"Help me, Sir." She called once again. Bailey let out an ear-wrecking scream and ran away from her. Julie and Romeo followed Bailey while Ray was dying from laughing. But that wasn't the final act that she has to play. When the three of them hysterically push the down button, Ray starts to slowly approach them, bringing terror to them.

"Please, help me." She said and smiled creepily at the three who were shouting for help. When the Elevator opened, they all entered and tried to close the door. But as if the company agrees with Ray to play with the employees, the elevator's door was too slow to close its door.

"No, please! Leave us!" Bailey shouted, crying as he tried to press anything. "Our father who art in heaven, holy be thy name—" Julie started to pray as she clasp both of her hands as looked at Ray who was slowly approaching them, with a smile that freaks them out.

"Il Nomine Patris et Filii et spiritus Sancti. You, who haunt this place in the name of the Lord, I command you to go back where you came from!" Romeo throws water toward Ray as if he was throwing some holy water at her.

"Don't leave me!" She suddenly shouted and charged at them, making the three shout in fear. The elevator door shut making Ray laugh crazily as tears started to burst from her red eyes. She was mistaken as a ghost so she has to do her part instead of just leaving it be. Once she was calmed down, she decided to go back and watch the CCTV once again, I'm sure it'll be worth the fun.

She calmly stood up from sitting down, waited for the elevator to open, and immediately went inside. She has to know what happened to the three after entering the elevator. She feels sorry for them so she'll buy them food, in compensation for scaring the shit out of them.

Sitting in the office chair, Ray opened her sister's computer and immediately connected the cameras through the computer. Checking each camera, she finally found the clip she was looking for. She started the clip from the start and cuts it when the three of them race towards the exit of the building, completely without their bags and all.

After editing the clip, she started to watch it. Laughing every time they all shrieked in fear and sprinted for their lives. It was funny to see them turning pale as if it was the end of their life. She giggle once again and saved it to a file. She didn't know, all files throughout the computer were connected to Andrea's gadgets.

It was already 12:30 AM yet she was still not sleeping. She was about to exit all the tabs she used when she noticed two strangers, inside the company, carefully avoiding all the obvious cameras she planted. Well, they need to be fooled so she put dozens of obvious cameras in each department, might as well as secret cameras planted in every corner. Every department consists of 6 cameras so double the size of the secret cameras she placed.

"Hoo? Looks like a sister was right." She said as she observed these two daredevils trying to stealthily avoid all the cameras. "What should I do? Attack them?" She asked herself and was about to prepare when she suddenly remembered the three's reaction when she scared them. So why not scare this both too?

After turning the PC off, she placed a hologram in the President's seat, a hologram of herself while holding a Victorian doll. It looks like her, a realistic version of her. The hologram was sitting with eyes closed, facing the closed door. She turned the hologram off using a remote to control the hologram when it appear and all.

Ray went to the apartment and shifted something, a black dress that could blend well with darkness. She collected all Victorian dolls and immediately placed them in the office to look as if her sister was obsessed with dolls like these dolls.

After fixing everything, she blended immediately at the corner, full of blank files. They weren't dumb to put files in the office itself. There is always a hidden place where they could store important documents instead of placing them randomly here. Both of them knew something like this was going to happen and it was not even the first time that this happened.

"Looks like the door is open." An unfamiliar voice echoed inside the room. Two men entered the room, grinning ear to ear. Looks like no one was there. "Finally, I can save my company! And even surpass this fucking bitch!" Someone happily shouted and started to ransack the whole room. Both of them removed their masks Ray was already accustomed to them and know them of course. As expected of Ray, who memorized all the profiles.

"What's with this fucking dolls? I see, she's still a kid inside. She should've said it, I'll personally hand her a pacifier." The other person said and chuckled as he started to look for files.

Ray was speechless. She wanted to immediately kill these two but where would the fun go if she would kill them? But they shouldn't have bad-mouthed her sister.

Ray started to activate the remote hologram in her hand, making the robot appear in the chair. When the two of them looked at the place where the PC was, fear and shock suddenly crossed their face when they saw a girl, sleeping in the chair holding a doll.

"Shit that scared me motherfuck!" The bald one expressed how scared he was. "Shut up dimwit! You'll wake that bitch!" He said as he grabbed the man's mouth and looked at the chair.

All of their hair stood up, as the girl looked at them, deadly. Eyes look dead, pale as the glowing moon, and red eyes that everyone fears. "I'm wide awake." She said and grinned. The smile gave the two fear.

"Why are you here?" She asked in her childlike voice. It was chill as if the night's wind was hitting them. "None of your business!" The bald man answered and immediately fired his gun toward the hologram Ray prepared.

As if being controlled which is controlled, the hologram laughs on its own, seeing how the bullet passed from her body, hitting the beloved seat of her sister. "You shouldn't have done that you know? Especially that this costs more than your life." She replied, grinning ear to ear, looking crazy as her red eyes shimmered in the dark.

"What the hell!" The other one exclaimed and fired multiple bullets at the hologram but the hologram laughed at their foolish approach. "This is not a person!" He added as he looked at the devil, smiling and laughing at them.

"You just realized that? You know, there's a rumor inside the company, that a ghost roams freely at night. Don't you think this one might be that actual ghost?" The hologram said, combing the Victorian doll in her hands. "Shut up bitch!" The bald man shouted in fear as both of them backed down when the Hologram version of Ray suddenly stood up and widened her eyes.

"Shall we play a game?" The doll asked and disappeared in front of them. Both of them shriek in fear, hugging each other cowardly, making Ray laugh a loud. "Gayness is spreading." She muttered.

"Where are you?! Show up, you coward!" The other person shouted as if he was not being a coward. "If all the raindrops are lemon drops and gum drops." Ray in the darkest corner of the room started to sing with her mellow voice. They were startled, hearing someone sing as if the person was all over the room, haunting them.

"Shit! Look for that woman! Where is she?!" The bald man exclaimed, fearing she might be near one of them. They started to shoot their bullets everywhere, around the room hoping that they would catch the girl with their bullets but apparently, Ray was mischievous enough to hide on top of them, sitting like how those dolls were behaving right now.