harley... even so... You don't rape someone to do that. I have a girlfriend too... can you imagine what she'll think if she finds out that I did this? She'll probably kill you before I can..." I said, chuckling a little...

"Really? Ya' do..." she said, looking a bit disappointed.

"Yes... I do. Even so, I don't feel like you fucked me just because of your depression..." I said. I knew there was some lie in that... my 'karmic-ring' tingled at that part of her speech, but for the rest, she was telling the truth...

"Well... It was kinda hard to resist... yer' like an adonis to women... when you took off that mask. It... was the first time I felt so strongly about a guy from jus' his looks alone. Plus, you lettin' me stay over, that was jus' the cherry on top... Still, it's not like I wanted to do 'that' to you... I wanted to talk a little about the whole situation... but, no matter what I did, you wouldn't budge at all. I even hit you with a frying pan, and it dented instead." She said, laughing a little...

"Plus, you lying there naked wasn't the wisest choice either. First, it was out of curiosity that I copped a feel of your body, and then-" She said, but I cut her off.

"Okay! I get it. You find me attractive. Move on!" I stated. Harley simply laughed at my reaction...

I looked over to see my favorite pan lying dented on the floor... at least that explains 'that'...

'I never thought what Nova put into me would keep me knocked out for that long...' I said, realizing this was partly my fault to begin with... just a small part.

"I hope ya' can forgive me... and... I hope ya' understand my reasonin'..." Harley said. She was genuine...

"...Sure, just make sure something like this never happens again." I said.

"Well... another thin'... I don't think I can get over the pleasure I felt last night... the sex felt good, and it was the first time I've ever had an orgasm... since Joker wasn't exactly the greatest at it either..." Harley stated.

"...Glad to be of service... Even if I forgive you, you fucked up today, Harley. I didn't say I would forget this whole thing." I said, dead serious.

She looked a little ashamed... her head tilted downward to the left...

"I-I know. I just hope I can make this up to you." she stated.

"Good... on the topic of proving yourself. You'll help me take care of others." I said. Getting up.







